• 领导者公众画像白色的玫瑰白色的鸽子

    Public portraits of the new leader depict him with white roses and a white dove.


  • 但是一个重要例外那些因为他们年龄教育经验其他因素认为地位地下的领导者

    But there's an important exception. New leaders who are perceived as having low statusbecause of their age, education, experience, or other factors — face different rules.


  • 对于希腊意大利领导者问题他们苦恼源头欧元区设计缺陷,阻止布鲁塞尔产生的错误——不只是其他那些非选举专家们造成的。

    But the problem for the new leaders of Greece and Italy is that the source of their woes, the euro zone's design flaws, stems from mistakes made in brussels-not least by other unelected experts.


  • 认为已经成为克莱斯勒领导者胸有成竹。

    He believes he already knows who the new leaders at Chrysler will be.


  • 这么信息放在那里影响创造可能性决定甚至会影响协作分布式决策领域的领导者

    Having so much information out-there will also affect decision making possibilities and even usher in a new era of collaborative and distributed decision making.


  • 领导者美国签订自由联系条约”(CFA)不是很喜欢。

    The new leaders are unhappy with their nation's “Compact of Free Association” (CFA) with the United States.


  • 合适领导者带领其它社会团体商业贷款方磋商,同时雇用项目经理统筹居民供给。

    Other community groups, under a suitable leader, may be able to negotiate with a commercial lender and then hire a project manager to oversee the rehousing of several people.


  • 史蒂夫·乔布斯之后苹果公司需要一位领导者正如他们所说领导者必须具备迥异乔布斯的思维方式。

    Apple AAPL_ after Steve Jobs will need a new leader who's willing, as they say, to think different from Jobs.


  • 作为一个领导者必须带领属下思想行为上到达境界,这经常会背离人们最初习惯

    As a leader you must take people where they have never been before -- in thought and action -- often against their initial preferences.


  • Martin领导者决定,开始策略,经营航空产业中的电子学应用。

    The leadership of Martin decided that they were going after something new of going into electronics in space.


  • 这样理念很多领导者那里根深蒂固,导致规划往往追求巨大空间城市活力被压制消解

    This kind of idea is deeply rooted in the minds of many leaders, with planning often aimed at creating large Spaces, restricting or removing the vitality of the city.


  • 优秀领导者放弃幻想完全处于目前状态每个情况复杂性做出回应

    The best leaders let go of the fantasy and become fully present and responsive to the complexities of each new situation.


  • 吉姆分享斗争史隐秘时刻,正是这些斗争磨练一项运动的重要领导者

    Jim shares the most intimate moments of his personal struggle, which lead to his emergence as an important leader of a new movement.


  • 通过地区客户交流,我们了解到市场上正在出现一种日益增长的需求:即如何潜力成为未来领导者的高潜能员工进行评估

    An ever-increasing need we are seeing with our clients across the region involves assessing individuals who have been identified as high-potentials for leadership positions.


  • IBM证实明年开始弗吉尼亚罗梅成为行政长官,使成为500公司中十几个女性领导者之一

    IBM confirmed that Virginia Rometty would become its new chief executive at the start of next year, making her one of around a dozen women to head a Fortune 500 company.


  • 当代领导者角色职责权力追随者内涵类型对抗领导者追随者的互动等一系列问题的研究,注入许多的内容,正在融合为的理论。

    Contemporary study of leaders role, duty, power, and the definition of follower, type, counter power, and interaction of leader and follower have got many results.


  • 因此,商业计划的制定过程也并非直线型的,而是要求非盈利领导者每次信息出现后重审视之前制定的决策

    As a result, the business-planning process is rarely linear, but rather requires nonprofit leaders to circle back on critical decisions as new information emerges.


  • 纽约从事管理培训哈恩(Licia Hahn)建议说,想想你能为团队及其领导者提供什么

    Think about what you have to offer to the new team and its leader, advises Licia Hahn, an executive coach in new York.


  • 十三行业领导者已经加入MSA开发这个高速接口进行​​合作。

    Thirteen industry leaders have joined the MSA to collaborate in developing this new high-speed interface.


  • 成为美国领导者世界而言举足轻重特别是考虑到过去华盛顿气候变化问题上令人难堪地无所作为

    Who that new leader will be matters greatly to the world, particularly given the long years of shameful Washington inaction on climate-change issues.


  • 因而这些融进来领导者给公司带来领导管理方法同时他们好的采取措施应对复杂的形势变化而不至于素手无策。

    What's more, the newly emerged leaders would bring ways of leading and managing, and they are more likely to keep better touch with the changing times as well.


  • 大英百科全书》印刷版通向未知世界大门,并且它强调大不列颠声誉成为编著所有人都理解知识领导者

    The new Encyclopedia Britannica print edition is your gateway to a world of understanding, and underscores Britannica's reputation as a leader in making knowledge accessible to all.


  • 我们交给年轻人,可能会一种他们无法控制局面,”这项研究的领导者詹姆斯·e·汉森James e。

    "We're in danger of handing young people a situation that's out of their control," said James e.


  • 我们交给年轻人,可能会一种他们无法控制局面,”这项研究的领导者詹姆斯·e·汉森James e。

    "We're in danger of handing young people a situation that's out of their control," said James e.


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