• 可以证明这种识别方法符合最小距离原则的。

    It is proved that this recognition method coincides with the minimum distance recognition criterion.


  • 所用方法图像处理分类技术中的最小距离分类方法。

    By means of the minimum distance classification of digital image processing, the results obtained are satisfactory.


  • 提出算法用于计算两个多面体之间最小距离

    An algorithm for computing the minimum distance between two convex polyhedra is presented.


  • 提出了一种基于内类间离散度最小距离分类器设计方法。

    Minimum distance classifier based on between-class and within-class scatter is proposed.


  • 最大然法程序实现中,采用最小距离提供先验概率

    Minimum Distance algorithm is adopted to supply prior probabilities of each type required in Maximum Likelihood algorithm.


  • 本文引进最小距离定义得到了确定最小距离计算方法

    In this paper, the least distance domain is defined and the method of computing the least distance domain is obtained.


  • 线性分组码最小距离译码NP -难问题有些情况可解。

    The minimum distance decoding of linear codes is NP-hard, but some solvable cases exist.


  • 对象离玩家有一个最小距离因为离视口引起疑惑眩晕症。

    Keep objects a minimum distance from the user as objects too close to the viewer can cause confusion and simulator sickness.


  • 论文提出基于图像多路正交投影最小距离分类器的人脸识别方法

    This paper proposes an image multi-orthogonal projection method for face recognition based on least class distance classifier.


  • 获取设置拆分器控件控件停靠容器边缘之间必须保持最小距离

    Gets or sets the minimum distance that must remain between the splitter control and the container edge that the control is docked to.


  • 本文介绍了把广义空间最小距离用于多目标船型方案数学模式

    In this paper, a mathematical model for the application of generalized-space shortest-distance method to the optimal selection from the multi-objective schemes of ship form is introduced.


  • 提出了一种利用控制顶点投影计算平面NURBS曲线最小距离的算法。

    The projection method of control points for calculating the minimum distance between a point and a planar NURBS curve is proposed.


  • 然后特征系数作为识别特征量,采用最小距离分类法,实现了自动目标识别。

    Then, the feature coefficients are classified by the minimum distance criterion to recognize the target automatically.


  • 为了提高最小距离分类器的分类性能主要的改进方法选择有效距离度量

    To improve its classification performance, the main methods were selecting the more effective distance measure.


  • 我们领先澳大利亚精神号最小距离1海里,我们可能获得第一名的领先位置。

    Once there was only 1 mile between Austrilia and us, we cay say it is possible for us to become the lead.


  • 我们计算36结构极大最小距离通过计算机验证比较了它们平均冒尖性。

    Furthermore, we give the supremum-minimum distance of 36 kinds of structure and comparing their mean pick-the -winners by computer experiments.


  • 通过形态特征提取选择利用最小距离和形态法对肺部细胞进行了初步的识别分类

    By extraction and selection of the cell shape feature, using the least distance method and shape method primarily identify and classify the lung cell.


  • 利用拉格朗日乘子求解二次曲线二次曲面之间最小距离,给出曲线与曲面相切条件

    With the Lagrange multiplier method, the minimum distance of the center of a circle and a quadric surface was provided and the tangency condition of curve and surface was given.


  • 设计了一个二级组合分类器,该分类器综合使用最小距离BP神经网络模式识别方法

    A combined classifier is designed. There are two recognition ways used in the classifier. They are the least distance pattern recognition method and the BP neural network pattern recognition method.


  • 基于计算机视觉,采用改进最小距离优先算法字符串相似算法,实现对交互手势识别

    Improved Minimum Distance First(MDF) algorithm and string similar degree algorithm are adopted to recognize the interaction gesture.


  • 该算法细分后的控制网格极限曲面之间最小距离粗加工余量作比较,确定均匀细分次数。

    By comparing the least distance between subdivided control mesh and limit surface with rough machining allowance, the uniform subdivision depth was determined.


  • 提出利用最大相关最小距离图像纹理特征高斯密度特征人脸检测相结合算法进行图像检索

    A new image retrieval method by using Max correlation min distance to combine together texture features, Gaussian density characteristics and face detection of images for image retrieval is presented.


  • 计算曲线最小距离通过比较这些最小距离值,找出点到平面NURBS曲线的最小距离

    By calculating and comparing the minimum distances between a point and these curve segments, the minimum distance between a point and NURBS curve can be found.


  • 举例分析了当驾驶员离停车线距离大于停车所需最小距离处于可选择区域,反之,则处于困境区域。

    The illustration of optional zone and dilemma zone is given: when a driver's distance from stop line is longer than the minimum distance that is required for a driver to stop, he is at optional zone.


  • 方法采用螺旋读入螺旋读出的规则映射,获得较大最小距离改善码字距离提高了译码性能

    It improves decoding performance by adopting helical reading and helical readout to get the possibly big minimal-codeword-distance and improve the codeword distance spectrum.


  • 接下来提出采用脉冲电流完成定子放电故障信号采集,应用基于最小距离定子局部放电样本进行故障识别。

    And then a method of partial discharge monitoring based on pulse current and a technique of fault diagnosis based on the minimum distance method to stator winding are presented.


  • 短路算法传统绝对中心点模型基础介绍一种利用最小距离矩阵最优路径矩阵求取绝对中心点的算法

    Based on the shortest path problem and classical absolute center model, an algorithm of absolute center problem is discussed, by using the least distance matrix and the optimum path matrix.


  • 算法主要思想:首先构造一个关联多边形两个多边形联系起来目的是把最小距离限制这个关联多边形内;

    The main idea of the algorithm is that two polygons were linked by an association polygon constructed, so that the minimal distance between two polygons is restricted within the association polygon.


  • 算法主要思想:首先构造一个关联多边形两个多边形联系起来目的是把最小距离限制这个关联多边形内;

    The main idea of the algorithm is that two polygons were linked by an association polygon constructed, so that the minimal distance between two polygons is restricted within the association polygon.


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