• “幸运的状态很好,”普萨里斯,“我们需要些小事情可以它展开。“

    "It was luckily in good shape," says Kapsalis, "and we just have to do some minor things in order to be able to unfold it".


  • “幸运的的状况良好,”卡普萨里斯,“我们需要些小事情可以它展开。”

    "It was luckily in good shape," says Kapsalis, "and we just have to do some minor things in order to be able to unfold it."


  • 位于阿贝·普萨保护康复中心康复总警监负责。

    The Protection and Rehabilitation Centre in Ambepussa is run by the Bureau of the Commissioner-General of Rehabilitation.


  • 普萨博士意识无聊影响全人类解释说,因为“无聊始则选择至”。

    Raposa recognizes that boredom is going to affect all people. He explains the choice people have when boredom begins.


  • 周三下午,蒂普萨勒维奇首次世界巡回赛年终总决赛上亮相,对阵捷克选手伯蒂奇。

    Tipsarevic will make his debut at the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals on Wednesday afternoon when he faces Czech Tomas Berdych.


  • 虽然仅仅玩笑话,蒂普萨勒维奇解释罗迪克关系非常好而且他十分敬重罗迪克的王者气质

    It was all in jest, though, as Tipsarevic explained that the two players are friendly and he has great respect for Roddick’s champion qualities.


  • 周六双打伊斯内尔鲍勃·布赖恩携手,战胜了泽蒙季奇普萨·雷维奇组合,美国队挽救了一点面子。

    Isner and Bob Bryan pulled one back for the U.S. by defeating Nenad Zimonjic and Janko Tipsarevic in Saturday's doubles.


  • 塞尔维亚的扬科•蒂普萨·雷维奇比赛中,安迪·穆雷更多的发球上网,印第安威尔士迈阿密大师系列赛准备,但只是部分地起了作用。

    Andy Murray's attempts to serve-and-volley more against Serbia's JankoTipsarevic, in preparation for Master Series tournaments in IndianWells and Miami, were only partially successful.


  • 其他奴隶一起运到南方新奥尔良那里奴隶市场卖掉

    Northup was shipped south to New Orleans along with other slaves, where he was sold in a slave market.


  • 完成返回加拿大的整段旅程,帝王蝶可能会经历四到五代。”薛西斯戈灰蝶协会濒危物种项目的负责人琳娜·杰森说道。

    "It might take the monarchs as many as four to five generations to complete the journey all the way back up to Canada," says Sarina Jepsen, who directs the endangered species program for the Xerces Society.


  • 第一美国建立永久殖民地英国定居者不是利茅斯而是在切皮克以西詹姆斯沿岸

    The first English settlers to establish a permanent colony in America did it not at Plymouth but along the shore of the James River west of Chesapeake Bay.


  • 古老北美西南部维德地区,人们的生活方式十三世纪发生了变化许多搬进了被称为韦布洛斯的大型公共住宅

    In the Mesa Verde area of the ancient North American Southwest, living patterns changed in the thirteenth century, with large numbers of people moving into large communal dwellings called pueblos.


  • 环境健康观察网站早期发表论文团队列出了很多包括他们烟草研究细菌

    Sapkota's team lists many of these - including the most prevalent bacteria in the tobacco they studied - in a paper published early, online in Environmental Health Perspectives.


  • 祖先居住此的现在韦布印第安人认为维德一个神圣地方对于全世界游客来说,这里仍然保留神秘美丽

    Today's Pueblo Indians whose ancestors lived in Mesa Verde consider it a sacred place. And for visitors from around the world, it remains a place of mystery and beauty.


  • 球场,巴罗那5比0这样一个令人震惊地一边倒结果击败了皇家马德里,此前很多认为年度欧洲精彩的比赛之一

    Barcelona humbled Real Madrid, 5-0, in Monday's Clásico at the Camp Nou, a stunningly one-sided result to a game many had thought would be among the best played in Europe this year.


  • 可是相反,根据伊弗民意调查所的数据科奇支持率至36%,永的支持率狂热走高,达到55%。去年甚至超过了这个数字。

    Yet, whereas Mr Sarkozy's poll Numbers have fallen to 36%, according to Ifop, a pollster, Mr Fillon's are basking at 55%-and have even climbed over the past year.


  • 这位来自里郡、索姆镇的农民把幼崽交给宾夕法尼亚的野生动植物急救中心的工作人员野外坚持也要把玩具交给他们

    The farmer, from Epsom, in Surrey, insisted on giving staff at Wildlife Aid, in Leatherhead, the toy when he gave them the cubs to be released back into the wild.


  • 可是相反,根据伊弗民意调查所的数据科奇支持率至36%,永的支持率狂热走高,达到55%。去年甚至超过了这个数字。

    Yet, whereas Mr Sarkozy's poll numbers have fallen to 36%, according to Ifop, a pollster, Mr Fillon's are basking at 55%—and have even climbed over the past year.


  • 不仅到了夺冠大热门而且还是先主后客,第二回合进行

    Not only are they up against the clear favourites in Barcelona but they will play their second leg in the Nou Camp.


  • 菲尔成为赢得金牌数最多人,而拉瑞·拉提尼娜18奥运奖牌记录也使成为奥林匹克奖牌史上成功的选手。

    While Phelps may hold claim to have won the most gold medals, Latynina's 18 medals make her the most successful Olympic medal winner of all time.


  • 琼斯牧师后来缴交一元“和平”罚款获得释放。

    Jones and Sapp later paid the one-dollar "peace bond," and were released.


  • 克塔不难想象烟草产品含有多种细菌可以燃烧烟草产生或者残留的致癌物质和有毒物质相抗衡

    Sapkota says that it's not hard to imagine that the number of germs hosted by tobacco products could rival that of the carcinogens and other poisons residing in or produced by burning tobacco.


  • 刚才听到是加州大学戴维斯分校研究员曼塔·莱斯的讲话。

    You're listening to Samantha Price, a researcher at the University of California, Davis.


  • (也即后来韦布印第安人),因为他们住所建造在陡峭悬崖上而让世人侧目

    The Anasazi, who eventually became the Pueblo Indians, are known for the amazing cliff dwellings they built into the region's large sandstone formations.


  • 其中比较出名亚当食品中心食品中心,罗帕食品中心,牛顿食品中心和锡安路的河景食品中心。

    Some of the more popular ones are the Adam Road Food Center, Chomp Chomp Food Center, Lau Pa Sat Food Center, Newton Circus Food Center and Zion Road Riverview Food Center.


  • 引起争议琼斯牧师的助手密西根州的迪尔朋受欢迎

    The message of controversial Pastor Terry Jones, and his associate Wayne Sapp, was not welcome in the town of Dearborn, Michigan.


  • 拥有世界报》控股公司15%股份。很久以来,外界都猜测获得《国家报》的控股权兴趣

    There has long beenspeculation that Prisa, which owns 15 percent of Le Monde S.A., mightbe interested in moving to acquire control of the French paper.


  • 曼塔·莱斯:蓝鲸可能有史以来最大哺乳动物它们的猎物——磷虾浮游生物——体型却非常微小几乎用显微镜才能看见。

    Samantha Price: The blue whale which is –we think –is probably the largest ever living mammal… eats these tiny, almost microscopic krill and plankton.


  • 曼塔·莱斯:蓝鲸可能有史以来最大哺乳动物它们的猎物——磷虾浮游生物——体型却非常微小几乎用显微镜才能看见。

    Samantha Price: The blue whale which is –we think –is probably the largest ever living mammal… eats these tiny, almost microscopic krill and plankton.


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