• 卡拉尔秘鲁文明摇篮

    Caral is the cradle of Peruvian civilization.


  • 中东地区人类文明摇篮之一。

    TheMiddle Eastregion is one of the cradles of the human civilization.


  • 河南历来视为中华文明摇篮

    Henan is traditionally regarded as the cradle of Chinese civilization.


  • 亚洲欧洲都是人类文明摇篮相互交往源远流长。

    Both Asia and Europe are cradles of human civilizations and have long been associated with each other.


  • 森林文化根源,是孕育人类文明摇篮

    The forestry is the source of culture, it is also the cradle of the human civilization.


  • 作为中国文明摇篮之一成都有4500多年的历史

    As one of the cradles of Chinese civilization, Chengduhas a history of more than 4,500 years.


  • 作为中国文明摇篮之一成都4500多年历史

    As one of the cradles of Chinese civilization, Chengdu has a history of more than 4,500 years.


  • 这种信仰孕育文明摇篮至今跳动亿万民众的心间

    It's a belief that pulsed in the cradle of civilization, and that still beats in the heart of billions.


  • 非洲文明摇篮,是吧?普通北美学校课程又怎么样呢?

    He considered the curriculum in the average North American school under the perspective of regarding Africa as being the cradle of civilization.


  • 黄河冲积平原黄河文明摇篮河洛地区是传承文明核心

    The Yellow River Alluvial Plain is the cradle of the Yellow River civilization, and the Heluo area serves as the core in inheriting and spreading the civilization.


  • 河南中华文明摇篮悠久历史积淀丰厚历史文化资源

    Henan is the cradle of Chinese civilization. Its long history gathers a wealth of historical cultural resources.


  • 临汾历史悠久,华夏民族重要发祥地之一黄河文明摇篮

    Linfen has a long history, is an important birthplace of Chinese nation and the Yellow River, one of the cradles of civilization.


  • 洞穴一种重要地质地貌现象地貌类型,也是人类文明摇篮

    The cave is an important geological and geography appearance, and also is a cradle of humanity civilization.


  • 就是开罗,文明摇篮文化源泉亚洲非洲以及欧洲交融之地

    This is Cairo — a cradle of civilization, a wellspring of culture, and a meeting-place of the Asian, African, and European World.


  • 就是开罗文明摇篮文化的源泉,亚洲非洲以及欧洲交融之地

    This is Cairo- a cradle of civilization, a wellspring16 of culture, and a meeting-place of the Asian, African, and European World.


  • 人类诞生,依傍江河成长,江河便成了人类文明摇篮,江河便衍生了流域文化

    Mankind dwells and breeds by rivers. So, rivers become the cradle of human civilization, from which the valley culture is derived.


  • 河南中国文明摇篮文物宝库不畏空间时间概念灿烂照耀我们

    Henan, the cradle of Chinese civilization, is a treasure trove of cultural relics, defying the concepts of space and time and shining brightly over us.


  • 无数考古发现证明中国不仅人类文明摇篮之一,而且人类起源进化的摇篮之一。

    Numerous facts show that China is not only one of the cradles of human civilisation but also one of the cradles of man himself.


  • 古希腊可以说东方文明摇篮世界文明的一个奇观啊辉煌历史后代所津津有味。

    Can be said of ancient Greece the cradle of Western civilization, is a miracle of world civilization, its glorious history for future generations talked about.


  • 古希腊文化西方文明摇篮探讨古希腊文化繁荣原因一直是国内知识界研究热点

    The ancient Greek culture is the cradle of the western civilization. The investigation into the causes of the ancient Greek prosperity is a hot spot in the domestic intelligentsia.


  • 因为我们伊拉克人民拥有共同信念相信战争硝烟过后,这个文明摇篮一定一个新的开端

    We have persevered because of a belief we share with the Iraqi people -a belief that out of the ashes of war, a new beginning could be born in this cradle of civilization.


  • 山海掩映,阳光璀璨,素以欧洲文明摇篮丰富历史遗迹而著称清新空气宜人的气候闻名于世

    Shanhai, sunshine is bright, the cradle of European civilization, is famous for its rich historical relics, the fresh air, pleasant climate and is famous for.


  • 作为欧洲文明摇篮古希腊文化一直被后人敬仰文学艺术哲学法律等领域里有显赫地位

    As the cradle of European culture, the culture of Ancient Greece is respected by all human descendents and its literature, art, philosophy and law respectively take up a splendid place in history.


  • 四大文明古国是指世界上最先原始社会进入奴隶社会古代埃及巴比伦印度中国它们世界文明摇篮

    They refer to ancient Egypt, Babylon, India and China, which were considered as the earliest entry from primitive society into slave society. They were the cradles of civilizations of the world.


  • 大学作为一个地区文明摇篮,作为文化生活中心,对提高城市文化层次文明程度有着不可估量作用

    As the local cradle of culture and the center of cultural life, universities play an immeasurable role in promoting a city's cultural level and civilization level.


  • 我们必须他们建立友好关系,因为和平才能最终解决中东国家问题,那么文明的摇篮不会变成坟墓

    We must continue to build on that friendship so that peace can settle at last over the Middle East and so that the cradle of civilization will not become its grave.


  • 这个狂想景观拥有500演员黄昏时分大山山谷里上演,这个大山在河南的中心,河南是中华文明的摇篮之一

    The extravaganza, with a cast of 500, is staged after nightfall in a valley that sits before a huge mountain in central Henan Province, one of the cradles of Chinese civilization.


  • 首先图书介绍一个新的世界色彩缤纷没有时间空间限制通过阅读可以追溯埃及人类文明摇篮

    First of all, books introduce me to anew world, which is colourful and without time and space limit, Through reading, I can trace back. to ancient Egypt, the cradle of human civilization.


  • 首先图书介绍一个新的世界色彩缤纷没有时间空间限制通过阅读可以追溯埃及人类文明摇篮

    First of all, books introduce me to anew world, which is colourful and without time and space limit, Through reading, I can trace back. to ancient Egypt, the cradle of human civilization.


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