• 得到一个“无交易”消息当试图取消/效。

    Your going to what to set them both to canceled.


  • JBL客户产品销售核心采用交易员平台执行模式外汇交易

    JBL core product sales to customers is the use of No Dealing Desk execution model of foreign exchange transactions.


  • 光景好的时候,交易总是保持高位在光景不好时,甚至可能出现无交易量的情形。

    When times are good, volumes are usually high; but when times are bad, they can be non-existent.


  • 交易时有时:1977年3,1978年没有,1979年又有3笔。

    The deals came in spurts: three in 1977, none in 1978, three more in 1979.


  • 实际意义社会资金转移社会弱势群体,才是交易意义所在

    That's where a transaction tax - the transfer of resources from the socially useless to the socially disadvantaged - comes in.


  • 接近国家电网的人士表示,交易之所以而终,是因为中国监管机构出面否决理由是国家电网进入矿业领域

    According to a person close to the company, the deal went sour because Chinese regulators rejected it, on the grounds that State Grid was not mandated to go into mining.


  • 至于最后美国消费者来说,这些看似跨国交易符合他们的真正利益

    As for American consumers, in the end, it is their interests that are being served by all the rough-and-tumble associated with multinational dealings.


  • 美元周三于49.49卢比周四本金交割远期离岸交易,美元走高至50.20-50.50卢比,交易表示50卢比水平成为关键位。

    The dollar closed at 49.49 rupees Wednesday; in offshore trade in nondeliverable forwards Thursday, it was at 50.20-50.50 rupees, with traders saying the 50-rupee level would be key.


  • 即使也是贪得危机到来之前也避免了大手笔的交易

    Although acquisitive, it avoided big deals before the crash.


  • 印尼在岸外汇远期交易市场12个月本金交割远期外汇交易的汇率为12575卢比1美元,这表明印尼卢比的汇率将目前的11230卢比1美元下跌百分之十一。

    Indonesia’s 12-months non-deliverable forward trades at 12, 575 to the dollar, suggesting an 11 percent decline in a year’s time from 11, 230 currently traded in the onshore market.


  • 此中的差别甚为巨大因为4700万保险美国居民的大多数可以保险交易获得个人保险单

    The difference could be significant because many of the approximately 47 million uninsured U.S. residents could obtain individual policies through the insurance exchanges.


  • 但是这种信心周一大部分时间里逐渐流失,随着投资者商品基本材料类上市公司态度冷,造成华尔街交易杂乱

    But that confidence eroded for much of Monday, making for erratic trading on Wall Street as investors turned against companies whose business is to produce commodities and basic materials.


  • 几个交易一直看到杂乱板块切换同时又看到下跌13个月以来第一

    This is more than ten trading days has been to see is chaotic switch plates, at the same time, 13 months down to see the first time since the massive changing hands.


  • 拥有互补性专利寡头厂商可以进行种方式专利交易,分别专利授权、交叉许可授权和专利联盟授权。

    Two duopoly firms with the perfect complementary patents may conduct three types of patent transaction, they are no patent licensing, cross licensing, patent pools licensing respectively.


  • 一些男士认为基本上这种附加条件的交易事业婚姻危害一个情人要小多了。

    Some argue that such no-strings transactions are ultimately less harmful to both career and marriage than taking a mistress.


  • 商品期货交易平时生活中的交易多大区别。

    When you trade in commodities you are trading in the necessities of life.


  • 保护交易安全上,物权行为因性原则善意取得制度成为学者们争议焦点之一

    Because in the protection transaction security, the real right behavior non-the natural principle and the good intentions obtain the system to become one which of focal points the scholars disputed.


  • 讨论了交易市场模型未定权益套利公平定价问题

    A reasonable fair pricing of the contingent claims was discussed for the given market model under transaction costs.


  • 我们抱歉通知价格竞争力贵方降低价格,使我方可接受的话,我们交易兴趣。

    We're sorry to inform you that your price has been found uncompetitive, but we're still interested in doing business if you can bring down your price to a level acceptable.


  • 选取上海证券交易所可转换债券推导出违约利率期限结构,违约利率期限结构可转换债券的定价效果进行比较;

    Second, the faultable TSIR is induced for the samples of convertible bonds from SSE, and its efficiency for pricing convertible bonds is compared with the fault-free TSIR.


  • 交易保护了用户隐私,因为用户输入交易详情显示自己手机不是ATM屏幕上。

    Privacy is enhanced when users input transaction details on the smartphone screen rather than the ATM screen.


  • 选取上海证券交易国债,基于样条函数模型推导出违约利率期限结构,进行有效性检验

    First, the fault-free term structure of interest rates (TSIR) is induced by the spline function model for the samples of treasury bonds from Shanghai Stock Exchange(SSE), and its validity is verified.


  • 运费交易费用关税壁垒

    There's no freight, no transaction costs and no tariff.


  • 笔的套现交易正常交易显著差异难以进行基于特征的过滤筛选。

    There is almost no difference between single illegal-cash - advance transaction and the normal one, so it could not distinguish them based on different characteristics.


  • 笔的套现交易正常交易显著差异难以进行基于特征的过滤筛选。

    There is almost no difference between single illegal-cash - advance transaction and the normal one, so it could not distinguish them based on different characteristics.


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