• 一组发现明尼阿波利大桥去年六月倒塌之前照片惊现其大桥连接钢板变形

    New photos of the Minneapolis Bridge before it collapsed last summer show warped connector plates.


  • 新的明尼阿波利大桥少数几座内嵌传感器聪明”之一,这些传感器监测桥梁的健康状况

    The new Minneapolis bridge joins a handful ofsmartbridges that have built-in sensors to monitor their health.


  • 纪念牌匾博伊大桥揭幕

    A commemorative plaque was unveiled at the Powis Street bridge.


  • Dynamo 是英国最具有天赋的魔术师之一,为了电视真人打气,这位魔术师在泰河上的特技魔术表演引来了好多人围观,图为游客以及市民站在大桥观看他的表演。

    Stunned onlookers watched from Westminster Bridge as the magician recorded the stunt for his new TV show Dynamo: Magician Impossible.


  • 起来她们像是已经选好了新地方,应该还是在附近威廉大桥庇护下,但是并没有方面消息。

    It sounds like they'd like to stay somewhere in or near the shadow of the Williamsburg Bridge, which towers over the restaurant now, but nothing's on paper yet.


  • 到达之后,靠近-尼罗河大桥大门进入建筑群中,我博物馆之前好好地浏览一下这个建筑群。

    Upon arrival, I entered the gate near the Qaser el-Nile Bridge and started to walk about as I wanted to actually tour the complex before heading to the museum.


  • 我们历史悠久而优雅圣安德鲁骑车闲逛,然后穿过令人屏息凝神的长达八英里的联邦大桥来到了爱德华王子岛上

    After a cycle tour of historic, genteel St Andrews town we crossed breathtaking eight-mile-long Confederation Bridge into Prince Edward Island, or PEI.


  • 这座城市里莫塔——曾经赋予莫塔尔名字(“大桥监护人”)的427历史的建筑彻底摧毁。

    Thecity's ancient bridge, Stari Most, a 427-year-old structure that hadgiven Mostar its name ("the bridge keepers"), had been completelydestroyed.


  • Schmidt大胆提出了一系列围绕曼哈顿项目——围绕百老汇沿着华尔街越过威廉大桥穿过第23第24大街

    Undaunted, Schmidt proposed a flurry of similar projects around Manhattan - running down Broadway, along Wall Street, over the Williamsburg Bridge and across 23rd and 34th Street.


  • 也许因扼杀“无用之”(一座花费2。 2亿美元,通往人烟稀少阿拉加州格拉维纳大桥)而一夜成名

    She may have become famous as the governor who finally killed the infamous “bridge to nowhere”—the $220m bridge to the sparsely inhabited island of Gravina, Alaska.


  • 2007年8月1日,美国明尼阿波利附近的一座编号为I-35W的密西西比河公路大桥下班高峰期时突然坍塌

    ON AUGUST 1st 2007, as commuters were driving home from work on the I-35W Mississippi River Bridge near Minneapolis, it abruptly collapsed.


  • 典礼之后新婚夫妇马车驶过威大桥

    The newlyweds ride a carriage across Westminster Bridge after their wedding ceremony on July 29, 1981.


  • 金门大桥自杀未遂的一共有26海因就是其中之一不过据知还有1223人“成功”了(也就是说人们目睹他们跳入海中或者发现他们尸体漂浮在海上)。

    Mr Hines is one of 26 people who have survived suicide attempts at the bridge, but 1,223 are known to have succeeded (ie, were seen jumping or found floating).


  • 金门大桥自杀未遂的一共有26海因就是其中之一不过还有1223都“成功”了(也就是说人们目睹他们跳入海中或者发现他们尸体漂浮在海上)。

    Mr Hines is one of 26 people who have survived suicide attempts at the bridge, but 1, 223 are known to have succeeded (ie, were seen jumping or found floating).


  • 额尔齐通过布尔津大桥时就是这样坚决上去的。

    As it passed under the bridge at Burqin, the Ertix River also rushed forward in precisely this stubborn manner.


  • 拉萨大桥马。阿曼设计连结着布鲁克林塔顿

    The Verrazano Bridge, which was designed by Othmar Ammann, joins Brooklyn to Staten Island.


  • 美国海军美国联邦调查局潜水员参加了明尼阿波利公路大桥坍塌事件死难者的搜寻工作。

    Divers from the navy and FBI joined the search for bodies in Minneapolis for a highway bridge's collapses.


  • 卡列·大街往西伸展越过黑色大桥,爬下山冈爬了上去,经过许多小铺肉市,又经过一些平房,然后突然冲着大片绿色草地中止了。

    Carlisle Street runs westward, across a great black bridge, down a hill and up again, by little shops and meat-markets, past single-storied homes, until suddenly it stops against a wide green lawn.


  • 格拉哥来夫妇成为一对正式悉尼海港大桥结婚的人。

    A couple from Glasgow becomes the first to get married officially on Sydney Harbour Bridge.


  • 后来马缰车轮吱吱地辗过白色流沙最后驶过额尔齐河上的大桥到了布尔津城的长途汽车站

    Then, holding the reins, he led the cart over the shifting white sands, the wheels creaking. Finally they crossed the big bridge over the Ertix and arrived at the long-distance bus station in Burqin.


  • 金门大桥没有周全传感器健康监测系统喜欢新来的I - 35安东尼瀑布明尼阿波利切实地动传感器

    While the Golden Gate Bridge does not have an overall sensor-based health monitoring system like the new I-35 Anthony Falls Bridge in Minneapolis, it does have earthquake sensors.


  • 个标志性建筑特别醒目:一个是市区圣保罗大教堂,另一个是教堂向西英里左右处、大桥附近建筑群,即威特教堂。

    Two landmarks stand out clearly: St. Paul's Cathedral in the City, and, about two miles westwards, the group of buildings near Westminster Bridge, the Palace of Westminster and Westminster Abbey.


  • 拉萨大桥阿曼设计,连结着布鲁克林塔顿,桥长4260英尺

    The Verrazano Bridge, which was designed by Othmar Ammann, joins Brooklyn to Staten Island. It has a span of 4260 feet.


  • 可拉-普劳梯普特大桥基金创始人首席执行官公司致力于收购管理美国国外不良地标性物业

    Nicholas Prouty is the founder and CEO of Putnam Bridge, a firm engaged in the acquisitions and management of distressed landmark properties in the United States and abroad.


  • 可拉-普劳梯普特大桥基金创始人首席执行官公司致力于收购管理美国国外不良地标性物业

    Nicholas Prouty is the founder and CEO of Putnam Bridge, a firm engaged in the acquisitions and management of distressed landmark properties in the United States and abroad.


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