• 刘易特举行的项短程赛

    Lewis will compete in both sprints in Stuttgart.


  • 这些阿拉斯加来,带来了皮划艇雪橇陶器铁制工具

    These Thule people moved in from Alaska, bringing kayaks, sleds, dogs, pottery and iron tools.


  • 碰撞不是我病情的起因只是这次意外帮助发现原来就有的问题”,加图一次新闻招待会上告诉记者

    "My collision with Nesta was not the cause of my problem, it was just an incident which helped me discover what I had," Gattuso told reporters at a press conference.


  • 部分甚至认为经济增长本身就是问题——也是他们反对一个大型铁路基础设施工程原因之一

    Some of them still talk as if economic growth were a problem in itself-which is one reason they opposed the huge infrastructure project at Stuttgart's railway station.


  • 她们新家也许慕尼黑或者任何失业率只是荷耶沃达一个零头的地方。

    Their new homes will probably be in Munich, Stuttgart, or wherever the unemployment rate is but a fraction of what it is in Hoyerswerda.


  • 德国特市媒体中心正式开幕——特市立书馆

    The city of Stuttgart, Germany has officially opened a marvelous new media center, the Stuttgart city Library.


  • 东北12英里这个郊区大约有1 000名孩子学校念书。

    About 1, 000 children attend the school in a suburb 12 miles North-East of Stuttgart.


  • 个人现在开始种一个更大的“虫建筑”。

    The trio is now at work on a larger arbo architecture building in Stuttgart.


  • 在柏林汉堡法兰克福科隆,法兰克福和特,不莱梅和科隆之间天之内曾经几百航班运送几万旅客

    Once, there were hundreds of flights a day transferring tens of thousands of passengers between Berlin and Hamburg, Frankfurt and Cologne, Frankfurt and Stuttgart, Bremen and Cologne.


  • 上一次对阵格尔·格失败告终上个月特赛21岁的阿扎伦卡下首盘之后不得不因为退赛。

    Her last meeting with Gorges ended in disappointment in Stuttgart last month when the 21-year-old Azarenka had to retire hurt with a shoulder injury after winning the first set.


  • 位于德国保时捷今年四月表示,在获得国家必要批准之前不会大众举动

    Porsche, based in Stuttgart, Germany, said in April that it won't make any major moves at Volkswagen before receiving the necessary approvals from national regulators.


  • 博世汽车公司欧洲第一大配件生产商,居于世界强,它东欧十个国家拥有工厂

    Bosch, the Stuttgart company that is Europe's leading parts-maker and one of the world's top five, has factories in ten eastern countries.


  • 防守不错仅此而已。他们越来越怀念戈麦了。

    The Swabians defended well but did little else; they miss Gómez a little more each day.


  • 特市立书馆点睛之笔雄伟的门廊层的开放式空间另人觉得它仿佛出自现代主义者M.C.艾雪之手。

    The visual center of the Stuttgart City Library is its grand atrium, a five-story open chamber that feels like the work of a modernist MC Esher.


  • 夺冠大热门巴塞罗那坎普4 - 0战胜,以比分5 - 1将对手淘汰出局。

    Barcelona are favourites to win the Champions League again after seeing off Stuttgart 4-0 at the Nou Camp, 5-1 on aggregate.


  • 马达斯加报告港口城市阿·马西拉发生登革热暴发

    Madagascar has reported a dengue outbreak in the port city of Toamasina.


  • 木屋女子在酒,摄于德国啤酒节

    Pictured here: A woman pours beer inside a wooden tent at the Cannstatter Volkfest in Stuttgart, Germany.


  • 出身于青训营,但正是那儿,默克尔遭受了次挫折:由于学习成绩太不给力,他被青年队给开除了。

    After learning the trade at VfB Stuttgart, Merkel suffered a setback: bad grades in school saw him expulsed from the VfB youth academy.


  • 上弦月照片拍摄于德国,世界时二月22日23:45。

    This picture of a first quarter Moon was recorded at 23:45 UT on February 22nd from Stuttgart, Germany.


  • 之前一个赛季球队由于净胜球之差特之后屈居联赛亚军,德国杯赛点球输给拜仁。

    The previous season had seen him narrowly miss out winning the title on goal difference to VfB Stuttgart while also losing the DFB Pokal final to Bayern on penalties.


  • 乌特克海姆(特郊区某地)梅赛德工厂附近一家咖啡馆老板说:“所有人担心丢掉工作。”

    Everyone is worried about his job, ” says Fatih Soylu, owner of the Café In near the Mercedes factory in Untertürkheim.


  • 传言将转会大手笔花钱英超球队曼城队,巴塞罗那坚称雷与西班牙中场法布雷价值相当。

    Toure has been linked to a move to big-spending EPL side Manchester City, and Barcelona insists Toure is worth a similar sum to Spanish midfielder Cesc Fabregas.


  • 慕尼黑基尔进度最快

    Munich, Kiel and Stuttgart were the fastest.


  • 开挖隧道会威胁地下

    The tunnels threaten Stuttgart’s underground springs.


  • 他们淘汰赛回合1:1战平,次回合回到主场4:0大胜

    They overcame Stuttgart in the previous round with a 4-0 home victory following a 1-1 draw in the first leg.


  • 该路线1994年以来就蓄势待发,计划采用一个地下的通过车站来替代现有终端火车站跨市连接间或会在现实生活中引发争执。

    A ROW, simmering since 1994, over plans to convert Stuttgart's rail terminal into a through station to speed intercity connections, occasionally flares into life.


  • 特是公认世界汽车首都梅赛德-奔驰保时捷博物馆值得同时,它也是德国最大酿酒工业区之一

    Recognized as a global car capital—both the Mercedes-Benz and Porsche museums are worth a visitStuttgart also is part of one of Germany’s largest wine growing regions.


  • 一发现有重大意义成就,在技术科学是“大学文学家HansZinnecker没有涉及这次研究

    The finding "is a significant achievement, both technically and scientifically, " said astronomer Hans Zinnecker of the University of Stuttgart, who was not involved in the study.


  • 据英国《太阳报报道,日前他脚蹬轮滑鞋90公里速滑过个长达860过山车,从而创造了一项极限轮滑世界纪录

    German thrill-seeker junkie Dirk Auer (see photo), 36, has set a new world record, roller skating down an 860m rollercoaster at speeds of 90 km per hour in Stuttgart, the Sun reported.


  • 据英国《太阳报报道,日前他脚蹬轮滑鞋90公里速滑过个长达860过山车,从而创造了一项极限轮滑世界纪录

    German thrill-seeker junkie Dirk Auer (see photo), 36, has set a new world record, roller skating down an 860m rollercoaster at speeds of 90 km per hour in Stuttgart, the Sun reported.


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