• 研究质疑观点,对大脑是否真的可以性别进行区分表示怀疑

    A new study challenges that belief, questioning whether brains really can be distinguished by gender.


  • 研究发现白人学生通过接受挑战接触观点受益

    Research has also found that white students benefit by being challenged and exposed to new perspectives.


  • 银河系常见恒星矮星,它们一度被认为不太可能发现类地行星,研究这个观点抵触

    Red dwarf stars, which are by far the most common stars in our galaxy, were once considered unlikely places to find Earth-like planets, but new studies contradict that view.


  • 保守党库”进行,对处于目标席位上的候选人调查显示出相当传统观点,该智库是致力于说明保守党党内工作一个研究团体

    Surveys of candidates in target seats by Conservative Intelligence, a new research group devoted to illuminating the inner workings of the party, reveal quite traditional views.


  • 两项研究强调了观点,它们发现抑郁可以风险青少年中预防。

    Two new studies underscore this point, finding that depressioncan be prevented in teenagers who have risk factors for developingthe disorder.


  • 这项研究提出一个相反观点神经元削弱扰乱马体记忆编码连结

    The new study suggests the opposite: Newborn neurons weaken or disrupt connections that encode old memories in the hippocampus.


  • 第一行为经济学工作那些围绕着快乐研究气候改变通讯系统一起怎样改变人们提供了观点

    The first is that the science of behavioral economics, along with new work being done around happiness studies and climate change communications, offer fresh insights into how to get people to change.


  • 可能桌面浏览还用于一些目标导向性比较强的事情,比如研究观点或者做某件事情购物或理财

    Maybe people will begin to use thedesktop Web for more goal-driven activities, such as researching newissues or performing directed tasks like shopping and managing theirinvestments.


  • 对狩猎文化研究加深这种观点理解

    Research into hunter-gatherer cultures has contributed to this new understanding.


  • 最近篇论文中,戴尔博士一个研究布兰登·e .·杰克逊提出关于某些恐龙是如何使用它们的原生翅膀——向飞行进化可能步骤——的观点

    In a recent paper, Dr. Dial and a graduate student, Brandon E. Jackson, presented a novel idea about how some dinosaurs used their proto-wings - a possible step in the evolution of flight.


  • 一项研究似乎验证了这种观点某些特定食物可以减轻小孩的症状。

    A new study appears to lend credence to the belief that restricting certain foods could ease kids' symptoms.


  • 长期弗莱明翰心脏研究参与者一个随访研究直接支持抑郁以后痴呆危险因素之一观点

    A new study that followed participants in the long-running Framingham Heart study lands squarely on the side of depression as a risk factor for later dementia.


  • 经过仔细研究编写,那样你就可以借用里面的新观点大大提高写作水平。

    You see, books are carefully researched and written, which means you can borrow a lot of ideas, and you can improve your writing by leaps and bounds if you pay attention.


  • 地球物理研究学者马尔凯姆—约翰斯顿代表美国地质勘测局说吧把这些事件归咎于月球轨道已经不是一个观点了。

    Research geophysicist Malcom Johnston with the USGS says that blaming such events on the moon's orbit is not a new idea.


  • 根据今天发布科学杂志上研究观点,在所有我们思想漫游时候——甚至我们做着愉快的白日梦时——我们并不十分快乐

    And all the while our minds are wandering-even when we're having pleasant daydreams-we're not very happy, according to a new study published today in the journal Science.


  • 研究中,关于这些重大变化造成危险全球变暖可能性Kreigler希望收集专家观点

    For the new study, Kreigler wanted to glean experts' opinions about the likelihood that these major changes would engender dangerous global warming.


  • Kahn认为个精明学者会利用博客营销观点并且放大’他研究成果。”

    Kahn thinks it is: "The shrewd academic USES his blog to market his ideas and to 'amplify' his new academic results."


  • 研究证实即使人中只有一个不断重复重复他的观点,那么其他人很有可能认为这个观点代表整个群体

    one member of a group repeats their opinion, it is more likely to be seen by others as representative of the whole group.


  • 此次讨论会选址于达拉谟大学考林伍德学院中的Dales套房发起者希望能探讨出一条引领大家通往实证研究的道路,同时在会议中表达各自观点聆听他人的想法。

    It's being held at the Dales Suite, Collingwood College, Durham University and organisers are looking for leads to new empirical studies, as well as giving their own opinions and hearing others.


  • 太平天国妇女问题研究取得进展突破,应该采用观点思维方法手段

    Only with new view, new thinking, new approaches and new means will the study on women of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom achieve new progress and breakthroughs.


  • 优势分析原理边坡工程地质问题一种研究观点模式

    The principle of preferred plane analysis is a new research view and model for rock slope engineering geology.


  • 不必每天花几个小时体育馆身体开始感觉到运动带来积极作用研究支持这一观点

    New research supports the idea that you don't need to spend hours at the gym everyday for your body to start feeling the positive effects of exercise.


  • 这项研究整体上提出了一个基因活性不同而致结果各异的观点

    The new study gives a global view of the consequences of those differences for gene activity.


  • 不过研究支持实验派艺术家旅游其它一贯坚持观点至少某些时候迷失方向会激发创造性思维能力

    Still, the new research supports what many experimental artists, habitual travelers and other novel seekers have always insisted: at least some of the time, disorientation begets creative thinking.


  • 预设角度广告语言进行研究近几年提出一个观点

    To study advertising language from the perspective of presupposition is a new approach in recent years.


  • 预设角度广告语言进行研究近几年提出一个观点

    To study advertising language from the perspective of presupposition is a new approach in recent years.


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