• 最后演出结束阶段喜欢那些完美地安置高大窗帘高于芭蕾舞演员手臂之间微小、不清晰人物

    Finally, I love the small, out-of-focus figures at the end of the stage, perfectly placed between the tall curtains and just above the ballerina's arm.


  • 本季度最后预约演出伦敦巴比肯音乐厅伦敦爱乐管弦乐团合奏孟德尔颂协奏曲

    My last booking of the season was at the Barbican in London two weeks later, playing a Mendelssohn concerto with the London Philharmonic Orchestra.


  • 周五外的每晚最后常规演出之后即兴演出有机会看到他们。

    You can see the latest incarnation perform during free improv sets following the last regular performances every night except Friday.


  • 比伯现在东南亚中部进行世界巡演塞莱娜正和团队进行这个夏季巡回演出结束她的最后一个迪斯尼赛季

    Bieber is currently in the middle of the Asian leg of his world tour, while Selena is touring this summer with her group the Scene, and wrapping up the final season of her Disney show.


  • 3月31日激动人心戏剧《科里兰纳斯》的最后演出之后皇家莎士比亚剧院一直关闭2010年,在重新开张之前剧院将会大幅改建。

    After a final performance of a gripping production of “Coriolanuson March 31st, the RST will close until 2010, and the theatre will be extensively remodelled before it reopens.


  • 乔治迈克尔正在做告别巡回演出,结果最后一刻硬是日程表上加上了12月1阿布扎比演出——170万美刀演出的诱惑啊。

    George Michael is out on a concert tour ahead of retirement, but he added a last-minute date to perform in Abu Dhabi on Dec. 1, lured by a reported $1.7 million fee for the night.


  • 最后大家身体健康合家幸福往事如意今天演出结束谢谢收看明年一再相会

    Finally I wish you health and family happiness, past events flexibly, the performance today to the end. Thanks for watching. Meet next six repeatedly.


  • 1976年,乐队“乐队”进行最后一次公开的公演,导演马丁·西科西斯此次演出成了电影(即《最后的华尔兹》)。

    1976 - The Band gives its last public performance, Martin Scorsese is on hand to film it (see: The last Waltz).


  • 内斯塔加图索禁赛,暗示说这位中场已经完成了黑军团主场的最后演出了。

    Alessandro Nesta and Gennaro Gattuso are suspended, leading many to suggest the midfielder has played his final game with the Rossoneri jersey.


  • 最后演出到了最后一幕的时候,坐旁边把我叫醒告诉的鼾声大了。

    Finally during the last scene, the guy next to me woke me up tellin' me my snorin' was too loud.


  • 我们表演声学放大我们观众注入广泛情感,在演出最后人们往往开始跳舞

    In our performances, acoustically or amplified, we infuse the audience with a wide range of emotions. In the end, generally, people start dancing.


  • 中国正在即将召开奥运会开幕式最后准备。周六演出人员们进行了次带妆彩排,彩排期间烟火齐放

    China is putting the last piece in plays for the upcoming Olympic opening ceremonies. Performers went through a full dress rehearsal Saturday complete with fireworks.


  • 3月31日激动人心戏剧《科里兰纳斯》的最后演出之后皇家莎士比亚剧院一直关闭2010年,在重新开张之前剧院将会大幅改建。

    After a final performance of a gripping production of "Coriolanus" on March 31st, the RST will close until 2010, and the theatre will be extensively remodelled before it reopens.


  • 屋子舞蹈演员在对演出服做最后调整

    The room was full of dancers, all making last-minute adjustments to their costumes.


  • 正式彩排是一场表演歌剧最后演练,使用全部正式演出时所使用衣服物品

    Dress rehearsal is the final practice of a play, opera etc, using all the clothes, objects etc that will be used for the actual performance.


  • 克莱巴以酒神的魅力闻名乐坛同时他也爱耍小孩子气---比如说最后一分钟取消演出

    Kleiber was known as a brilliant conductor who could inspire an orchestra but also as an enfant terrible who would call off performances at the last minute.


  • 最后大家身体健康万事如意。今天演出结束我们明年一再相会

    Finally I wish you healthy body, all the luck. The performance today to this end, let us meet next six repeatedly.


  • 不是多愁善感但是对于我们日本最后演出依旧感到有些不舍。

    I am not a sentimental person but I started to feel a bit sorry that we would have our final performance in Japan tonight.


  • 1969年1月披头士在位于伦敦英国苹果唱片公司房顶上最后一次现场演出,这举动永远革新了演唱会场地

    Thee Beatles changed the context of a concert forever in January of 1969 when they played their final live performance on the roof of the Apple Corps19 building in London.


  • 1969年1月披头士在位于伦敦英国苹果唱片公司的房顶上最后一次现场演出,这举动永远革新了演唱会的场地。

    The Beatles changed the context of a concert forever in January of 1969 when they played their final live performance on the roof of the Apple Corps19 building in London.


  • 赫斯渥认出他是卡吉尔芝加哥一家也叫做卡吉尔马厩主人最后一次见到他佛莱会堂,那天晚上嘉莉那里演出

    Hurstwood recognised Cargill, the owner of the large stables in Chicago of the same name, whom he had last seen at Avery Hall, the night Carrie appeared there.


  • 课程特点是有广泛素材图片库记录了《国际主义者》从排演准备一直最后演出的整个过程。

    This course features a wide range of materials and an image gallery documenting pre-rehearsal preparation through the final production of the Internationalist.


  • 他们不必花钱昂贵戏剧院电影院歌剧院座位票,也许到了最后发现演出那么令人失望。

    They do not have to pay for expensive seats at the theatre, the cinema, or the opera, only to discover, perhaps, that the show is disappointing.


  • 最后如果没有我们那些漂亮的戏院之中的演出的话,诺丁汉圣诞节将是完整的。

    And finally... Christmas in Nottingham would not be complete without seeing a show at one of our stunning theatres.


  • 最后如果没有我们那些漂亮的戏院之中的演出的话,诺丁汉圣诞节将是完整的。

    And finally... Christmas in Nottingham would not be complete without seeing a show at one of our stunning theatres.


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