• 心绞痛常规治疗区别

    There were no differences between two groups in routine therapeutic scheme.


  • 一种随意残忍建立他人无区别上。

    There is a casual cruelty that is based on indifference to others.


  • 除了注射部位较小感染之外,激素安慰剂副作用无区别

    Aside from some minor inflammation at the progesterone injection site, the side effects seen with the hormone were comparable to those observed with placebo.


  • 法国高举平等”旗帜,为本国对待种族背景民族区别做法上感到骄傲。

    Holding to the ideal of "egalitarianism," the country prides itself on making no distinction of ethnic background or race.


  • 缅军使用重炮无区别轰击,命中附近一个寺庙打死名僧侣

    The fighting was reported to have included the use of artillery by the SPDC, and a shell hit a nearby temple, killing four monks.


  • 流速量方面亦有改善24小时疗效轻微降低,两区别

    No differences were seen between groups in peak expiratory flow or forced expiratory flow in one second, which improved progressively but then decayed slightly after 24 h.


  • 公共图书馆核心理念之一就是每一位公民享受公平区别的图书馆服务。

    One of the core philosophies of public library is to make every citizen to enjoy the fair and without distinction library services.


  • 害怕失去对于信息控制”——正是这种无区别、追求正面而且“以我们为准”的信息让客户讨厌并且离去。

    Is fearful of "losing control of the message" — which is probably a non-differentiating, feature-driven, "we-oriented" message that's boring and alienating customers anyway.


  • 意味着无区别对待招生损害正义社会基本要求民族地域因素高考招生发挥重要作用

    This means when equal treatment enrollment violates the basic requirement of justice society, the factors such as nationalities or regions will play an importance role in the college enrollment.


  • 伽达默尔是以“审美区别反对康德“审美区别”,来拉近艺术真理界限艺术整体完整存在全然联系起来

    Gadamer is "no distinction between the aesthetic," to oppose Kant's "aesthetic distinction" to narrow the boundaries of art and truth, and integrity of the arts as a whole there is completely linked.


  • 个体总是难以捉摸因为独一二的所以区别其它个体性质

    The individuals are hard to be figured out as each of them is unique, so there is the feature that distinguishes from the others.


  • 研究人员同样实验中,脸上带有刀疤女人吸引力却没有一样区别

    In the same experiments, women with facial scars were judged to be as attractive as those without, the researchers said.


  • 区别非常重要,它要求所有元素应当独一的。

    Distinctiveness: the important properties of the necessary elements should be distinguishable.


  • 通常情况下产品往往是以散装形式标签形式装运仓库里的,所以,这种存货基本上没有什么区别

    Under normal circumstances, the product is often shipped in bulk or in the form of non tags shipped to the warehouse, so this inventory is basically no difference.


  • 专注对象细微对象时,所谓有伺三昧三昧可以同样方式加以区别

    When the object of concentration is a subtle object, two kinds of Samadhi, called savichara and nirvichara, may be distinguished in the same manner.


  • iPhone4同时黑色白色两个版本,而且和我们大多数早已熟悉AT&T锁版的iPhone 4没什么区别

    Unlocked iPhone 4s are available in both black and white and the device is otherwise the same as the AT&T-locked iPhone 4 that many of us are already familiar with.


  • 淬火裂纹组织特征是裂纹两侧脱碳现象明显区别锻造裂纹材料裂纹

    Quenching crack propagation characteristics of the organizations on both sides without decarburization phenomenon significant difference between crack and materials and forging cracks.


  • 错构瘤肿块杂乱区别的,细胞案件TSC很少进展恶性肿瘤

    Hamartomas are lumps of disorganized, but differentiated, cells, which in the case of TSC rarely progress to malignancy.


  • 我们大多数人都意识不到天生厌恶由于受伤经验导致厌恶之间区别

    Most of us aren't aware of the difference between inborn aversion and the fear that comes from injury or inexperience.


  • 并没有观察到显著区别传导阻滞症状病人中,牵涉中位神经元的情况显著较少近端肌存在这种情况

    Few significant differences were seen between groups, but involvement of the median nerve was significantly less frequent in patients without conduction block. This was also true of proximal weakness.


  • 淀粉独一物理化学性质营养质量使区别其它碳水化合物

    Starch's unique chemical and physical characteristics and nutritional quality set it apart from all other carbohydrates.


  • 通过锅炉锅炉供热系统水压分析比较发现二者的主要区别在于循环水泵的扬程不同循环能耗不同。

    Through the analysis and comparison of water pressure chart of press boiler and no-press boiler, it is found that their main difference is circulating pump delivery, namely different consumption.


  • 经过不断英语学习我明白了“只有了”独一”的区别

    I exactly understand the differences between these words, "the only one" and "the unique one", through my constant English studying.


  • 太阳能电动车整体结构普通电动车太大区别不同的地方在于动力部分

    Solar electric vehicles and the overall structure of the ordinary electric cars without much distinction, of the differences is that some of the momentum.


  • 犯罪预备形态是犯罪未完成形态之一,其基本特征理论上争议,犯罪预备犯意表示阴谋区别理论上仍然不同认识

    However, in theory there are still various views on the difference between preparation for a crime and expression of criminal intent and offense of conspiracy.


  • 内含供系统发动机空气中获得所需氧气发动机用于推进飞机飞行拥有自带燃料氧化系统区别火箭发动机。

    An engine that obtains the oxygen needed from the atmosphere, used especially to propel aircraft and distinguished from rocket engines having self-contained fuel-oxidizer systems.


  • 内含供系统发动机空气中获得所需氧气发动机用于推进飞机飞行拥有自带燃料氧化系统区别火箭发动机。

    An engine that obtains the oxygen needed from the atmosphere, used especially to propel aircraft and distinguished from rocket engines having self-contained fuel-oxidizer systems.


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