• 方向角名称通常为海员等人员使用

    The term true bearing is used by navigators.


  • 材料断口维值随着晶须方向增大而增大

    The fractal dimension of the material fracture rises with the increase of whisker direction Angle.


  • 提出基于颜色梯度方向直方图单人跟踪方法

    An approach of single face tracking based on Color-Directional Gradient Angular Histogram is proposed.


  • 现行材料力学教材求主方向角方法进行了讨论

    Besides, it discusses the other methods in the current teaching materials of mechanics.


  • 瞬时流动平均方向正反间歇流动因子成线性变化

    Flow mean angles varied linearly with the upstream-downstream intermittency.


  • 激光作用光学元件透射激光方向进行时序观测

    The experiment of time sequence observation of laser orientation angel for transmitting laser beam through an optical element under heating of powerful laser has been carried out.


  • 一方案特别适用于小型运动物体方向动态测量自动跟踪装置

    This plan is specially suitable for dynamic measurements and the automatic tracking devices of direction of Angle of small moving objects.


  • 初始应力方向强度影响显著增大动强度逐渐降低

    The initial orientation Angle of the major principal stress has a significant influence on the dynamic strength: as the Angle increases, the dynamic strength decreases.


  • 其次直接利用UCA阵列流形采用最小乘法估计信号二维方向角

    Second, based on a direct array manifold in UCA, the azimuth and elevation are estimated by Least Squares (LS).


  • 振动方向电机转速粮食清理设备振动体制物料推进速度很大影响

    Vibrating direction Angle and motor speed has great impact on the vibrating system and stuff feed speed of grain clearing equipment.


  • 最后通过定义一个特殊累积提取加性高斯有色噪声中的方向多普勒频率

    A special four order cumulant was defined to extract DOAs and Doppler frequencies from additive Gaussian colored noise.


  • 研究利用导引头天线测量视线速度投影进行目标脱靶方向角识别的原理。

    This method for the identification of target miss in azimuth makes use of the projection in missile body coordinate system of line-of-sight rate between the missile and target.


  • 方法应用反导定向战斗部解决了反导定向战斗部确定目标方向信息技术难题

    Using this method the problem of measuring target directional angle in anti-TBM aimed warhead was solved.


  • 设计变量包含复合材料结构方向广义气动力导数正交振动形态导数的影响。

    The design variables include the ply orientations of composite material, and the derivatives of generalized aerodynamic forces involve normal modes derivatives.


  • 方法利用变异(协变异系数)构造矩阵通过求根方法估计方向角距离参数

    The algorithm constructs matrixes by using covariation or covariation coefficient and estimates bearing and range of near-field sources by rooting method.


  • 各阵元增益幅度不一致条件下,提出了一种起伏目标方向角多普勒频率估计方法。

    A new blind estimate of 2d Angle and Doppler frequency for fluctuating target signals was proposed with sensor gain uncertainties.


  • 结果表明随着初始应力方向增大轴向残余变形压缩状态的正值逐渐过渡伸长状态的负值。

    The results show that: with the initial principal stress direction angle increases, the axial residual deformation from the compression state gradually transits to the elongation.


  • 通过引入相邻对象方向屏蔽方向接近相邻对象进行屏蔽,实现对确定相邻对象方法的改进。

    Through the introduction of the adjacent object direction angle and shielding angle, the ultimate adjacent objects are identified close to the direction of the adjacent object mask.


  • 讨论了用球头铣刀进行曲面加工时共振安定界限的预测方法,重点分析方向共振安定界限影响

    An algorithm has been developed to predict stability lobes in ball end milling to investigate the influence of normal direction angle at cutting point on the stability.


  • 由于分数不能反应灰度图像方向,本文利用矢量代数基本知识提出一种灰度图像方向提取方法

    Because fractal dimension can not respond to the orientation of the gray level images, an image orientation Angle estimating method is proposed by basic knowledge of vector algebra.


  • 提出颜色—梯度方向角直方图,它同时表示图像颜色特征结构特征,对它的鉴别能力作了较为深入分析

    The color and structure features of the image can be present at the same time. The identifying ability is analyzed deeply.


  • 计算结果表明通气空泡的形成过程中,通气方向存在一个临界值,使得泡形态由片状空泡过渡超空泡;

    The results of simulation indicate that there is a critical value for ventilation direction to transfer sheet cavity into supercavity.


  • 通过在微带波天线辐射边缘周期性地加载微带电感减小微带漏波天线相位常数,进而减小微带漏波天线的波束方向

    The phase constant of MLWA decreases with microstrip inductors loading along the leaky line, which results in the decrease of the main beam direction angle of MLWA.


  • 仿真实验结果表明,利用算法可以通过控制机器人两个驱动轮驱动力矩实现控制机器人按给定的轨迹运动同时也能实现机器人方向改变

    The result of simulation indicate the algorithm can actualize track movement of robot through controlling driving torques of two wheels and change the direction corner of robot simultaneously.


  • 使用高斯函数导数作为基本曲线方向函数进行尺度小波分析得到候选点集,提出了四筛选规则对候选点集进行逐步筛选得到正确点集。

    Firstly, using the first order derivative of Gaussian function as the base wavelet, the direction Angle function of a planar curve was analyzed on multiple scales to obtain the candidates of corners.


  • 弹丸着坐标飞行速度以及飞行方向角外弹道测试中必参数,本文针对光幕靶和双光幕测速系统不足,采用靶,构造出了两类六光幕阵列结构。

    Because of drawback of four-screen measuring system and two-screen velocity measuring method, an improved six-light-screen array is presented that is composed of six large area light screens.


  • 西南方向多瑙河形成罗马尼亚边界

    To the southwest the delta of the Danube forms the border with Romania.


  • 作为通往密西西比河南方西南顶端方向航道,(图像中左左下)明亮的水道船只提供了进入墨西哥湾的通道

    The bright waterways known as the South and Southwest Passes of the tip of the Mississippi River Delta (image center left and lower left) provide passage for ships into the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 环绕清单1实现的整个立方体上时,首先个逆时针方向环绕的三形(0,1,2)开始。

    When I wrapped one triangle strip around the whole cube in Listing 1, I started with a triangle that is wound counter-clockwise (0, 1, 2).


  • 大湖就是当时冰川融化所形成标志着冰原东南方向到达的最远距离的长岛中的沉积物形成的。

    The Great Lakes are puddles left over from when it melted, and Long Island and Cape Cod, which mark the southeastern limit of the ice's reach, are formed from debris carried by the ice.


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