• 法身虚空,中心边际形相、颜色

    Dharmakaya is like the sky. It has no center, no limit, no form, no coloretc.


  • 中心定位功能,如须此功能,轮毂上自行设计;

    The producls have no orientation property, which can be added in the hub with your design.


  • 优化无中心调度框架网格作业节点选择提出随机起点爬山算法

    To optimize node selections for grid jobs under de-centralized scheduling frameworks, the algorithm of random multi-start hill climbing is proposed.


  • 后现代”、多元化中心缺乏叙述性状况使艺术面临更加难以言说状态

    "The latter modern age", the multiplication, does not have the center, lacks the narration condition to cause art to face the condition which speaks even more with difficulty.


  • 本文介绍了一种无中心线网络系统空中接口高层协议设计软硬件实现参考

    This paper provides a reference design of high layer protocol stack for radio interface of centerless and wireless network system.


  • 评估计算网格并行作业无中心调度设计了基于离散事件模拟系统J3S

    To evaluate decentralized scheduling of parallel jobs on computational grids, the discrete event-based simulation system J3S is designed.


  • 后现代语境中的文化主张中心主体、距离、不确定性碎片化非理性等思想

    The post-modern culture advocates the thoughts of no center, no subject, no distance, uncertainty, fragmentation and irrational thought.


  • 在这种背景下,倚赖双向电子媒介本土传播展示的最根本的特征确定性和

    Thus, the local communication through two - war electronic media not only is inherently unstable but also appears to have no center.


  • 叙事策略上电子游戏实验戏剧运用一种空间叙事无中心叙事,从而形成一种效果美学

    In narrative stratagem, both the electronic-game and experimental-drama use space and de-center narration to form an effect-aesthetic.


  • 对等数据管理系统采用无中心设计组织之间建立模式映射,不需要全局模式中介

    Peer data management systems employ decentralized design. Schemas are set up among organizations on demand, without global schema as a mediator.


  • 移动自组网中心基础设施特性决定了这种网络提供证书服务必须采用分布式体系结构

    The certification service must adopt distributed architecture in mobile AD Hoc networks due to its characteristics such as no infrastructure, no center.


  • 显然随着人们对讲机性能要求提高移动性中心点的数字对讲机的研究便成为人们的迫切要求

    Obviously, as people requirements increase on the Two-way radio's performance, a sort of high mobility, no center and point to point digital Two-way radio will become an urgent requirement.


  • 我们猎户一样,开始人类生活其他皮毛或是皮毛的物种相联系整个人类社会生活、道德生活的中心

    We started human life as hunter-gatherers, where contact with others, kin and non-kin, was the center of human life, social and moral.


  • 2011年11月7日贾斯汀全新的面貌亮相,戴着灰色羊绒便帽遮住标志性发型并且开启了伦敦·韦斯特菲尔德购物中心圣诞之灯

    Justin is sporting a new look and his trademark haircut is covered up by a grey wool beanie as he switches on Westfield Shopping Centre's Christmas Lights in London on November 7, 2011.


  • 来自德拉大学一体化电力研究中心的主任威利•普顿认为,解决方法近海风电场串联一起。

    The answer might be to connect a chain of offshore wind farms. That’s according to Willett Kempton, director of the Center for Carbon-Free Power Integration at the University of Delaware.


  • 这个信息中心平台可以挂circleup的品牌名字,可以作为一个牌子的服务添加到现有会员网站中来。

    The message center platform can either be branded as CircleUp or sold as a white label service that can be added to existing membership websites.


  • 伯文牧师正在组织4月份次“抱怨”活动今年夏天还要30名志愿者坦桑尼亚参加一个育儿中心改建

    Rev. Bowen is sponsoring a complaint-free cruise in April, and is also taking 30 congregants to Tanzania this summer to help rebuild a birthing center.


  • MQ拓扑注册中心命名空间模仿越接近垂直通过层时的名称解析透明冲突

    The closer the MQ topology models the registry namespace, the more transparent and frictionless name resolution becomes as it moves vertically through the layers.


  • 后来海上贸易中心转移到了圣彼得堡,接着新修的铁路绕开这个小镇,卡尔歌普日渐湮没

    But Kargopol began to fade into obscurity when sea trade was moved to St. Petersburg and, later on, when railroads were built that bypassed the town.


  • 我们现在报道纯粹客观事实了。” 迪亚斯在广播站一个窗闷热里屋内告诉外面就是新大卡萨斯商业中心

    So now we give just the objective facts,” Díaz says as he sits facing me in a stuffy, windowless rear room of the radio station, in Nuevo Casas Grandes’s central business district.


  • 甚至集团属下的酒店购物中心看作是“监管基础设施”。的话在一定程度上触及重点

    Even the group's hotels and shopping malls should be seen as "unregulated infrastructure", he argues, stretching the point somewhat.


  • MarioRotundo狭小办公室位于布宜诺斯艾利斯中心,散落其间的物品看上去并不怎么起眼。

    THE objects scattered around Mario Rotundo’s poky, windowless office in central Buenos Aires do not look like much.


  • 这个罗利中心独一二的因为唯一一个完全集中于自动化控制解决方案中心

    The center in Raleigh is unique in that it will be the only one focused entirely on automation and control solutions.


  • 建筑围绕中心核心建造,所有巨大空间

    The building is configured around a central core, providing large column free office space at all levels.


  • 同样缺陷表现类似情况下所有单位例外包括那些固定诺基亚授权服务中心

    The same defect manifests itself under similar circumstances in all units without exception, including those that were fixed by Nokia's authorized service centers.


  • 我们现在前往一个照顾那些母的小孩的救助中心找回他们的童年

    We now head to a rescue center caring for those with no parents, trying to give them back their childhood.


  • 通过相对运动使得卷芯自动处于中心偏心的状态

    Though the relative motion with the tube core to make the core be a center non-acentric state automatically.


  • 通过相对运动使得卷芯自动处于中心偏心的状态

    Though the relative motion with the tube core to make the core be a center non-acentric state automatically.


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