• 设计完《疯狂水族馆》,暴雪合作暗黑破坏神3》之后,是什么决定一个项目游戏

    After designing Insaniquarium and working on Diablo 3 with Blizzard, what made you decide that your next project would be a tower defense game?


  • 我们消灭了暗黑破坏神那为什么回来了?

    We destroyed Diablo, how do you justify him coming back again?


  • 暗黑破坏神2 1.10背包,大箱子补丁

    Seek Diablo 2 1.10 big packsacks, big chests patches urgently.


  • 阻止暗黑破坏神释放兄弟-巴尔但是我失败了。

    I came here to prevent diablo from freeing his brother, baal. But I have failed.


  • 也许来说,辐射系列暗黑破坏系列差别并不是很大

    Maybe to you, the Fallout series and the Diablo series couldn't be more distinct.


  • 游戏世界俯视横卷轴,类似经典角色游戏暗黑破坏神”。

    The kind on the world in game opens sideways-from above, as in classical role games of type ?


  • 暗黑破坏神实际上非常简单的,没有引入高度差异记得

    Diablo is actually pretty simple, it didn't introduce layers or height differences as far as I remember.


  • 的是电子游戏反恐精英、暗黑破坏神、任天堂明星大乱斗或是光环

    I'm talking about video games, games like Counter Strike, Diablo, Smash Brothers or Halo.


  • 高中时期玩过许多不同线上游戏——反恐红月暗黑破坏神2星际等等

    I played different online games throughout my years of junior high - Counter-Strike, Redmoon, Diablo 2, Starcraft, etc.


  • 看来暴雪七月举行新闻发布会专门为“暗黑破坏神3他们加州校园测试版

    Seems that Blizzard is holding a July press event dedicated to the "Diablo 3" beta at their campus in California.


  • 随着游戏开发不断深入,我们希望公布关于暗黑破坏神III》的更多细节

    We look forward to going into much more detail on our plans for Diablo III as development on the game progresses.


  • 暗黑破坏神3世界领先设计师开始暗黑破坏神3的世界传说环境美术栏目讨论

    Leonard Boyarsky - Lead World Designer of Diablo III began the discussion panel for the Diablo III World Lore and Environment Art Panel.


  • 祝贺你暗黑破坏神》中的高超技艺解锁了一个新的风暴英雄坐骑马萨·伊尔的幻影

    CrossTitle_HotS_Steed_Body - Congratulations! Your skill in Diablo has unlocked a new mount in Heroes of the Storm! Malthael's Phantom!


  • 也有可能出现暗黑破坏神内存改变一种方式,不能不想处理,我不能保证我会永远这个游戏

    There is a chance that Diablo's memory will change in a fashion that I can't or don't want to handle. There is no guarantee that I'll play this game forever.


  • 出于同样原因,暗黑破坏神主要目标之一就是充实避难所使其成为让感觉身临其境的真实世界

    By that same token one of the main goals with Diablo III is to flesh out Sanctuary, to make it feel more like you're in this living and breathing world.


  • 尽管如此,仍有很多高呼意味暗黑破坏神3肯定因为需要使用所有这些防御技能变得更难上手。

    Anyway, many people excitedly exclaim that this means Diablo 3 will surely be hard and therefore you will need all those defensive skills!


  • 暗黑破坏神III》终极动作角色扮演游戏,《暗黑破坏神III》是暗黑破坏神系列完美延续。

    We're developing Diablo III to be the definitive action role-playing game, and a true continuation of the Diablo series.


  • 暗黑破坏神几乎牧场鸡尾酒齐名,除了牧场鸡尾酒使用苹果汁替代姜汁啤酒。牧场鸡尾酒是一饮料原始配方。

    The El Diablo is almost identical to the Chimayo cocktail, except the Chimayo uses apple juice instead of ginger ale. The Chimayo is the original form of this drink.


  • 此外,《暗黑破坏神III》还前作基础强化了随机场景,新的系统让整个游戏过程中生成大量的随机事件环境

    Also, Diablo III builds on the random environments of the previous Diablo games by introducing a host of new ways to create random scripted events throughout the game.


  • 迪卡·凯恩回到特里·斯塔姆大教堂寻找新的激起恶魔线索时从天而降彗星不偏不倚暗黑破坏神到来时出现的地方

    When Deckard Cain returns to the ruins of Tristram's Cathedral seeking clues to new stirrings of evil, a comet from the heavens strikes the very ground where Diablo once entered the world.


  • 尽管崩塌桥梁比较容易躲避,但这个主意(桥梁崩塌)是被有意安插在暗黑破坏神三中,以使其拥有更多互动式环境威胁

    Bashiok: While the crumbling bridge could be taken quite literally, it was intended to get the idea across that Diablo III will have more interactive and responsive environmental hazards.


  • 凭借简洁易懂的界面快节奏战斗暗黑迷们一直企盼的惊心动魄的游戏体验,《暗黑破坏神iii》成为暗黑破坏神ii》最完满的作。

    Diablo III will be a fitting sequel to Diablo II, with the easy interface, fast-paced action, and visceral gameplay that Diablo players have come to expect and enjoy.


  • 暗黑破坏神系列辐射系列更多支持者由于故事部分从来都不是游戏重要部分,没有多少反对暴雪故事改变如果改变是存在的。

    The Diablo series has more fans than Fallout, but since the lore was never one of the most important parts of the game, not many of them will counter Blizzard's changes to the lore, if they exist.


  • 暗黑破坏神三里一个职业都伤害输出职业,DPS是极其重要的,但是不管走的是什么系的路线,可以攻击技能一边控制自己的防御技能。

    Every class in Diablo III is a 'DPS' class, and damage output is vitally important, but no matter your build, you can customize your defensive skills as much as your offensive ones.


  • 暗黑破坏神三里一个职业都伤害输出职业,DPS是极其重要的,但是不管走的是什么系的路线,可以攻击技能一边控制自己的防御技能。

    Every class in Diablo III is a 'DPS' class, and damage output is vitally important, but no matter your build, you can customize your defensive skills as much as your offensive ones.


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