• 拍照前先确定一下光源还是的,还是有向的

    Look for the light and what it's doing in each of your images. Is it hard or soft, defuse or directional?


  • 支持模型离散连续变量各种推论学习算法

    It supports directed and undirected models, discrete and continuous variables, various inference and learning algorithms.


  • 算法输出结果最大,该图统计可分的进行定,对统计不可分的保留向的特性。

    The output of the algorithm is largest chain graph, which just orienting the statistical distinguishable edges, keep the indistinguishable edges undirected.


  • Oozie工作流放置控制依赖DAG(有Direct Acyclic Graph)中的动作(例如,HadoopMap/Reduce作业Pig作业等),其中指定动作执行顺序

    Oozie workflow is a collection of actions (i.e. Hadoop Map/Reduce jobs, Pig jobs) arranged in a control dependency DAG (Direct Acyclic Graph), specifying a sequence of actions execution.


  • 可以任何名称但是提供中介处理程序名称(包装一个不错想法

    The name can be anything, but it's a good idea to give it the name of the mediation handler class (without the package).


  • 我们倾斜后——将越来越多的肉食转变肉食———最终我们会在身体道德上感觉更好

    As we lean into meatless eating — switching out more and more meat meals for meatless meals — we end up feeling better, both physically and ethically.


  • 不愿透露姓名这位官员法新社证实一则联合通讯社报道,内容为发射区船”覆盖东部西部海岸地区。

    The official, speaking to AFP on condition of anonymity, confirmed a Yonhap news agency report of the launches and of the "no sail" zones covering parts of the east and west coasts.


  • 主队队长体育道德的行为出示黄牌并且明确警告——球员没有选择来执法比赛的权利,必须尊敬同事

    Show the captain the yellow card for unsporting behaviour, and make it very clear to him that players cannot pick and choose who referees their games. He must respect you and your colleagues.


  • 按钮一个开关可以高亮显示绑定数据模型项目绑定到数据模型的项目或者项目。

    This button is a three-way switch; it highlights items that are bound to the data model, items that are not bound to the data model, or no items.


  • 数据显示,对于美联储商业往来一些公司,美联储它们提供小额贷款;比如麦当劳哈雷戴维森威瑞森丰田

    But the data also showed smaller loans to some companies that aren't usually associated with the workings of the Fed; companies like McDonald's, Harley Davidson, Verizon and Toyota.


  • 先生解释臭榴莲”概念花上分钟最终指出榴莲国家没有销路

    It took several minutes to explain the concept to Mr Chang, who ultimately concluded that an odourless durian would flop in his country.


  • 阿拉巴马州伯明翰交通管理员表格输入七个“X”以那些牌照的不明车辆开出罚单

    Traffic wardens in Birmingham, Alabama, enter seven letter Xs onto their forms when they issue tickets to cars without plates.


  • 也是为了揭示细菌这种母的生命形式为何主宰地球数十亿而且至今还欣欣荣。

    It is also explaining why the life forms that ruled the planet for billions of years and remain by far the most abundant - the bacteria - manage fine without it.


  • 可以设想,工业化国家能够承受总体转型但是世界贫穷的国家根本法达到。

    Industrial nations, presumably, could afford to switch to low- or no-carbon fuels, but the world’s poorest nations could not.


  • 但是哪种具有四肢近亲及其特征导致了四肢的的进化呢?

    But which four-legged relatives and their family traits led the transition for legless snakes?


  • 如果财富用来裹腹提供食物,衣蔽体的提供衣服,家可归的人提供房屋,治病的人提供治疗。只要利用的财富关怀爱护人,财富可以变得神圣

    If the wealth will be used to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give shelter to the homeless, heal the sick; to care for and love people, then money can make you holy.


  • 根据不同价位顾客可以在固定时间内束地店员抱怨,以此释放愤怒压力

    Depending on the price, the service offers a customer the chance to complain to the worker within a limited period without any boundaries as a way of releasing anger or stress.


  • 十五日是耶和华节,你们

    On the fifteenth day of that month the Lord 's Feast of Unleavened bread begins; for seven days you must eat bread made without yeast.


  • 拿走行李后,朱迪标有申报品”的海关柜台走去

    After picking up her bags, Judy goes to the customs counter marked "Nothing to declare."


  • Graphviz及其处理无向过滤器以及Perl强大的文本处理能力实现可视化的最佳组合

    Graphviz, and its associated directed and undirected filters along with the text-processing power of Perl are a great combination for visualization creation.


  • 甚至冷战期间,美国苏联出口了1000万小麦——这接近总量四分之一——1972年苏联的谷物颗粒

    Even during the Cold War, the United States exported 10 million tons of wheat - nearly a quarter of the U.S. harvest - to the Soviet Union in 1972 after a crop failure there.


  • 尽管帝国皇权已经化为齑粉,历史已经湮没,而白色大理石依然满天的繁星叹息说:“记得!”

    Though empires crumble to dust, and centuries are lost in shadows, the white marble still sighs to the stars, "I remember."


  • 23:6十五耶和华节,你们

    And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the LORD: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread.


  • 存储唯一的路径通过一个现实

    Is it practical to store unique paths through a directed acyclic graph?


  • 一般认为管理产生一个债务本人管理人支付管理费形成以及管理人本人返还管理利益的债。

    Generally believed that non-management will have a two-way debt that I pay management fees to the manager and the manager form of debt interest should I return the management of debt.


  • 一般认为管理产生一个债务本人管理人支付管理费形成以及管理人本人返还管理利益的债。

    Generally believed that non-management will have a two-way debt that I pay management fees to the manager and the manager form of debt interest should I return the management of debt.


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