• 公元一世纪老普写过海胆灰烬治疗来秃头

    In the first century A.D., Pliny the Elder wrote of using sea urchin ashes to treat baldness.


  • 大卫·罗西报告说,麦克劳克谈论过极其糟糕驾驶记录

    David Rossi reported that he had talked with McLaughlin about his extremely poor driving record.


  • 大卫·罗西表示,好几麦克劳谈论驾驶记录

    David Rossi stated that he had spoken with McLaughlin on several occasions about his driving record.


  • 补充说,他警告过麦克劳克年内发生起可预防事故可能被解雇事实上应该如此。

    He added that he had warned McLaughlin that three preventable accidents in one year could lead to his discharge, as indeed it should.


  • 国作家和演讲者肯尼斯·罗宾逊爵士在 TED 上谈到了这个。他讲述了吉莉安·妮的故事。吉莉安·妮是一个舞蹈演员和编舞,出演过著名的音乐剧《猫》和《歌剧魅影》。

    British author and speaker Sir Kenneth Robinson talked about this at TED. He told the story of Gillian Lynne, a dancer and a choreographer (编舞者) who has worked on famous musicals like Cats and Phantom of the Opera (《歌剧魅影》) .


  • 削减预算方面,还是觉得斯本的计划规模过大、进度过快在任时,提出2015年前将赤字削减一半,而如今他仍坚持这个计划。)

    Mr Darling accuses the current chancellor of cutting spending too deeply and fast (in office Mr Darling proposed halving the budget deficit by 2015, a strategy he still defends).


  • 声明还说:“塞表示,身处这个世界属于这个世界。”

    The statement added: "Salinger had remarked that he was in this world but not of it."


  • 声明说:“塞表示,这个世界中,属于这个世界。”

    "Salinger had remarked that he was in this world but not of it," the statement said.


  • 因此,认为就像登·杰克逊那里听到的那样,都是无耻谎言

    So I think that's as blatant a lie as we ever heard from Lyndon Johnson.


  • 迈克尔·阿姆斯特朗奥尔一起乘返回舱坠入太平洋说:“地球海洋如此壮丽。”似乎无人有异议。

    Everyone seemed to agree with Michael Collins's thought as he splashed back down into the Pacific with Armstrong and Aldrin "Nice ocean you got here, planet Earth."


  • 迈克尔·科阿姆斯特朗奥尔一起乘返回舱坠入太平洋说:“地球,海洋如此壮丽。”似乎无人有异议。

    Everyone seemed to agree with Michael Collins’s thought as he splashed back down into the Pacific with Armstrong and Aldrin “Nice ocean you got here, planet Earth.


  • 所有这些没有一点能够证明市场做出精确预测的舍这次的观点从长期错误的。

    None of this proves that Mr Shilling, who has made some shrewd market calls in the past, will be proved wrong in the long run.


  • 1999年2001年,担任财政部总法律顾问奥巴马提名位财政部高级职位候选人之一。

    Wolin, who served as general counsel at the Treasury from 1999 to 2001, was one of three senior nominees named by Obama.


  • 丈夫托德高中时的男友。 他四次获得摩托雪橇冠军,还是年度阿拉斯加小姐评委

    Her husband, Todd, was her high school boyfriend, a four-times champion snow mobiler and a judge in this year's Miss Alaska pageant.


  • 罗伯特计划顿举行葬礼朗读约翰演说的节选,但最后放弃一做法。

    He and Robert had planned to read excerpts from John's speeches at the Arlington burial service. At the last moment they chose not to.


  • 证明了自己,至少——大赛心理上(质疑的一点),毫无疑问

    Smalling's got it, no doubt-at least in terms of big match mentality (something else I had previously been doubtful about).no longer.


  • 证明了自己,至少——大赛心理上(质疑的一点),毫无疑问。

    Smalling's got it, no doubt-at least in terms of big match mentality (something else I had previously been doubtful about). No longer.


  • 毅夫代表中国经济学界最高荣誉的“孙冶方经济科学奖”,而且专业领域内顶级刊物美国经济评论》上发表论文。

    He has twice won his country's top economic honour, the Sun Yefang award, and he has published in the leading journal of his profession, the American economic Review.


  • 朱莉娅凯勒了解,英国人就使用加特机枪血洗苏丹埃及尼日利亚北部地区以及用之打击祖鲁部落

    The British, according to Julia Keller, used Gatlings to turn the map pink in Sudan, Egypt and northern Nigeria, as well as to mow down Zulu tribesmen.


  • 佐治亚州共和党人恩·韦斯特摩兰共同发起过一项议案,要求国会山上悬挂条文,科尔伯特仅仅说出是哪十诫便令其彻底崩溃。

    Mr Colbert floored Lynn Westmoreland, a Republican from Georgia who co-sponsored a bill to have the Ten Commandments displayed in the Capitol, simply by asking him to name the Ten Commandments.


  • 大战期间经担任英国的驻外交官,其能力颇得温斯顿·丘吉尔嘉许。丘吉尔唐宁街午餐,不巧的是请了欧文·伯

    His wartime job as a British diplomat in America won him Winston Churchill's admiration-though Churchill, intending to invite Berlin to lunch in Downing Street, ended up with Irving Berlin by mistake.


  • 西摩霍尔顿的原型是一个死去学校朋友因此记者和准博士对这个原型的找寻就从没有停息

    Salinger once said that Seymour and Holden were modeled after a dead school friend, so reporters and Ph.D. candidates are forever searching for him.


  • 公元一世纪,老写过海胆烧成灰烬治疗来秃头

    D., Pliny the Elder wrote of using sea urchin ashes to treat baldness.


  • 登有着大型社会项目,而的社会项目则是“美的启蒙”,正如埃菲姨妈做的。

    Her own version of Lyndon's great social programmes began, as her Aunt Effie had begun with her, by "opening [the] spirit to beauty".


  • 作为一个年轻作家,塞有女人缘。他乌娜·奥尼尔约会(尤金·奥尼尔女儿查理·卓别未来妻子)。

    As a young writer, Mr. Salinger was something of a ladies' man and dated, among others, Oona o 'neill, the daughter of Eugene o 'neill and the future wife of Charlie Chaplin.


  • 34岁的馨莹志玲蔡依舞蹈老师

    Tseng, 34, used to be Chiling Lin and Jolin Tsai's dancing teacher.


  • 导演兼编剧布尔·斯蒂尔斯强调说,《伊》与其说格致敬,不如说是一部自传

    Screenwriter and director Burr Steers maintains Igby is more of an autobiography than a nod to Salinger.


  • 导演兼编剧布尔·斯蒂尔斯强调说,《伊》与其说格致敬,不如说是一部自传

    Screenwriter and director Burr Steers maintains Igby is more of an autobiography than a nod to Salinger.


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