• 神经生物学有关羡慕同情心理一项研究,就媒体消费所产生的影响提出一些令人感兴趣的问题

    A new study on the neurobiology of admiration and compassion raises some intriguing questions about the effects of media consumption.


  • 加拿大一项研究表明他们首先父母作为参照,而非朋友媒体

    According to a new Canadian study, they look first to the example set by their parents, not to friends or the media.


  • 媒体援引伊朗空军高级指挥官西里话说伊朗正在研究一个防空系统

    Iranian air Force commander Hesmatollah Kassiri was quoted as saying Iran is working on a new air-defense system.


  • 现在随着网络数字视频录像机根本上替代电视消费方式,传媒业的商业模式被撕得粉碎。 迪斯尼媒体网络公司增加广告商研究,并将广告商研究作为密集调查中的关注点

    But now, as the Web and DVRs uproot the way people consume television, and thus rip apart the industry’s business model, the unit is adding advertiser research as a fresh focus of intense inquiry.


  • 被问到是否公布罗夫提到文件研究计划进行合作时,俄罗斯联邦安全局(FSB媒体办公室没有立即予以回应

    The media office of the FSB did not immediately respond to questions about whether it would release the documents Serov mentioned or cooperate with renewed research.


  • 正确的方法有效地开展媒体艺术研究应该提倡整合方法比较的方法互动的方法。

    The study of new media art should place emphasis on coordinating methods, comparison approaches, and interaction techniques.


  • 第四章是本文的综合研究部分,通过媒体企业上市一问题中的具体情况,进行归纳分析。

    Through researching and analyzing to find out the suitable types of new media company for IPO financing and proper methods for IPO financing.


  • 我们中的许多通讯录里联系人和社交媒体网络的好友可以增加数千人但是研究指出事实上我们拥有真正意义上的朋友可能只有5个

    Many of us may have lists of contacts and followers on social media networks that extend into the thousands, but new research has found we may actually only have five real friends.


  • 无线通信正在成为媒体通信业务一个主体视频编码传输问题正在形成研究热点

    Wireless communication is becoming a main part of multimedia communication services and the video coding and transmission are turning into the new research focus.


  • 星期天媒体引用一项研究成果长期使用手机不仅预防老年痴呆症而且扭转该病某些影响

    Long term cell phone usage may not only prevent Alzheimer's, it may even reverse some of the effects of the disease, a new study was quoted as saying by media reports Sunday.


  • 本文通过研究发现媒体文化冲击九十年代小说发生巨大变迁重要原因

    Through the study, we find that the impact of the new media culture is the main reason of the change of the 1990's novel writing.


  • 排球扣球技术运用多媒体教学实验研究旨在教学手段方法改善体育教学环境,提高教学效果

    The experimental research on the spike skills of volleyball by means of multimedia teaching aims at improving physical educational enhancing and enhance the teaching effect with new means and methods.


  • 着重研究时下流行媒体媒体艺术,掌握媒体当今社会影响所具备的基础理论知识

    The media course researches on current popular media and new media arts, enabling students to have rudimentary media knowledge that has influence on nowadays society.


  • 因此研究媒体条件下高中英语教学方法,是广大中学英语教师面临一个课题

    Therefore, the research of English teaching methodology with multi-media becomes a new task facing English teachers.


  • 基于多媒体环境英语学习策略研究传统的英语教学提出课题

    This paper, the research on the English learning strategies with the multi-media situations, clearly sets a new task for the conventional English teaching.


  • 研究结果表明媒体技术应用板料塑性成形切实可行的,并且以后的塑性成形研究提供手段

    The result shows that the application of multimedia technology to metal sheet plastics forming is a feasible scheme, which provided a new method for plastic forming study.


  • 导演北京电影学院美术系媒体艺术在读硕士研究生。

    Li is a graduate student at Beijing Film Academy, where he focuses on New Media.


  • 引言部分介绍了目前国内外对于媒体消费主义研究概况一些代表性学者的主要观点以及笔者的研究目的研究意义。

    Part one is the profile; writer introduces the foreign and domestic research situation of new media and consumerism, some viewpoint of representative scholars, and the objective of this thesis.


  • 最后一章则重申研究中的主要发现对于新媒体时代报纸生存策略的想法。

    The fifth and final chapter is the conclusion, which reproduces the key findings of my research and indicates the questions still need to be answered.


  • 刘志,博士,上海戏剧学院教授硕士研究导师上海市媒体演艺虚拟空间合成实验室艺术总监

    Dr. LIU Zhixin, Professor & Tutor for Master students in Shanghai Theatre Academy, Art Director of Shanghai Virtual Simulation Laboratory for Multimedia Performance.


  • 自80年代兴起的框架研究近年国外广受重视研究媒体报道建立一个典范

    Framing analysis, which came into being in 1980s, has been taken seriously in recent years, and it sets up a new research paradigm for studying media reports.


  • 教育游戏作为寓教于乐媒体日益成为教育界研究热点成为教育技术研究领域的重要组成部分

    Educational game as an "entertaining" new media, is increasingly becoming a hot issue in the educational research field, has become an important part of educational technology research fields.


  • 其中体现媒体嵌套性和内生性值得后续研究利用

    The qualities of the new media are worth studying better to help us use in the traditional media.


  • 本文主要研究内容分为以下三个部分一部分媒体环境及其互联网企业营销传播影响

    The content of this article contains following three parts: the first part is that, the new media environment and its impact on the marketing communication of Internet enterprise.


  • 媒体研究主要建立社会学影响方法之上,其研究领域涉及印刷广播以及媒体之间的结合,例如影视艺术。

    Primarily founded upon sociological concerns and methods, this is the study of the print, broadcast, and emerging new media as well as cinema and film.


  • 模拟器基于事件驱动模型支持多种场景模拟,媒体传输研究提供手段工具

    Our simulator is base on event driven and supports several of network distribution models, and has provided new means and tools for the research on streaming media distribution.


  • 一部分着重研究媒体环境下互联网企业竞争格局兴互联网企业的成长盈利模式以及它们营销传播模式。

    In this part, we focus on the competitive patterns, growth models, profiting models and their marketing communication models of the Internet enterprise in new media environment.


  • 一部分着重研究媒体环境下互联网企业竞争格局兴互联网企业的成长盈利模式以及它们营销传播模式。

    In this part, we focus on the competitive patterns, growth models, profiting models and their marketing communication models of the Internet enterprise in new media environment.


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