• 此外,玛蒂娜将其归因于20世纪70年代推出肥皂剧分期付款计划

    Martine puts it down to, among other things, soap operas and installment plans introduced in the 1970s.


  • 玛蒂娜归因于20世纪70年代推出肥皂剧分期付款计划尽管是间接的,两者降低出生率方面发挥了重要作用

    Martine puts it down to, among other things,soap operas and instalment plans introduced in the 1970s. Both played an important9 although indirect, role in lowering the birth rate.


  • 玛蒂娜归因于20世纪70年代推出肥皂剧分期付款计划尽管间接的,但两者降低出生率方面都发挥了重要作用

    Martine puts it down to, among other things, soap operas and installment plans introduced in the 1970s. Both played an important, although indirect, role in lowering the birth rate.


  • 克里斯蒂娜·穆拉托于2010年美国东北大学获得药学博士学位。

    Christina Muratore, received her doctorate in pharmaceutical sciences from Northeastern in 2010.


  • 星期四醒来时接到一个消息我们得力部族成员之一莱娜.杰森感恩节那天美国缅因州死于车祸,开车的司机喝醉酒。

    I woke up on Thursday with a message telling me that one of our most committed tribe members had been killed by a drunk driver on Thanksgiving morning in Maine, in the USA.


  • 27岁的卡罗·丽娜于本周二说:“这个名字适合。”

    "It suits her," Karolina Tomaro, 27, said Tuesday of the name.


  • 生物学家希娜•刘易斯于五月份发明了新的男性不育症诊断检测方法印度中国已经有人向她咨询

    Sheena Lewis, an academic biologist, launched new diagnostic tests for male infertility in May; she says she is already getting inquiries from India and China.


  • 纽约时装另一个潮流趋势植物花卉,到目前为止没有卡罗琳娜·海莱拉钟情于植物花卉。

    Another trend sprouting up at New York Fashion Week is florals, and no one so far has done them bigger than Carolina Herrera.


  • 布拉德安吉丽娜也许曾经都不拘束于“婚姻”,但是现在他们有了孩子,而且这些孩子也许已经出现了的或多或少教育问题。

    Brad and Angelina may have been too untamed once for anything as stuffy as a marriage license. But then they had children have already done their domesticating damage.


  • 到来其它人,都取决于娜的工作时间这并没有损害名声反倒使觉得有趣

    The fact that I came later than the others or left earlier, depending on Hanna`s schedule, didn`t hurt my reputation, but made me interesting.


  • 美国气候预测中心上周四,“拉尼娜气候现象将持续至2009年春季期间其影响逐渐减弱

    The La Nina weather anomaly will persist into the spring of 2009 but should gradually weaken during that period, the U.S. Climate Prediction Center said on Thursday.


  • 弗雷自称一位相当的”迪斯尼爱好者13年前建立了“澳大利亚迪斯尼·阿俱乐部

    Godfrey, who describes himself as a "pretty big" Disney fan, founded the Down Under Disneyana Club 13 years ago.


  • 埃琳娜土生土长莫斯科,也是个冰球迷,她2003年毕业于美国伯克利音乐学院

    Elena is a Moscow native and hockey fan who graduated from the Berklee College of Music in 2003.


  • “拉尼娜”北部各州会产生冬季风暴,“厄尔尼诺”则倾向产生能够横跨国家南部各层风暴。

    La Nina tends to steer winter storms over the northern states, and El Nino more typically brings storms across the southern tier of the nation.


  • “人们总是把做梦归咎于深夜奶酪喝酒抽烟吃巧克力或者喝咖啡——尤其是梦魇。” 达维娜.麦凯尔

    Late night cheese-eating, alcohol, cigarettes, chocolate and caffeine have all been blamed for causing dreams — particularly nightmares, ’ says Davina Mackail.


  • 尽管该党一把手玛蒂娜·奥布里为竞选活动奔波于全国各地,似乎还是地方候选人更有分量。

    Martine Aubry, the party's boss, has criss-crossed France on the campaign trail, but it is local candidates who seem to count more.


  • 尽管该党一把手玛蒂娜·奥布里为竞选活动奔波于全国各地,似乎还是地方候选人更有分量。

    Martine Aubry, the party’s boss, has criss-crossed France on the campaign trail, but it is local candidates who seem to count more.


  • 中国近期极端天气状况,不是唯一归因于拉尼娜现象的反常天气。

    But the recent extreme weather in China is not alone in being attributed to La Nina.


  • 雅典娜神像伊拉最初建造特洛伊城时,祈求宙斯赐福这座城市

    Pallas when Ilus had first built his new city, the city of troy, he prayed Zeus to show some sign of blessing for it.


  • 伦敦—米尔维娜·在周日那天去世了,她最后名于1912年沉没泰坦尼克号幸存者时候她还是婴儿,被装袋子放进了漂浮于冰冷北大西洋上的救生艇中。

    Millvina Dean, who as a baby was wrapped in a sack and lowered into a lifeboat in the frigid North Atlantic, died Sunday, having been the last survivor of 1912 sinking of the RMS Titanic.


  • 有一些对于南方最新印象来自2005年关于卡特里娜飓风报导对于他们来说,南方描绘成一个平和舒适繁荣的地方会有些出乎意料。

    For those whose freshest impressions come from news coverage of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, it may seem odd to describe the South as peaceful, pleasant and prosperous.


  • 米尔先生生养菲娜多1978年回到洛杉矶(带着20个左右合作伙伴),和自己家人住的近了。

    Born and raised in the San Fernando Valley, Mr Milken returned to los Angeles in 1978 (taking 20 or so traders with him) to be closer to his family.


  • 圣塔-卡塔琳娜小岛植被未能完全适应频发火灾,大火通常干燥季节季季发生

    Santa Catalina's vegetation is not well-adapted to frequent fires, and when they do occur, they usually happen at the end of the dry season.


  • 德瑞娜·利玛1981年生于巴西拥有法国葡萄牙美国本土加勒比地区血统

    Adriana Lima was born in Brazil in 1981, and has French, Portuguese, Native-American and Caribbean heritage.


  • 因为席朵娜是个交际花,穿梭于当地酒吧中,经常认识男人回家过夜,调查复杂化了。

    The investigation was complicatedby the fact Dora was known as a party girl who liked to cruise the local barsand often brought home men she'd only just met.


  • 詹娜于2005年开始华盛顿的一所小学当老师,联合国儿童基金会实习,其间她走访了拉丁美洲加勒比海地区,记录这些地区贫困儿童的生活状况。

    Hager started teaching schoolchildren in Washington in 2005 and has served as an intern for UNICEF, touring Latin America and the Caribbean to document the plight of impoverished children.


  • “2008环球小姐”总决赛于本周一越南旅游胜地庄市举行委内瑞拉小姐达雅娜•门多萨摘得桂冠

    Miss Venezuela, Dayana Mendoza, was crowned Miss Universe 2008 in Vietnam's resort city of Nha Trang on Monday.


  • “2008环球小姐”总决赛于本周一越南旅游胜地庄市举行委内瑞拉小姐达雅娜•门多萨摘得桂冠

    Miss Venezuela, Dayana Mendoza, was crowned Miss Universe 2008 in Vietnam's resort city of Nha Trang on Monday.


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