• 五四运动是1919年54日发生的一反帝封建政治文化运动。

    The May Fourth Movement, which took place on May 4, 1919, was an anti-imperialist, anti-feudal, political and cultural movement.


  • 联合国教科文组织最近4月30定为世界爵士乐日,旨在提高人们对爵士乐的认识、爵士乐的重要性以及爵士乐作为文化中统一声音潜力

    UNESCO recently set April 30 as a day to raise awareness of jazz music, its significance, and its potential as a unifying voice across cultures.


  • 菲茨杰拉德说:“做了一些调查发现两三天是各种文化公认幸运日。”奥尔索普家乡比较的新泽西州桑迪胡克城结婚

    "I did some research and saw that there were two or three days that every culture agrees on as lucky days," said Fitzgerald, who will wed in Sandy Hook, N.J., near her and Allsopp's hometown.


  • 3月3日,英国文化大臣杰里米·亨特切实有效地美国新闻集团全资收购英国天空广播公司铺平了道路。

    On MARCH 3rd Jeremy Hunt, Britain's culture secretary, effectively cleared the way for New York-based News Corporation to take full ownership of BSkyB, a British broadcaster.


  • 新兴市场,日不仅需要调整产品结构,还应调整企业文化

    Having reengineered their products for emerging markets, Japanese firms may now have to shake up their corporate culture.


  • 即使有朝一日西方人想中国人融合成一体,其障碍往往并非只是语言一个方面而已,最大的障碍是巨大文化差异。

    When westerners and Chinese get together, there is often not just a language barrier, but an immense cultural barrier as well.


  • 问题症结就在于日企的共识决策文化

    The crux of the problem is Japanese companies' culture of consensus-based decision-making.


  • 十月廿一日会议结束当天,代表们发表七点声明建议为推进礼仪本地化,各地教会研究本地化葬礼时,应寻求社会学文化人类学音乐学界专家协助

    To enhance these inculturation efforts, the forum recommended researching local traditions with the aid of experts in sociology, cultural anthropology, music and theology.


  • 但是,你可以一下公司文化尤其是正常工作日通常需要承担哪些工作任务。

    But it is okay to ask about the company culture and especially about what a typical work day entails.


  • 今年世界旅游主题是“旅游——连接不同文化纽带”,它强调了旅游在促进国际了解相互尊重方面强大作用

    The theme of this year's World tourism Day, "tourism - linking cultures", highlights the powerful role of tourism in building international understanding and mutual respect.


  • 中国印尼都有着悠久灿烂文化日惹婆罗浮屠佛塔中国的万里长城古代东方文明奇迹

    Both China and Indonesia boast a long and splendid culture. The Borobudur in Yogyakarta and the Great Wall in China are both miracles of ancient Oriental civilizations.


  • 这个时期过去迷失时期间文化延续性日瓦戈孩子》一书的主题

    Cultural continuity between that period and a lost past is the central theme of "Zhivago's Children".


  • 不列颠正经历着道德危机自我认同危机,7月7日的伦敦爆炸案使人们多元文化的模式缺乏信心移民问题现在成为了担忧的一个来源

    Britain is in a crisis of morality, and of identity. It is unsure, in the wake of 7/7, of its multicultural model; immigration is now a source of concern.


  • 2 2010年2月1日,印度北部城市吕迪加尔名卡塔克舞舞蹈演员在一场文化活动表演。

    Pic.2 A Kathakali dancer performs during a cultural program in the northern Indian city of Chandigarh February 1, 2010.


  • 通过实施一日常行为提高自己适应改进新文化能力

    By implementing this daily act, you will be capable of improving your ability to adjust to new and improved aspects of culture.


  • 据悉,该剧已经开始于东方票务网点接受预定,正式于8月18日开始售票。届时上海现代戏剧谷将协同希地文化周小燕演艺有限公司在沪上刮起音乐剧热潮

    Shanghai East Tickets has begun the booking service for the show now and tickets will be available August 18th. Shanghai will be hit by a musical wave.


  • 喜利每年都会公司文化研讨会上投入1,170万美元以及32,000个工作日,为培养公司内部未来职场新星提供更多机会。

    The company invests about $11.7 million and more than 32, 000 working days per year in corporate culture workshops, furthering the possibility of an internal rising star to one day make it big.


  • 图31.2010年2月2日,阿富汗喀布尔处声名狼藉的贩毒窝点,一名男子准备毁坏俄罗斯文化中心遗址吸食海洛因。

    A man prepares to smoke heroin in the destroyed former Russian Cultural Center, a notorious drug den on February 02, 2010 in Kabul, Afghanistan.


  • 法国文化部希望实验室卢浮宫储藏室一起,搬迁巴黎城外50公里塞日蓬图瓦兹即将兴建设施

    The French Ministry of Culture wants to relocate this laboratory, as well as the Louvre's storerooms, to a site about 50km (30 miles) outside Paris in a new facility to be built in Cergy-Pontoise.


  • 有鉴于,尚9月15日推出一本在线杂志消费者介绍奢侈品文化。

    So on September 15, Shangpin will try to address this obstacle by launching an online editorial magazine.


  • 即使有朝一日西方人想中国人融合成一体,其障碍往往并非只是语言一个方面而已,最大的障碍是巨大文化差异。

    When westerners and Chinese get together, there is often notjust a language barrier, but an immense cultural barrier aswell。


  • 3月17日巴特·里克这是一个纪念爱尔兰文化的节日。

    March seventeenth is Saint Patrick's Day, a time to celebrate Irish culture.


  • 贵州省安顺市文化局状告张艺谋电影《千里走单骑》侵犯"安顺地戏"署名权案,于11北京开庭,张艺谋委托律师出庭。

    A lawyer for Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou appeared Tuesday in a Beijing court to defend him in a lawsuit over suspected copyright infringement.


  • 贵州省安顺市文化局状告张艺谋电影《千里走单骑》侵犯"安顺地戏"署名权案,于11北京开庭,张艺谋委托律师出庭。

    A lawyer for Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou appeared Tuesday in a Beijing court to defend him in a lawsuit over suspected copyright infringement.


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