• 倘若怎么有挫折感呢?

    And if you don't aspire to anything, how can you be frustrated?


  • 如果一个要成为神仙必须无欲求。

    If one does not attach himself to people and desire, never shall his heart be broken.


  • 觉得创作更多在讲述那种

    I think more no-desire love are narrating in my creating.


  • 刻在心底因为,因为淡泊忧伤真正永恒

    But engraves in the moral nature love, because selfless not wants, because lives simply sadly, only then can be the true eternal!


  • ,满载而归”的的感受,满载的是祥和,宁静喜悦

    Then you can feel you came with empty heart but going back with great peace, calm and happy feelings.


  • 向往古人一样简单朴素无欲生活,反对华而不实、奢侈浪费

    They yearned for passing the simple, unselfish life, as ancient people, hated extravagance and wasting.


  • 赛季联赛我们求,那么赢得冠冠军事实上赛季是个多大促进

    Without wanting to get too far ahead of ourselves, how big a boost for next season would actually winning the Champions League be?


  • 鲁丝说道,“你们真正需要的是一个你们的男人,就像的前任男友

    What you really need in someone who will love you without complaint, like my last boyfriend.


  • 不嫉,任何情况不改变-就是高尚- - -佛陀佛教创建者

    Being neither jealous nor greedy, being without desires, and remaining the same under all circumstances-this is nobility! — Buddha, founder of Buddhism.


  • 如果方面表现无欲求,实在让怀疑到底生理问题还是得不够

    If the performance of a straight, then it aroused the suspicion of people, in the end the problem is physiological, or love enough?


  • 他们信仰基本内容包括物质享受无欲求,相信转世轮回直至达到涅槃的彼岸

    Basic beliefs include the lack of need for material possessions and the birth and rebirth of your being until you reach enlightenment.


  • 卡利亚里机会进军赛季欧洲赛场,此番在马拉西遭遇联赛上求的桑普多利亚。

    Cagliari are still in with a chance of qualifying for European football next season as they face a relaxed Sampdoria side at Marassi.


  • 抛弃所有,求、喜欢或者厌恶、人际关系等等只是,只有灵魂步入死亡

    That's called as Mahasamadhi. Entering into the death without desires, likes and dislikes, attachments, relationships, love and hates, etc. Just memy soul!


  • 26岁的商人拥有座舒适房子2车,放在街上安全,我已经了。”

    "I own a comfortable house and two cars and it is safe to leave them on the street," says a 26-year-old trader. "What more do I want?"


  • 他们禁止电影音乐铃声婚礼上的舞蹈(应该不是手机铃声——人无欲敌),禁止观看播放足球

    They have also banned movies, musical ring tones, dancing at weddings and playing or watching soccer.


  • 本性就是自然自然处理交往关系时,就能够游刃有余,实现从容的"为"。

    Taoist nature is nature, ignorance, no desire and natural inaction, thus, can handle a butcher's cleaver skillfully and easy to achieve "inaction" in dealing with interpersonal relationships.


  • 达到的境界时,你看到自己就是全部就是整体没有需求,没有匮乏,一切都是你,你就是一切。

    When you reach the desireless state, you see yourself as the All, as the sum total, and there's no more need, there's no more lack, everything is you. It's not 'yours, you are it!


  • 真是好了,我看到伟大之处,他竟说出那样的话。他那样死去责怪任何人,不诅咒任何人,求。

    And it was so wonderful to see the GREatness of that man who could speak like that, who could die like that without blaming anybody, without cursing anybody, without comparing anything.


  • 主张如果我们实现“为而治”,所有东西回到原位。禁止洋洋自得,做到求,方可体察自然奥妙所在。

    He argues that everything will fall into place if we practice "not-doing", withholding our own assertiveness, being constantly without desire so as to observe the subtlety of nature.


  • 这两座建筑物设计艺术风格虽然摇摇坠的大厦上很多细节已经消失考。

    Both buildings were designed in art nouveau style, though many of the finishing touches have since disappeared from the dilapidated edifice.


  • 仰慕者意识到,打开热情阀门金牛贪得,极具占有的,忽视金牛座得情感他们变得危险

    Admirers should be aware that having opened the floodgates of passion, Taurus can be both insatiable and possessive and Taurean emotions will be trifled with at your peril.


  • 萨克森中刻画乔布斯形象,特别是在此书的前半部,绝非谄媚一个控制极强、常常同情之心的形象。

    The picture Mr Isaacson paints, particularly in the first half of this book, is not flattering. Mr Jobs emerges as a controlling and often unsympathetic character.


  • 需要叫卖声的李海伦卖蚱蜢的小贩。货物——数百昆虫被装圆形编织笼子里,合奏出震耳的高音交响乐

    One man who needs no vocal announcement is Li Hailun, a grasshopper salesman whose wares, hundreds of wingless insects imprisoned in round, woven enclosures, produce a deafening high-pitched symphony.


  • 本书两位作者称,凌乱章、乱堆乱放、拖拉延迟以及计划的随心所并不算坏习惯,只是较容易察觉相比之下,那些未雨绸缪地规划、小心翼翼地存放处置个人物品的行为(的缺陷)就那么明显。

    Untidiness, hoarding, procrastination and improvisation are not bad habits, the authors argue, but often more sensible than meticulous planning, storage and purging of possessions.


  • 鸡尾酒、随心所个性受到众人喜爱温馨的元月选择一款钟爱鸡尾酒新年干杯

    Cocktails have been the people's favorite with its unrestrained personality. Choose a favorite cocktail for New Year's toast in January!


  • 自信义所宜为,能为亲友挽得回,孥劝只是。 。

    People self-confidence when sober, suitable for all righteousness, force can be, the heart to want to pull back, and relatives and friends, wife and children are persuaded to stop, but no.


  • 短短的便构成部影片时间框架三天里,这些男孩们曾风流一夜,飘飘,也曾所事事,聊赖——年少张扬

    Those three, short days form the time frame for the whole film, in which the boys get laid, get stoned, get bored–just being young and absolutely free.


  • 短短的便构成部影片时间框架三天里,这些男孩们曾风流一夜,飘飘,也曾所事事,聊赖——年少张扬

    Those three, short days form the time frame for the whole film, in which the boys get laid, get stoned, get bored–just being young and absolutely free.


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