• 亏了政府,他们搬进了一的混凝土房子。

    Thanks to the government, they have moved into a new concrete house.


  • 他们忘记一些重要事情我们甚至不能准确预算建筑花费——悉尼歌剧院或是温布莱体育场大量超支就是方面的例子。

    Forget the important things: we can't even get it right when estimating the cost of a building-witness the massively over-budget Sydney Opera House or the new Wembley Stadium.


  • 吴作关系有着相当广度深度战略关系。

    Goh said Singapore-China relationship is a strategic relationship of considerable breadth and depth.


  • 吴作表示,加坡高度重视关系,对两国领域合作进展感到满意

    Goh Chok Tong indicated that Singapore attaches great importance to bilateral relations and is satisfied with developments of bilateral cooperation in all areas.


  • 他买下轩阁,整修从此作为馆址

    A new larger building was bought and renovated, which has been the museum's home ever since.


  • 2008年9月日本村证券以象征性价格收购了雷曼兄弟银行欧洲业务银行最近全体员工都搬迁到了距离金丝雀码头以西较远的大楼里。

    Lehman Brothers' European business was acquired by Nomura of Japan for a "nominal" amount in September 2008, and the bank recently moved its staff to a new building farther west of Canary Wharf.


  • 也许某些角度来看这些规定有必要:著名作曲家伯恩斯坦曾经住过的住宅被拆掉了,的房子从正面过去像是正统巴黎美术学院风格的豪宅但是开车绕到房子后面会发现另一种艺术风格大行其道。

    Perhaps only from some angles. A house where Leonard Bernstein, the composer, once lived is being replaced by an edifice that looks, from the front, like a conventional Beaux Arts mansion.


  • 建筑某种程度上像是城市枢纽,把闹市区市政中心紧密连接在一起形成一个强有力金三角地带。

    The new building is a kind of city hub, tying together downtown, the Civic Center, and forming a strong connection to the golden triangle neighborhood.


  • 虽然房子加入原始景观中的设计使感觉一直是这片土地一部分一样。

    Though the house is a new insertion into a pristine landscape, the design allows it to reside as though it has always been a part of the land.


  • 中国喜欢创造世界记录建筑也创造了很多记录,拥有世界最快电梯最高酒店饭店最高观景平台

    China loves a world record, and its new building boasts plenty, including the world's fastest elevators, highest hotel and restaurant, and tallest viewing platform.


  • 大楼开业当天康泰纳仕公司、纽约泽西港务局以及建筑公司官员称赞了摩天大楼。

    On the day the building opened for business, Conde Nast, the new York and new Jersey Port Authority and Construction Company Officials praised the new skyscraper.


  • 学院大楼位于宿舍楼之间,作为私人居住大型建筑之间缓冲区

    The new collage building is located in between two dormitories to maintain the buffer zone between private houses and large buildings.


  • 皮埃尔向遇见的仆人询问公爵在何处时,他们了指位于池塘边上盖的厢房

    The house serfs on the way, in reply to inquiries where the prince was living, pointed to a small new lodge at the very edge of the pond.


  • 我们努力提高自身素质人生起点上,再接再厉,使自己成为世纪祖国建设需要之材。

    We must strive to improve their own quality of life in the new starting point the momentum to become the new century the need for construction of the homeland of the wood-Dong Liang.


  • 剑桥公爵夫妇获准他们乡间府邸上空设立禁飞区,以防止有人偷拍这与众不同红砖房子

    The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been given permission to enforce a no-fly zone over their new country mansion in a bid to stop photographs being taken of the distinctive red-brick house.


  • 先生买了房子后,深深陷入房贷

    Having purchased a big new house, Mr. A is up to the neck in paying the mortgage.


  • 感到内心的空间展开好似未曾踏足房间楼宇

    I feel Spaces opening up inside of me, like a building with rooms I've never explored.


  • 举动产生波捐款潮,以及医疗分部

    That inspired an outpouring of donations, and a new medical wing.


  • 苏格兰木屋已经建成用于第三电影的拍摄。

    A new Hagrid's hut has been built in Scotland and will be used in the next film.


  • 本文试图人类文化学角度杨老姚国万昭华三个人物形象思想性格文化内涵进行的探析。

    At the Angle of human cultural science, this paper analyses the cultural intension of the three characters Yang Laosan, Yao Guodong and Wan Zhaohua, from the figures and characters of thought.


  • 根据高层建筑城市住区理事会(CTBUH)一个调查,2014年见证97至少200的建筑建成完工。

    According to a new survey by the Council on tall buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), 2014 saw the completion of 97 buildings that were at least 200 meters tall.


  • 我们努力提高自身素质人生起点上,再接再厉,使自己成为世纪祖国建设需要之材。

    We must strive to improve their own quality of life in the new starting point, the momentum to become the new century, the need for construction of the homeland of the wood-Dong Liang.


  • 还有26中国朋友父母办法买了房子还给他买了一准备结婚

    I also have a friend who is 26 years old in China. His parents have tried every means to buy him a new house and a car for him so he could get married.


  • 叔叔即将房子拆除然后盖一房子。

    My uncle is going to have his house knocked down; and then he'll build a new one.


  • 我们构想当代艺术+设计翼楼作为绿地建筑”—这建筑既是组织要素也是其所展出的当代艺术品的一个象征

    We conceived the new Contemporary Art + Design Wing as a "building on the green" – a structure that operates both as an organizing element and is also emblematic of its contemporary contents.


  • 建筑物成为海滨城市生活重要催化剂,辅助设施包括,咖啡厅,商场个广场以及市民游客欣赏绿化带

    The two new structures will be an important catalyst for the city life in the harbour area with cafés, shops and several squares and green spaces for citizens and visitors.


  • 建筑物成为海滨城市生活重要催化剂,辅助设施包括,咖啡厅,商场个广场以及市民游客欣赏绿化带

    The two new structures will be an important catalyst for the city life in the harbour area with cafés, shops and several squares and green spaces for citizens and visitors.


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