• 早婚早育在那里不再遭到反对了。

    Early marriage and procreation are no longer discouraged there.


  • 早婚造成了社区之间差距,加强了贫穷循环

    Early marriage fosters the gap between communities and reinforces the cycle of poverty.


  • 很多地方女孩依旧不能上学或者被迫早婚

    In far too many places, girls are still kept home from school or are forced into early marriage.


  • 他们有可能产生行为问题或者离家出走,或者早婚早育。

    They are more likely to have behavioral problems, or run away from home, or become teenage parents themselves.


  • 就像敬爱圣芳济一样,贫困联姻,并不胜利

    Like dear St Francis of Assisi I am wedded to Poverty: but in my case the marriage is not a success.


  • 早婚一个负面影响女性因为家务抚养孩子而被剥夺了受教育权利。

    One negative effect of early marriage is the exclusion of women from education in favour of domestic work and child rearing.


  • 落后的习俗早婚强迫婚姻剥夺妇女保护她们免遭艾滋病感染途径

    Cultural practices that deprive women of a means of protecting themselves from HIV infection, including early and forced marriages.


  • 夏天初期接触到那些早婚女孩子时候曾听过一个老鼠大象故事

    I heard the story of the rat and the elephant one day in early summer, some weeks into my time among girls who are expected to marry very young.


  • 查理微笑的时候,容易就看出来为什么当初会闪电般地早婚

    When Charlie smiled, it was easier to see why he and my mother had jumped too quickly into an early marriage.


  • 一个女孩被迫早婚时,受到威胁不仅个人的未来,也包括社会福祉

    When a girl is forced to an early marriage, it is not only her future that is being threatened, but the well-being of entire communities.


  • 讲过关于地老鼠故事非常清楚地说明男孩子并不女孩子喜欢早婚

    That the boys liked this little better than the girls is very clearly evident from the story I have already told of the Field Mouse.


  • 不是整个社区都会发生例子虽然这里许多早婚例子——我们并不支持——某些社区内。

    This is not an example of what happens in the entire community, though there are cases of early marriages – which we do not supportin certain communities.


  • 2730岁没结婚就被称为剩下”,也许起来有些怪异,但中国女性一向早婚传统

    If it sounds odd to call women "leftover" at 27 or 30, China has a long tradition of women marrying young.


  • 但是公众舆论如此强大支持早婚以至于不敢反对所以你从未坦诚地质询这种迷信的做法。

    But public opinion is so strongly in favour of early marriage that you dare not go against it and so you never honestly inquire into this superstition.


  • 需要采取措施解决的是可能早婚早育不良的社会经济条件无法获得良好围产期保健原因引起的问题。

    Measures to address the most likely reasons - early marriage and childbearing, poor socioeconomic conditions and limited access to good perinatal care - are needed.


  • Tostan工作人员鼓励社区孩子们制定和公布一些标准这样一来没有任何一个女孩会因早婚孤立。

    Tostan workers encourage communities to make public declarations of the standards for their children, so that no one girl is singled out as different if not married young.


  • 事实上亚洲人家庭不同模式而言之:南亚包办婚姻,早婚较为传统模式,一模式中男性主导者并且大家族举足轻重

    Asians, in fact, have several distinct family systems. To simplify: in South Asia it is traditional to have arranged, early marriages, in which men are dominant and the extended family is important.


  • 事实上亚洲人家庭不同的模式。而言之:南亚包办婚姻早婚较为传统模式,一模式中男性主导者并且大家族举足轻重

    Asians, in fact, have several distinct family systems.To simplify: in South Asia it is traditional to have arranged, early marriages, in which men are dominant and the extended family is important.


  • 结婚男女双方年龄26以上夫妇中,大约有75%的婚姻至少持续相比之下,只有一半青少年早婚能维持这么久。

    About 75 percent of marriages between men and women 26 years old or older last at least 10 years, compared with only about half of teen marriages.


  • 结婚男女双方年龄26以上夫妇中,大约有75%的婚姻至少持续相比之下,只有一半青少年早婚能维持这么久。

    About 75 percent of marriages between men and women 26 years old or older last at least 10 years, compared with only about half of teen marriages.


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