• 学者们寻找整体模式形成有用的概括一样传播一个不同故事,每一份手稿历史都是独一二的

    Much as scholars want to look for overall patterns and formulate useful generalizations, the transmission of each text is a different story and each manuscript's history is unique.


  • 部门迪雅创造独一二的销售项目决定不能经常重复必须一个项目学习一个新的规则医生药剂师将会放弃这样做。

    And the agency's decision to create a unique distribution program for Avandia is not one it can repeat often or doctors and pharmacists - who must learn a new system for each program - will give up.


  • 斯库罗斯剧中使用语言韵律则素体或者说韵抑扬格五步诗前身。

    The language and meter used by Aeschylus in his plays was the forerunner of blank verse, or unrhymed iambic pentameter.


  • 克雷斯山峰区保留着独一二的红色沙丘地、三棱石平原、半固定水坑澳洲胶树林

    The Cravens Peak protects unique red sandy dune fields gibber plains semi-permanent waterholes and Coolabah woodlands.


  • 克雷斯山峰区保留着独一二的红色沙丘地、三棱石平原、半固定水坑澳洲胶树林

    The Cravens Peak protects unique red sandy dune fields, gibber plains, semi-permanent waterholes and Coolabah woodlands.


  • 保罗中说了有些事实上这些人为有者,他用这样希腊

    Paul is addressing two different kinds of people in this very chapter some of them havein fact he calls them the haves and the have-nots that's the Greek he USES.


  • 这种现象不是因为人们愿意自认为宗教信仰者,而是因为宗教信仰的愿意他们精神信仰。 ”DUKE社会学家马克·斯说。

    The growth is not because people are less likely to identify as religious, but because nonreligious people are more likely to say they are spiritual, says Duke sociologist Mark Chaves.


  • 牧师正在组织4月份次“抱怨”活动今年夏天还要30名志愿者坦桑尼亚参加一个育儿中心改建

    Rev. Bowen is sponsoring a complaint-free cruise in April, and is also taking 30 congregants to Tanzania this summer to help rebuild a birthing center.


  • 一个出世标准XML命名空间,致力于使源自不同的XML应用程序标记冲突用于同一中。

    The next standard out of the gate was Namespaces in XML, an effort to allow markup from different XML applications to be used in the same document without conflicting.


  • 寒冬号角现在消耗并且增加10点符力,现在30冷却时间

    Horn of Winter now has no cost and grants 10 runic power in addition to its stat buff, but has a 30 SEC cooldown.


  • 我们任凭那些不值一品质湮没珍视比较崇高又永垂不朽的天性倍感骄傲

    We consign the least worthy qualities to oblivion, and cherish the nobler and imperishable nature with double pride and fondness.


  • 蛊者处于同一背景下成为隐秘合作者”,维护是所处社会权力认知体系

    Those who possess witchcraft and those not become secret cooperators, because they are under the same cultural background, maintaining the cognitive system of power of the society they are in.


  • 中国世界最早使用铸币国家。距今3000年前殷商晚期墓葬出土不少”,原始的金属货币

    China is the world's first country to use COINS. 3000 years ago the late shells tombs unearthed a lot of "no copper Mr Wen", as the original metal currency.


  • 实际运行证明吸收塔烟气脱硫,液气负荷适应

    As shown in practical operation, this technology has some advantages such as high efficiency of gas to liquid mass transfer, low liquid to gas ratio, no fouling and good adaptation of load etc.


  • 英国人的粗陋还在蓬勃发展至少他们说出法国哲学家”一语时这样的。

    English philistinism continues to flourish, not least when the words "French philosopher" are uttered.


  • ,恍若白垩纪侏罗纪只大爬虫

    The primitive and uncivilized nature of my life made me feel like a giant reptile during the Cretaceous or Jurassic periods.


  • 从前路德学校学生的时候埋头修道院的一间斗室中,如果不是上帝释放了,他必一生湮没了。 上帝没有让萨黎遭遇同样的危险。

    Luther, while a student at school, had buried himself in a convent cell, and he would have been lost to the world had not God's providence released him.


  • 义演参与走入光明,刻不感到感动

    From taking part in the Benefit Performance for little Wenju, to joining in the Guang Ming Base Camp (service for orphans), there were no moments that didn't move me.


  • 心兰可以培养基自养生长

    Oncidium is autotrophic without sugar in the medium;


  • 为了保护有关方面白鹤梁题刻处,利用“容器概念建造一个钢筋混凝土容器。

    In order to protect this cultural relic, relevant departments intend to build a reinforced concrete container which is designed based on the conception - 'unstressed container'.


  • 当动态校准方式外所当用脚套可以开出同大大的脚,删强了脚套的准确性通用性

    This method can make dataglove to fit different human hand sizes, and accuracy and universality of the dataglove are enhanced.


  • 太阳风涨落磁层顶激发压缩阿尔碰撞等离子体传播。

    The fluctuations of solar wind quantities at the magnetopause excite the compressed Alfven waves, which propagate through the collisionless plasma in the tail of magnetosphere.


  • 外界的讹传力,事实上根本不告诫一个电话,”磕上世纪80年代结束项目资深技术语言学家的。亨塞尔说。

    'Contrary to the myths, it's not actually a phone,' explains Kevin Hendzel, who worked as senior technical linguist on the project in the 1980s.


  • 如果不是因为安妮·莎莉海伦·凯勒这个名字仍旧依旧默默(被人们知晓)。

    The name of Helen Keller would have remained unknown if it had not been for Anne Sullivan.


  • 如果不是因为安妮·莎莉海伦·凯勒这个名字仍旧依旧默默(被人们知晓)。

    The name of Helen Keller would have remained unknown if it had not been for Anne Sullivan.


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