• 命令在这里合适因为提供创建大型文件简单方法

    Command is most appropriate here, as it provides a simple way of creating large files. You specify the filename and filesize on the command line.


  • 文中讨论了一系列策略处理使用者造成影响的变更提供了用于选择合适的解决方案标准

    It discusses a number of strategies for dealing with changes that do impact consumers and to provide criteria for selecting the most appropriate solution.


  • 这个级别上表达业务要求已经丧失分析解决方案确定支持业务流程合适的方法能力

    By stating the business need at this level, you've lost any ability to analyze the solution and determine the most appropriate method to support the business process.


  • 好像当我们有了新的经历大脑然后记忆块中如同我们翻照片夹一样找到一个合适记忆来帮助我们更好地理解现在的经历。

    It's almost as if your brain is taking a new experience and flipping through the old photo albums in your memory to find out where it fits, which ultimately may help you better understand it.


  • 然而,麻烦的对于给定场景一种作用域合适并不总是那么清楚的事了。

    The trouble is, it's not always so clear which scope is most appropriate for a given scenario.


  • 欣赏态度看起来最合适这份工作的了。

    Sally: I like your attitude, and it looks like you're the person for the job.


  • 教堂外广场阳光强烈,街角上出现了一年轻人,这种人该叫他们小混混合适

    Outside in the square the sun is blazing as around the corner appears a group of young men who can best be described as ‘hoodies’.


  • 软件甚至提供校准”的功能能够一边按照设定播放铃,一边让手机放在不同的位置,以帮助找到最合适您的闹铃音

    There's even a "calibration" feature that lets you hold the phone in a specific distance while playing the alarm and helps you figure out the optimal volume.


  • 如今休斯顿医生参与了多项研究探索讲故事方法治疗上的适用范围研究出合适的结合方式。

    Dr.Houston is currently involved in several more studies that will examine the broader use of storytelling in patient care and delineate ways in which it can best be integrated.


  • 凭借个人积蓄基金会财力,基尔雇佣了库曼·诺夫计算合适的拥堵收取问题。

    Drawing on his own personal savings and the resources of one of his foundations, Kheel offered to pay him to determine the optimal congestion fee.


  • 这个小镇镇长JoseLuisGuerrero发明声明称, Valles这个工作的少数求职者中合适一个墨西哥许多地方从事这项工作就相当于走向了死刑之路。

    The town's mayor, Jose Luis Guerrero, said she was the most qualified of a handful of applicants for a job, which in many parts of Mexico is considered tantamount to a death sentence.


  • 然后大约100年前,出现了大型商用养鸡厂,很多公司寻找能够大量繁殖的鸡种。 “适合食用的鸡,事实证明,考尼什鸡最合适

    Then, about a century ago, large commercial chicken farming began, and companies looked for breeds that would be well-suited to mass production.


  • 一旦有了设计原理,你可以它们作为衡量尺度来对抗那些你以前设计原理看看一个合适

    Once you have your design principles, you can use them as a measuring stick against the concepts you've generated to see which ones best fit.


  • 费力帕,帆船的大厨队员们准备丰盛燕麦早餐为即将面对的湿冷一天合适一顿早餐了。

    Phillippa, Pangaea's cook, made for them a hearty breakfast of hot oats, an appropriate meal to start the cold, wet day that lay ahead of them.


  • 送礼者来说,这样就不必花心思去开始共同生活快乐夫妇什么了,或是送宝宝什么最合适

    For gift-givers, this meant no more fretting over what the happy couple might like as they start life together, or what would be ideal for Babykins.


  • 。按照的要求,现存账户最合适了。你可以随时银行自动提款机上提取钱款。

    Well, I think a current account would be to your satisfaction. You can make withdrawal from the bank and the ATM anytime you like.


  • 觉得这儿穿合适了,是她自己要穿

    Oh, I think this is the perfect place to wear them. You see she asked for them.


  • 实际访谈对象了一些概念之后,如果有机会,项目利益关系人一起访谈周期每一个阶段安排合适人选会非常有帮助。

    After you have an idea who your actual interviewees will be, it can be useful to work with stakeholders to schedule individuals most appropriate for each phase in the interview cycle.


  • 产品组成部分进行了详尽功能分析确定无不足功能后,运用合适区域选择VE对象

    After analyzing each part of the product, and assuring its reliability, the final VE object has been selected by using the most suitable region method.


  • 值此新年之际,觉得引领我们民族国家合适新年愿望了。

    As we begin this New Year, I cannot imagine a more fitting resolution to guide us-as a people and as a nation.


  • 我们材料设备供应商良好关系符合特殊项目的要求我们还设置了专门部门IT网络系统获取合适的材料

    We have good connection with material and equipment suppliers and have a special department and it network to source materials that are most suited for the particular project.


  • 《特定常规武器公约》包括了集束弹药主要生产使用转让大国,是处理集束弹药问题合适场所

    The CCW framework, which includes all major producers, users and transferors of cluster munitions, provides the most appropriate platform for addressing cluster munitions issue.


  • 他们感到既然俄罗斯元气恢复了,就该彰显出来,否则就是锦衣夜行;而合适方法就是反衬美国国力的式微。

    They also feel that the power Russia has recovered has to be demonstrated to be real-and preferably demonstrated to the diminution of America's.


  • 还分析波纹光光阑参数光束轴上光分布的影响,可以根据具体应用需要制造合适波纹光

    The analytical express that the axial intensity distribution of laser beams relate to the parameter of serrated aperture, so we can make the most Suitable serrated aperture in the practically use.


  • 不过我们聪明合适时间进球从而余下比赛里胜利天平倾向了我们

    We were intelligent to strike at the right moment and raise our center of gravity for the remainder of the match.


  • 阐述辅助制动时控制变速器的速比原因说明了合适变速机构为无级变速器

    The reason to shift the gears in the transmission during the auxiliary braking was presented and it was explained that here the fittest gearbox is continuously variable transmission.


  • 阐述辅助制动时控制变速器的速比原因说明了合适变速机构为无级变速器

    The reason to shift the gears in the transmission during the auxiliary braking was presented and it was explained that here the fittest gearbox is continuously variable transmission.


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