• 虽然仍然没有知道这些模式那个可行如果有的话但是可以明确仅仅网上广告收入足够维持一个传统新闻机构运行成本

    Nobody yet knows which, if any, of these models will work, but it is clear that revenue from online advertising alone will not be enough to cover the costs of running a traditional news organisation.


  • 一步中,建立循环所以运行返回每个新闻生成一行。

    In the first step, you set up a loop on this row, so there will be one row generated for each news item that is returned at run time.


  • 马丁.克拉克负责《每日邮报网站运行认为人们不会想要为了网站普通新闻付费的,而且非常乐于最大化的增加点击率广告

    Martin Clarke, who runs the Mail’s website, reckons people simply will not pay for general news on the web, and is happy to maximise viewers and advertising.


  • Linux现在部署如此广泛,简直无处不在,以致成为运行设备支配应用一项技术选择甚至连也不算是新闻

    Linux is now so widely deployed and ubiquitious as a technology choice for running devices and powering applications, it’s now not even news.


  • 微软首席执行官史蒂夫A.鲍尔默纽约召开新闻发布会上表示,从11月8开始,安装软件手机在AT&T网络运行

    Phones running the new software will be available on AT&T’s network starting onNov. 8, said Steven A. Ballmer, Microsoft’s chief executive, at a newsconference in New York.


  • 可以使用xsltproc一个RSSXML文档运行这个样式表(在下面的示例中,文档来自BBC新闻Web站点),清单6

    You can run the stylesheet past an RSS XML (in the example below, from the BBC news Web site) document using xsltproc, as shown in Listing 6.


  • 这部世界最大搜索引擎现在提供了几十综合新闻文字处理在线服务,它们被综合一个全球网络通过数十大型数据中心的运行

    The world's biggest search engine now offers dozens of services, from news aggregation to word processing, all of which are tied together and run on a global network of dozens of huge data-centres.


  • 新闻出版总署官员2005年一次新闻发布会上表示没有配备防沉迷系统网络游戏产品不能运行

    Online game products that were not equipped with the system would be shut out of the industry, GAPP officials said in a press conference in 2005.


  • 这个创立于1999年,至今仍运行的通讯社,柔和形式新闻记者作家提供了极其必要发泄出口

    The wire service, founded in 1999 and still in operation today, in gentler form, gave journalists and writers a desperately needed outlet.


  • 范堡罗英国(美国有线新闻)-发动机超音速喷气飞机基本相同-但是这个团队工作于世界上的又一个超音速的汽车,希望它不起飞地运行,速度能达到车每小时1000英里

    Farnborough, England (CNN) — it's got the same engine as a supersonic jetbut the team working on the world's first 1, 000mph supercar are hoping that it doesn't take off.


  • 需要持续运行服务器过程(新闻聊天室)。

    Requires a constantly running server process (such as Newsgroups and Chatrooms).


  • 举办届成功奥运会涉及多方面因素场馆建设运行城市运行保障、环境整治新闻宣传、志愿者服务安全保障等

    It requires various factors to host a successful Olympic Games, such as venue construction and operation, city operation, environment improvement, media service, volunteer service and security.


  • 差异当然博客高度智力压力提供独特的灿烂的新闻创造更为应力运行杂货店

    The difference, of course, is that blogging is highly intellectual and the pressure to deliver unique and brilliant news creates much more stress than one would have running a grocery store.


  • 苹果已经大批出版合作商签订条约,并且应用运行得相当,能够苹果手机平板快速阅读已经发布新闻

    Apple has already signed with a bunch of publishing partners and the app performs well and is a fast way of reading well-formatted news on your phone or tablet.


  • 新闻办公室透露,受伤人员入院接受治疗情况稳定铁路运输中断恢复运行

    The injured had been hospitalized and were in a stable condition and the transportation of the railway had resumed after a short suspension, according to the Ministry's office of Publicity.


  • 检查新闻部分了解这个令人兴奋事件正在运行所以可以加入获得自己一些真棒齿轮

    Check the News section to find out when this exciting event is running so you can join in and get yourself some awesome gear.


  • 传播中最前沿一个领域国际传媒关系所专注是如何使新闻广告媒体文化中有效运行

    One cutting-edge sphere of communications is international media relations, which considers how news and advertising media can operate effectively in foreign cultures.


  • 国际广播中心2008年北京奥运会重要非竞赛场馆之一新闻中心一样,也是奥运会期间首批投入全面运行场馆之一。

    It is one of the key non-competition venues of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, and together with the MPC, one of the first to be fully operational during the Games.


  • 为了避免取代竖井中运行严重磨损条件下可能可取新闻他们易于更换硬化嘴唇印章产生影响。

    To avoid having to replace shafts running in severely abrasive conditions, it may be desirable to press on to them easily replaceable hardened ring for the lips of the seal to bear on.


  • 声明运营商游戏提交新闻出版总署审批擅自开始运行行为违反规定

    The operators did not submit the games to the GAPP for approval before they started operation, which violated the regulations, the statement said.


  • 在这个过程中,新闻规律决定性作用指导着整个过程科学地运行

    Regular news rule plays determining role and directs the whole process scientifically.


  • 一些应用程序实用性也是问题因为朋友无法通过AIM来联系或者你没法收到新闻应用程序发来突发新闻除非这个应用程序运行

    This is also a problem for the usefulness of some apps, since you can't get pinged by a friend on AIM or receive breaking news from a news application unless that specific app is running.


  • 新闻稿其中每一个通常会产生运行30- 100范围

    Each of these releases usually produces runs that range in 30-100 pips.


  • 可以教育中心学习如何撰写设计新闻邮件,利用首次运行向导成功地把邮件发送出去。

    There's an education center to help you write and design effective newsletters, and a first time wizard to help you send your first newsletter successfully.


  • 可以教育中心学习如何撰写设计新闻邮件,利用首次运行向导成功地把邮件发送出去。

    There's an education center to help you write and design effective newsletters, and a first time wizard to help you send your first newsletter successfully.


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