• 搞错日期到了一个星期

    I muddled the dates and arrived a week early.


  • 历史学家无法准确估算这个日期

    Historians can't estimate the date with any (degree of) precision.


  • 最后门考试日期掉换了。

    The dates of the last two exams have been switched.


  • 希望宣布一个党派间会谈的日期

    He hopes to be able to announce a date for inter-party talks.


  • 注册截止日期尚未公布

    The cutoff date for registering is yet to be announced.


  • 墙上副日历日期周围方框

    There was a calendar on the wall, with large squares around the dates.


  • 出版日期书名后面。

    Publication dates are given in brackets after each title.


  • 参赛作品提交的截止日期12月31日

    The closing date for entries is December 31.


  • 上方日历日期方格里。

    There was a calendar on the wall above, with large squares around the dates.


  • 登记参加的截止日期1月11日星期五中午

    The closing date for entries is noon, Friday, January 11.


  • 卡翁达总统实现了关于宣布投票公决日期诺言

    President Kaunda fulfilled his promise of announcing a date for the referendum.


  • 一选项日期内容文件摘要当前目录中查找文件

    This option lets you search your current directory for files by date, contents, and document summary.


  • 遗嘱附件必须首先当着两个连署人签名写上日期

    The codicil must first be signed and dated by you in the presence of two witnesses.


  • 决定可以基于价格送货日期售后服务或是任何其他可变因素而做出

    Decisions could be made on the basis of price, delivery dates, after-sales service or any other variable.


  • 除了自己姓名军衔编号出生日期外,绝不可能捕获他的人透露其他任何信息。

    He could never ever give any responses to his captor other than name, rank, serial number and date of birth.


  • 所有问题没有日期

    I read all the questions but I hadn't read the date.


  • 伊拉克国家石油颁布日期即将宣布。

    A date is to be announced for the release of a national oil law in Iraq.


  • 凯文·凯利曾经解释过如何计算死亡日期

    Kevin Kelly once explained how to calculate the date of death.


  • 时间单词日期有序显示事件发生的时间。

    A timeline is an ordered group of words and dates that shows when events happened.


  • 可以连接谷歌日历,这样确保您随时掌握重要日期

    You can also link up with Google calendar to make sure you stay on top of important dates.


  • 包括姓名确切日期以及期间发生的所有事件

    This includes the name and exact date of the days, and all events in that period.


  • 莎士比亚死亡日期确切知道:1616年4月23日。

    Shakespeare's date of death is conclusively known: it was April 23, 1616.


  • 出于无知,以为日期搞错了因为1月1日刚刚过去

    In my ignorance, I assumed he had his dates wrong, as the first of January had just passed.


  • 麦克法兰随后指出英国提供日期形成了惊人巧合

    Macfarlane then noted that the history of tea in Britain provided an extraordinary coincidence of dates.


  • 日期到来的时候,就可以剪下拿到银行兑换利息

    When the date came, you would cut the coupon off and go to the bank and get your interest payment.


  • 除非确凿考古证据支持,否则我们谨慎对待给出迁徙日期

    Dates given for the migrations should nevertheless be treated with caution, except where supported by hard archaeological evidence.


  • 申请书截止日期430日。

    The deadline for applications is 30 April.


  • 散发了数千份推广这项旅游宣传单

    Thousands of flyers advertising the tour were handed out during the festival.


  • 每个包里有成捆信件大部分标注日期的。

    In each packet there are batches of letters, most of which are undated.


  • 有趣的,在距离截止日期20本书给了

    It's interesting that he sent me the book twenty days before the deadline for my book.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定