• 斯托帕不得不更换4个主要角色人选。

    Stoppard had to recast four of the principal roles.


  • 笛卡尔形而上学汤姆·斯托幽默的结合体。

    It's a mix of Descartes' metaphysics and Tom Stoppard's humor.


  • 英国当代剧作家汤姆·斯托德因独特戏剧风格开始就是报界和戏剧评论界评论焦点

    The contemporary British playwright Tom Stoppard has already been the focus of the critics in the field of theatre for the special style of his works.


  • 英国诺丁汉马太·威尔金斯发明、美国斯继续开发斯托帕·雷得”喷雾,是一种装在密封容器中的、粘性的、可在紫外光下发光的红色染色凝胶

    The StoppaRed, devised by Matthew Wilkinson of Nottingham, England, and developed in the U.S. by Mace, sprays aggressors with a sticky and ultraviolet red-marker gel from a pressurized container.


  • 斯托帕先生(Mr .Stopa)于2009年3月17日提出驳回彭伯顿夫人(Mrs .Pemberton)案子这个案子再也没有动过

    In Mrs. Pemberton's case, Mr. Stopa filed a motion to dismiss on March 17, 2009, and the case has not moved since then.


  • 斯托克城主帅托尼-普利斯称下的前锋卡梅隆-杰罗姆拥有无穷的潜力。 而拉西奥斯和克劳奇也会帮助斯托克城提升。

    Tony Pulis believes he has signed a striker of "outstanding potential" in Cameron Jerome.


  • 即便如此,斯托认为欧元下跌机会更大,未来个月欧元兑美元再次下跌,挫至1.22美元。

    That said, Mr. Stolper still thinks the odds favor the euro taking another tumble back down to $1.22 within the next three months.


  • 几番电话努力后,终于找到非常和蔼老太太,她凯瑟琳··利斯,88岁,佛罗里达州西海岸的一个高档社区里。

    But I made some calls and finally was able to find a very nice woman named Kathleen Pastorius, who is 88 and who is living in a senior community on the west coast of Florida.


  • 英国舰队贝格尔普林格斯托率领下,会同菲利普指挥的开拓号储藏出发执行她的第一次南美考察任务

    H.M.S. Beagle, under the command of Pringle Stokes and accompanied by the Adventure, a storage ship commanded by Captain Phillip Parker King, set sail on its first survey mission to South America.


  • 耶科斯勒汤姆··利斯的妻子儿子都已不在人世。

    Kaye Kessler told me that Tom Pastorius' wife had died, and so had his son.


  • 周五好莱坞《大象的眼泪》片场,罗伯特·丁森克里斯托·沃尔茨、茜·威瑟斯彭盛装亮相,完成影片的最后镜头拍摄。

    Robert Pattinson, Christoph Waltz, and Reese Witherspoon got all dressed up to film a few scenes from their latest flick Water for Elephants on Friday in L.A..


  • 仅仅过去了分钟凯文·加梅罗就获得了射门的机会,上半场行将过半,斯托雷的射门稍稍偏横梁。

    Kevin Gameiro had a shot punched clear after only four minutes, while midway through the first half Pastore had a shot deflected off the post.


  • 洛杉矶港务局克里斯托弗·说:“我们大概已经被认定为全美国空气污浊的城市。”

    "We have the designation of perhaps having the worst air quality in the United States," noted Christopher Patton with the Port of Los Angeles.


  • 另外曼奇尼否认上月曾巴勒莫阿根廷中场报价

    Meanwhile, Mancini has denied making an offer for Palermo’s Argentina midfielder Javier Pastore last month.


  • 那些最终生还故乡的人,·兄弟,都面对着一决定的余生该如何度过

    For the ones who did make it homeas, eventually, the Pastorius brothers did — the decision was: How do I want to live the rest of my life?


  • 另外曼奇尼否认上月曾巴勒莫阿根廷中场报价

    Meanwhile, Mancini has denied making an offer for Palermo's Argentina midfielder Javier Pastore last month.


  • 或者正如洛阿尔托宾塞·斯托宾(SpencerSchoeben本周末告诉的,“喜欢回头查看标记历史边看边回忆我做美妙之。”

    Or, as Palo Alto's Spencer Schoeben told me this weekend, "I love looking back at my check-in history and remembering the awesome things I've done.


  • 位居排行榜最后五位城市包括纽约州的扬克斯、弗吉尼亚州诺福克加利福尼亚州的莫多斯托得克萨斯州三个城市——阿林顿索和卢伯克。

    The bottom five cities included Yonkers in New York, Norfolk, Virginia, Modesto, California and three Texas cities — Arlington, El Paso and Lubbock.


  • 没有罗马的人跟或者巴勒莫联系转会的事。”经纪人Tuttomercatoweb.com说。

    "No-one from Roma has contacted me or Palermo for Javier Pastore, " the agent told Tuttomercatoweb.com.


  • ·霍尔(Patty Hall)电脑屏幕注意到一封电子邮件。 邮件来自克里斯托夫·穆图库(ChristopherMutuku)——多次前往肯尼亚志愿工作时的司机

    Staring at a computer screen, Patty Hall noticed an e-mail fromChristopher Mutuku, her driver on her many trips to Kenya to dovolunteer work.


  • 随伊斯尼·奥拉号出航全体人员只有个人回来

    Only five of the men who had sailed from Bristol with the Hispaniola returned with her.


  • 因为小腿肌肉撕裂巴黎圣日耳曼队的前腰队员斯托缺席了名单

    Paris Saint-Germain's attacking midfielder Pastore also misses out due to a torn right calf muscle.


  • 残奥会冠军奥斯卡·皮斯托利斯叔叔指控侄子周四预谋射杀女友瑞瓦·史蒂恩卡姆毫无意义的。

    An uncle of the Paralympic champion Oscar Pistorious says there is no substance to allegations that his nephew shot his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in a premeditated killing on Thursday.


  • 维拉斯。博阿斯报价卢卡莫德里奇,均被托特纳姆热拒绝,但是他仍然相信他们会得到拉莫的阿根廷球星哈维尔·斯托雷。

    Villas-Boas has seen two bids for Luka Modric rejected by Tottenham Hotspur and is still believed to be in the hunt for Palermo Argentinean star Javier Pastore .


  • 克里斯托弗·哥伦布率领3艘船以及不到100船员从西班牙西南洛·斯德拉·弗龙特拉出发,开始著名西

    Christopher Columbus left Palos DE la Frontera in SW Spain on his famous westward voyage, in command of 3 ships with a crew of less than 100.


  • 狄奥斯库里:卡斯托洛克斯,莱达孪生儿子海伦克莱特姆内斯特拉的兄弟。它们宙斯变成双子星座。

    Castor and Pollux, the twin sons of Leda and brothers of Helen and Clytemnestra, who were transformed by Zeus into the constellation Gemini.


  • 狄奥斯库里:卡斯托洛克斯,莱达孪生儿子海伦克莱特姆内斯特拉的兄弟。它们宙斯变成双子星座。

    Castor and Pollux, the twin sons of Leda and brothers of Helen and Clytemnestra, who were transformed by Zeus into the constellation Gemini.


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