• 斯科塞斯唤起恐惧,对此,加进许多暗示

    Scorsese has fear to evoke, and he does it with many notes.


  • 斯科塞斯就像导师作品里的“私货”传授给了姜文

    Scorsese has acted like a mentor, sending him detailed materials from his production.


  • 姜文坦言,美国导演马丁-斯科塞斯作品自己影响很大

    The only filmmaker whose work Jiang admits as having an impact on him is Martin Scorsese.


  • 下图特拉维和摇摆电视机:“出租车司机”(马丁·斯科塞斯,1976)。

    Below: the tension of Travis Bickle, keeping his television perpetually balanced on the edge of smashing to the floor: "Taxi Driver" (Martin Scorsese, 1976).


  • 报道说导演马丁·斯科塞斯巴兹鲁赫曼认为整容风气破坏了演员表达情感能力

    And directors Martin Scorsese and Baz Luhrmann have reportedly complained that the vogue for surgery has undermined actors' ability to express emotion.


  • 喜欢演员罗伯特德尼罗杰克尼克尔森,马丁斯科塞斯他最喜欢的导演

    Robert De Niro and Jack Nicholson are his favorite actors, and Martin Scorsese is his favorite director.


  • 好莱坞领军人物马丁·斯科塞斯蒂文·皮尔伯格佛朗西·波拉朱丽叶·比诺什都谴责被捕

    Leading Hollywood figures including Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola and Juliette Binoche condemned his arrest.


  • 然而无论斯科塞斯贝尔福特有多么相像,贝尔福特依然是个放浪形骸骗子——就是电影体现的主题

    But whatever the similarities between Mr Scorsese and Belfort, the latter was still nothing more than a dissolute swindler-and that's about all the film has to say on the matter.


  • 马丁·斯科塞斯唤起颤抖令人愉悦,正如惊悚电影刚刚开始,所有紧张不安蓄势待发我们感到恐惧

    This is Martin Scorsese's evocation of the delicious shuddering fear we feel when horror movies are about something and don't release all the tension with action scenes.


  • 制片人凯茜·舒尔曼(Cathy Schulman):“众所周知,马丁·斯科塞斯位拥有最终剪辑权的导演。”

    Producer Cathy Schulman said: "Everyone knows Marty Scorsese is a final-cut director."


  • 斯科塞斯驾驭这部电影合适人选,对电影热爱表现角色的酷冷大男子气概娴熟手法已经使这部影片成功一半

    Scorsese is the right director to helm such a picture, his love and deft handling of cool, macho packs of guys is half the battle.


  • 斯科塞斯演职员们看一部影片—希区柯克迷魂记”,同时,我们感觉到这是对影片主人公高症效仿。

    "Another film Scorsese showed his cast was Hitchcock's" Vertigo, "and we sense echoes of its hero's fear of heights."


  • 马丁·斯科塞斯俗气台球剧本也许不足以成就纽曼伟大的电影赢得了其他剧本没有带来的东西——最佳演员奖。

    Martin Scorsese's flashy pool-hall drama may not have been Newman's greatest film but it earned him what the others could not - the Academy Award for best actor.


  • 马丁·斯科塞斯的《禁闭》绝非上诉那种电影,这部心理悬疑惊悚片会让从头猜到最后你才能长吁一口气:原来这样

    Such is not the case with Martin Scorsese's taut psychological thriller "Shutter Island," a movie that keeps you guessing to the end and then — miraculously — makes the guessing pay off.


  • 主持人:刚才是1976年的影片《的士司机》中,马丁科塞斯作为一个神经质乘客对沉默的罗伯特德尼罗所说的话。

    THE HOSTESS: Martin Scorsese as a rather neurotic passenger addressing a silent Robert DeNiro in a 1976's "Taxi Driver".


  • 作为该片执行制片人,蒂代表辛纳特拉遗产授权斯科塞斯影片中使用父亲所有著名歌曲,因此她的意见有着巨大的影响力

    As the executive producer who has granted permission on behalf of the Sinatra estate for Scorsese to use all of her father's famous songs, it is Tina's opinion that could hold sway.


  • 该片年轻阿肯色州导演杰夫如果继续拍摄这样动人心弦作品,那可能会跻身特伍德斯科塞斯行列

    The young Arkansas director Jeff Nichols may join the ranks of Eastwood and Scorsese if he continues to craft films as stirring as this one.


  • 人目前正在进行第四合作影片禁闭》(Shutter Island)的收尾工作,明年斯科塞斯会投入辛纳特拉传记片的制作中。

    The two are putting the finishing touches to Shutter Island, their fourth film together, before Scorsese turns his attention to making Sinatra next year.


  • 盗梦空间极佳展示了克里托弗·诺兰时间空间把握,但是斯科塞斯的“特般恶魔”压抑种种的更深层次让人不安挖掘

    "Inception" was an impressive demonstration of Christopher Nolan's command of time and space, but Scorsese's gothic nightmare was an altogether deeper and more troubling excavation of the repressed.


  • 这部马丁·斯科塞斯制作的电视剧集拥有的豪华演员阵容,其中包括来自利物浦的史蒂芬·格雷厄姆来自苏格兰的女演员凯莉·麦克唐纳同样受到了赞誉。

    The Martin Scorsese production was also honoured for its ensemble cast, which includes Liverpudlian Stephen Graham and Scottish actress Kelly Macdonald.


  • 最后不仅片中扮演主角相继拍摄斯科塞斯的4部电影,2008年拍摄《禁闭》,被认作马丁斯科塞斯的御用演员罗伯特德尼罗的继承人。

    He was not only picked for a major role in that film, but filmed his fourth Scorsese movie, Shutter Island, in 2008, and is often said to have replaced De Niro as Scorsese’s go-to guy.


  • 接下来迪卡普里奥要拍摄的电影巴兹•鲁曼(《红磨坊》导演)的翻拍片了不起的盖茨比》,以及出演斯科塞斯另一部传记电影弗兰克辛纳屈(美国乐坛传奇)。

    Next on Mr. DiCaprio’s docket is the title role in Baz Luhrmann’s remake of “The Great Gatsby, ” and he’s ready to play Frank Sinatra in another Scorsese biopic.


  • 弗洛伊兹诺布接收来自附近朗格维勒、格瑞特克拉克镇区的暑期学校学生由于预算方面的原因这些镇区的暑期学校课程不得不全部取消。

    Floyds Knobs has accepted summer school students from nearby Langsville, Salem, and Greater Clark, all of which have had to cut summer school altogether for budgetary reasons.


  • 鲍里·约翰逊塞巴蒂安·勋爵潘克·勒国际火车站启动伦敦特使项目

    Boris Johnson and Lord Coe launch the London Ambassadors programme at St Pancras international.


  • 名射手同样受到重新回归球场塞斯·法布雷加鼓励,后者本周六的下半场替补上场,第一次赛季代表阿森纳出场比赛

    The striker is also encouraged by the return to match action of Cesc Fabregas, who made his first Arsenal appearance of the season as a second-half substitute on Saturday.


  • 塞斯·法布雷加因为受到自己腿腱伤势影响而缺席决赛,这也使得范佩西将会温布利成为带领阿森纳的队长。

    And in the absence of Cesc Fabregas, sidelined by a hamstring problem of his own, Van Persie will lead out the Gunners at Wembley.


  • 尽管塞斯·法布雷加没有离开阿森纳前往家乡俱乐部巴塞罗那踢球,但是温格仍然考虑到了替代者以便于防止这件不可避免的事情来的太过突然。

    Although Cesc Fabregas has not yet departed Arsenal to play for his boyhood club Barcelona, Arsene Wenger is still considering options if the inevitable does occur shortly.


  • 阿森纳已经告诉了塞斯·法布雷加必须在下个月初回到阿森纳训练营中。

    Arsenal have told Cesc Fabregas he must return to pre-season training at the start of next month.


  • 阿森纳已经告诉了塞斯·法布雷加必须在下个月初回到阿森纳训练营中。

    Arsenal have told Cesc Fabregas he must return to pre-season training at the start of next month.


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