• 卡雷罗出生于1891年1月9日目前居住葡萄牙中部布朗库堡区的新伊达·尼亚镇。

    Carowlay, born on January 9, 1891, reside in new Itonia, Blumkubough, middle of Portugal at present.


  • 这位前途大好的球员瑞典国内视为布”。 索德尔2008年7月正式踏上职业联赛征程,现在已经成为了哥德堡队的关键先生。

    The promising attacker, who has been labelled 'the new Zlatan Ibrahimovic' in his native country, has developed into a key player at Goteborg since making his official league debut in July 2008.


  • 年5月,罗琳开始撰写名为《克博格》的故事,它可以在网上免费阅读,以帮助娱乐那些因冠肺炎疫情而待在家里的人。

    In May, Rowling started writing a new story called The Ickabog, which was free to read online to help amuse people who stayed at home because of COVID-19.


  • 故事围绕着一个被称为克博格的怪物展开,它是一个凶猛的吃孩子的怪物,生活在一个被称为丰饶之角的虚构之地的北端,并且拥有超能力。

    The new story centers around a monster known as the Ickabog, a fierce child-eating monster who lives in the northern tip of an imaginary land known as Cornucopia and has super powers.


  • 包括薇特·库珀在内工党议员呼吁一年里设立英国文化

    A group of Labour MPs, among them Yvette Cooper, are bringing in the new year with a call to institute a UK "town of culture" award.


  • 带着还有孩子们步行他们展示一些开车我们可能永远看不到地方

    I take Eva and the kids on walks to show them new places that we would never have seen with a car.


  • 西伯利亚——尔库茨克(2 072—3 222英里)。

    Novosibirsk - Irkutsk (2, 072 miles-3, 222 miles).


  • 拉克计划外国公司签署合同,但现在落后于计划几年正如石油一样。

    Iraq's plans to sign big new contracts with foreign firms are years behind schedule, as is its new oil law.


  • 虽然内政大臣特里萨·坚称警察体制不会体制的花销大,但其他人并不像她那么乐观。

    Though Theresa May, the home secretary, gamely insists that the new system should cost no more than the old one, others are less sanguine.


  • 西方国家支持下,他帮位于阿富汗的同盟哈米德·卡尔扎修建铁路,电网国会建筑那儿印度第五捐助国

    With Western support, it is also building roads, a power grid and a new parliament building for its ally, Hamid Karzai, in Afghanistan, where India is the fifth-largest donor.


  • 巴马竞选一面反对拉克战争,一面强调美国在阿富汗还有不少工作做,在终结战争的同时,他还要面对的诱惑-增兵阿富汗。

    Having campaigned against the war in Iraq while emphasising the need to do more in Afghanistan, Mr Obama will face a continuing temptation to end the former war while reinforcing the latter.


  • 卜耶一直南北双方争议最大问题并且这次事件可能会导致人们更加担心双方之间爆发冲突

    Abyei has been the biggest point of contention between north and south Sudan, and this event will lead to heightened fears of a new conflict between the two.


  • 由于现在该州划分领土比以前更小了,丁卡人主要部落—所以他们的投票可能确保阿卜耶并入南部

    As the state is now smaller within its new boundary, the Ngok-Dinka is the dominant tribe in it-so their vote will probably ensure that Abyei goes to the south.


  • 这些举措可能并不能产生顿公学但是如果他们能够帮助促进贫困孩子成绩,他们将会英国成为一个更美好社会

    Such measures may not produce a new Eton but, if they can boost the achievements of the poor, they will make Britain a fairer society.


  • -太阳系学海王星轨道之外远距区域调查,找到了三个冰封世界可能冥王星那样矮星

    A new survey of the Kuiper belt - the distant area of the solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune - has turned up three new icy worlds that may be dwarf planets like Pluto.


  • 金融·特纳估计生产成本低于1欧元的CER日子不复返了,现如今的定价范围可能在1 - 5欧元。

    Guy Turner at New Carbon Finance reckons that the days of the CER that costs less than EURO1 to produce are over, and that the range is now more like EURO1-5.


  • 议案允许可以指定自己副职避免长官苦恼的内讧问题。

    The new bill would allow him to appoint his own deputies, which may prevent the infighting that plagued Sir Ian.


  • 相信椅子具有神奇的再生能力,秋留着椅子。

    Joey believes the chair miraculously healed itself, so Rachels keeps the new chair.


  • 记忆中,他所描述雷曼人和巴克莱的一如他所饮的长岛一样,都混在一起因此群体了解的情况下无法得到关于雷曼雇员清晰的描述。

    The Lehman and Barclays crowds mix in the Long Island iced tea of Izzy's memory, so I couldn't get a clear description of the old Lehman people without hearing about the new crowd.


  • 巴希尔坚持称阿卜耶北方一部分,任何危害此前达成协议行为都会引发冲突

    President Bashir insisted Abyei was part of the North and that any attempt to undermine a previously agreed protocol on the region could lead to renewed conflict.


  • 本次艺术展展品布置都伦敦麦克英斯麦克奈特建筑公司的杰作。

    The new galleries and the presentation of their objects has been the work of a London firm, McInnes Usher McKnight Architects.


  • 将要公布政策的计划

    He has promised to unveil a new plan for Iraq.


  • 卡尔不同,阿卜杜拉博士的竞选活动覆盖整个国家凝聚阿富汗人民,告诉他们解决他们问题点子,尽管这些点子有些,有些

    Unlike Mr Karzai, he has campaigned across the country, rallying Afghans and offering them ideassome good, some bad—on how to solve their problems.


  • 烦恼根源是从没有预料到不幸的事而来的,莎贝拉这位勉强受到招待的客人,表示了一种突然不可抗拒爱慕之情。

    His new source of trouble sprang from the not anticipated misfortune of Isabella Linton evincing a sudden and irresistible attraction towards the tolerated guest.


  • 看起来,雷布朗角色出乎人们想像,比之《老友记》憨态可掬并不欣然接受的角色。

    On the face of it, his new role does not sound like the sort of thing that one might imagine LeBlanc - who played the dim-witted Joey Tribbiani in Friends - would instantly have been attracted to.


  • 卡拉·莎医生(Dr .QuarraishaAbdoolKarim)是卡里姆的夫人研究伙伴她称需要制造更多凝胶希望能够将受试者尽快吸收进试验中这样她们就能取得药品了

    Dr. Quarraisha Abdool Karim, Dr. Karim's wife and research partner, said more gel needed to be made and she hoped to enroll them quickly in a new trial so they could get it.


  • 自己iPhone上看到整个对话,不过使用的是款翻盖手机所以信息作为信息弹出,没有显示历史信息。

    I could do exactly that on my iPhone, but Ethan USES an old flip phone, so each message was coming through as a new text, with no history shown.


  • 1986年引渡到以色列并且在1988年判死刑,但是以色列的最高法院在找到证据显示有可能另一个人才万”后罪名被撤消了.

    He was extradited to Israel in 1986 and sentenced to death in 1988, but Israel's Supreme Court overturned his conviction when new evidence showed another man was probably "Ivan."


  • 球队布·罗克斯球场对阵流浪者以及在主场迎战凯尔特人,将应巴萨之,在赛季第一个没有比赛周三访问坎普。

    The club still have to play Rangers at Ibrox, as well as hosting Celtic, and they have also been invited to play Barcelona at Camp Nou on their first blank Wednesday of the new season. Daniel Taylor.


  • 球队布·罗克斯球场对阵流浪者以及在主场迎战凯尔特人,将应巴萨之,在赛季第一个没有比赛周三访问坎普。

    The club still have to play Rangers at Ibrox, as well as hosting Celtic, and they have also been invited to play Barcelona at Camp Nou on their first blank Wednesday of the new season. Daniel Taylor.


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