• 报告名看似可疑的人靠近兰德

    He reported that two suspicious-looking characters had approached Callendar.


  • 就是见过的在旅馆房间里到处窥探的那个人。

    Ricardo was the one she'd seen snooping around Kim's hotel room.


  • 1867年出生波兰,原名玛丽亚·斯克洛多夫斯,以放射性研究闻名两次获得诺贝尔

    Born Maria Sklodowska in Poland in 1867, she is famous for her work on radioactivity, and was twice a winner of the Nobel Prize.


  • 不是每个人都适合婚姻里斯公开表示相信婚姻”,有一她将结婚

    Marriage isn’t for everyone, but Canalis has publicly said shebelieved in marriage” and would one day be married.


  • 审判》的主人公或许称为施密特弗兰兹·现在约瑟夫k

    In the Trial the hero might have been named Schmidt or Franz Kafka. But he is named Joseph k.


  • 外界观点认为巴拉克·巴马入主白宫做出改变的一个契机奥巴马竞选成功以前,单独邀请多索一起讨论毒品政策

    Barack Obama's election to the White House is viewed as an opportunity for fresh thinking, with Cardoso among guests invited to a discussion on drugs policy with him before he became President.


  • 诺顿说过,60%公司使用某种财务财务计量方法平衡记分

    Norton has said that 60% of large American companies use some sort of scorecard combining financial and non-financial measures.


  • 斯里兰看作猛虎代言人泰米尔民族联盟已经宣布支持丰塞先生因为这是唯一阻止·帕克萨先生的办法

    In Sri Lanka the Tamil National Alliance, once seen as a proxy for the Tigers, has announced its backing for Mr Fonseka, as the only way to thwart Mr Rajapaksa.


  • 巴赫这种情况下,必须鼓励某些员工作出特定改变而不是彻底改变整个公司文化

    In that case, you want to encourage specific changes from certain people, says Katzenbach, not overhaul the entire culture.


  • 第一发生爆炸卢比得名臭名昭著卢比扬监狱,作为苏联时代秘密警察克格勃的总部

    The Lubyanka station, where the first explosion occurred, takes its name from the infamous Lubyanka prison that also served as the former headquarters of the KGB, the Soviet-era secret police.


  • 还是一个男孩儿时,哈尔学习过绘画并且对此是擅长

    As a young boy, Cajal had taken to drawing and painting, at which he became very skillful.


  • 这位生于荷兰,居于加利福尼亚摄影师去过博茨瓦纳万戈三角洲婆罗洲雨林以及南极洲黄企鹅故乡

    The Dutch-born, California-based photographer has traveled to Botswana's Okavango Delta, the rain forests of Borneo and the home of emperor penguins in Antarctica.


  • 但是梅伦先生谈论瓦解社会关系,以及金融危机交出权利需要

    But Mr Cameron was talking about frayed social fabrics and the need to give power away before the fiscal crisis.


  • 当天木岛来过他家并且的自动取款提款时拍了下来。

    She had visited his home the same day and was filmed withdrawing money using his cash card.


  • 梅伦先生计划托尼·布莱尔在国外更加的谨慎小心

    Mr Cameron had planned to be more circumspect abroad than Tony Blair.


  • 随后救援船佩西亚号”上发给纽约办公室的电报也显示试图避免美国听证会提供证据

    Messages he then sent to his New York office from the rescue ship, the Carpathia, suggested that Ismay was trying to avoid giving evidence at the American Inquiry.


  • 获知杰基了一首微风纯洁的收到则是关于闪烁肌肤上的幸运之光的时,她暴怒了。

    She was appalled when she found out that I had written Jackie a poem about innocent kisses blown her way in the breeze, and Carol a poem about the lucky sunshine that glistens off her skin.


  • 古斯塔夫·勒波特接受正规训练,很快就为印象派神魂颠倒,巧妙地融合了印象派短笔画法,更加现实风格展示光线

    Caillebotte had an academic training, but quickly fell under the Impressionists’ spell, blending their use of broken brushwork and reflected light with a more realist style.


  • 爱斯特米洛娃遇害之前,其同事捷琳娜•索奇仁娅就谈及车臣地区恐惧升级人权活动者的压力

    Even before Ms Estemirova’s murder, Ekaterina Sokiryanskaya, a colleague, talked of escalating fear in the region and pressure on human-rights activists.


  • 爱斯特·米洛娃遇害之前,其同事捷琳娜•索奇仁娅就谈及车臣地区恐惧升级人权活动者压力

    Even before Ms Estemirova's murder, Ekaterina Sokiryanskaya, a colleague, talked of escalating fear in the region and pressure on human-rights activists.


  • 之前,土耳其方面扎菲之间关系颇为紧密,土耳其表示,扎菲仍然可以利比亚国内冲突发挥积极作用

    Turkey had close ties with Gadhafi and was one of few counties arguing he could still play a role in resolving the Libyan conflict.


  • 该报消息人士宣称杰克逊决定修复关系,准备草拟一份遗嘱甲壳虫乐队备份目录的版权份额留给麦尼。

    Jackson, their source alleged, had decided to build Bridges with McCartney by drawing up a new will that left him his share of the Beatles' back catalogue.


  • 财务夏尔巴(代表)”,米斯谈到爱丽舍方面极力避免一个只可以达成空洞宣言峰会——“协议中的冠冕堂皇的词藻毫无清晰议定项目可言。”

    His financial "Sherpa", Xavier Musca, said the Elysee was desperate to avoid a summit that led to mere empty declarations - "agreement on nice-sounding phrases that don't mean clear engagements".


  • 巴赫咨询公司创始人尼科·坎纳指出,面对挑战,我们不应只把眼光局限在如何填补财务漏洞上,还要努力开拓新的经营战略

    Niko Canner, co-founder of consultancy Katzenbach Partners, notes that the challenge is to look beyond the critical work of plugging financial holes to forge fresh strategies.


  • 根现年50岁担任过哈佛大学法学院院长

    The 50-year-old Kagan is a former dean of the Harvard University Law School.


  • XSS用于窃取密码、窃取信用号、伪造新闻等等。

    XSS has been used to steal passwords, steal credit card Numbers, forge news stories, and much more.


  • 塞姆教授兹米说过,被监禁黑狱时候,试图撞墙自杀

    Professor Kassem said his Yemeni client,Kazimi, had told him that, during his incarceration in the Dark Prison, heattempted suicide three times, by ramming his head into the walls.


  • 报道图坦蒙国王外祖父母木乃伊头部最近埃及骚乱中受毁,消息网络流传

    The mummies of King Tutankhamun's great-grandparents might have had their heads ripped off as a result of the recent turmoil in Egypt, according to reports beginning to circulate on the Internet.


  • 报道图坦蒙国王外祖父母木乃伊头部最近埃及骚乱中受毁,消息网络流传

    The mummies of King Tutankhamun's great-grandparents might have had their heads ripped off as a result of the recent turmoil in Egypt, according to reports beginning to circulate on the Internet.


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