• 医院院长大夫金大中器官功能衰竭

    The hospital President, Dr. Park Chang-il, says Mr. Kim died of multiple organ failure.


  • 西富兰斯医院院长说,金先生7月13以后治疗肺炎由于内脏机能紊乱导致心脏病去世

    Mr. Kim, who had been under treatment for pneumonia since July 13, died ofheart failure caused by internal organ dysfunctions, " said Park Chang-il, president of Severance Hospital.


  • 餐后,去德宫,个了解韩国历史的好地方。

    After lunch, go to Changdeokgung Palace, a great place to learn about the history of Korea.


  • 西名优秀学生没有资源的环境下尽全力生存。”怀特网站上解释道

    "Chauncy is a top student who is doing his best to make it in a world with no money and very few resources," White explained on the crowd funding site.


  • 西优秀学生这个没有资源很少世界里努力奋斗。”怀特在众筹网站解释道

    "Chauncy is a top student who is doing his best to make it in a world with no money and very few resources." White explained on the crowd funding site.


  • 14岁的黄志和赵是同所学校的学生,他曾经很讨厌跑步。

    Huang zhichang, a 14-year-old student at the same school as Zhao, used to hate running.


  • 拥有自由空间要多得多可以与众不同的事情,而且作为业绩标志的营收方面承担的压力得多。

    At CIMB, I have a lot more latitude to do something different, and there is a lot less pressure on you to show your Numbers in terms of revenues.


  • :“不能道歉因为道歉代表他们承认责任必须某种论述遗憾。”

    “It must not be an apology, because apology means recognition of responsibility, but there must be some sort of address, such as regret,” he said.


  • 即便国美运营没有马上受到影响,还是消极因素作用已经紧张财政。”联证券调查报告说道

    "Even if Gome's operations are not affected immediately, there could be some negative impact on its finances, which are already tight," CIMB Securities said in a research note.


  • 他们俩都印度西北城市迪加尔长大,都在印度新德里理工大学学习计算机工程,他们都美国科技公司有过为期不长的工作经历。

    They both grew up in Chandigarh in north-west India, studied computer engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and spent a brief stint working for the same American technology firm.


  • 销售营销联盟西莫里斯说要慎重考虑便宜并不定代表长期驯养也很便宜。

    But Chauncey Morris, its sales marketing associate, cautions against thinking a less expensive horse will be less expensive in the long run.


  • 这个普兰湖边充满生机小城对西来说就是理想休闲之地,而且可以负担起。

    This small yet lively city on the edge of Lake Champlain is, to Chauncey, the ideal mix of recreation and affordability.


  • 去年方玄发表了系列文章质疑“肖氏程序”的效力也许就是这个带来袭击的祸端。

    Last year, Fang Xuanchang published a series of articles questioning its efficacy, which may have prompted the attacks on him.


  • 另外成功进入比赛中的选手只会跳舞主人

    Another act going through to the next round was dancing dog Chandi and her owner Tina.


  • 心理学家认为该现象可解释为旁观者无情感’。当王驰等待医生的最新消息时,说:“担忧”!王驰佛山市场硬件商店

    Psychologist explains 'bystander apathy' "I'm still so worried," said Wang Chichang, who runs a hardware store in the Foshan market, as he waited for updates from doctors.


  • 俩个孩子中年妈妈达来说,去年德里有得亦有失

    FOR Chanda, a middle-aged mother of two, moving to Delhi last year involved a trade-off.


  • 虽然西本人算不上位高水平的应试者,但他却相信通过考试可以赋予美国精英阶层种“天然高贵权”,有序的,精英治理的社会奠定基础

    A mediocre test-taker himself, Chauncey believed that tests would filter into the US elite ‘a natural aristocracy, ’ and this would be the basis for an orderly and meritocratic society.


  • 日本建筑师完成了位于大阪的小住宅项目,该住宅倾斜墙面看起来就像了。

    Japanese architect Masato Sekiya has completed a house in Osaka with a sloping wall that looks like it's toppling over.


  • 今年72岁,老伴郝桂英今年70岁,老两口家住郑州市阳光四季园,如今结婚50他们对地地道道的时尚老“驴友”。

    Zheng Changye, 72, and his wife Hao Guiying, 70, have married for 50 years. They lived in the Sunshine Four Seasons Residential Area in Zhengzhou City.


  • 希望能够通过寻找合作伙伴扩大包括伦敦悉尼在内的各大海市场方式,充分利用好移居海外热潮。

    Mr Tiong hopes to take advantage of the new diaspora by finding partners to expand in overseas markets, such as London and Sydney.


  • 普拉尼泊尔中国建立经济特区

    Prachanda also revealed that Nepal would establish special economic zones learning from China's successful experience.


  • 人閒聊了几句之后,巴克便登上了飞往孟买班机却忘记了自己雨伞同带走

    The two chatted for a while before Abhishek boarded his plane to Mumbai, forgetting his umbrella, it said.


  • 广东省佛山市某市场里,唐荣因颈部血管被砍于死亡

    Tang Changrong died on Monday of a wound to the neck sustained the previous evening at a market in the city of Foshan in Guangdong province.


  • 郑州大学基建处职工,研究辈子理工学科思维活跃做事非常理性

    Zheng Changye used to be a staff member with the physical plant of Zhengzhou University. As a student of science all his life, he is extremely active in thinking and reasonable in doing things.


  • 2010年7月26日,印度北部城市迪加尔。当地工人孩子吊床熟睡

    A child of a domestic worker sleeps in a hammock in the northern Indian city of Chandigarh July 26, 2010.


  • 这些世界级大师联手打造下,迪加尔市(Chandigarh)成为了20世纪城市规划建筑杰作,同时也是整整印度建筑师借鉴的经典范本

    Thus it was that Chandigarh became one of the masterpieces of 20th-century urbanism and architecture and an exemplar by which a whole generation of Indian architects could judge themselves.


  • 这些世界级大师联手打造下,迪加尔市(Chandigarh)成为了20世纪城市规划建筑杰作,同时也是整整印度建筑师借鉴的经典范本

    Thus it was that Chandigarh became one of the masterpieces of 20th-century urbanism and architecture and an exemplar by which a whole generation of Indian architects could judge themselves.


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