• 汪晖鲁迅实际上一位文主义

    Lu Xun, said Mr. Wang, was actually a humanist.


  • 当然弥尔顿这种风格来就会面临窘境一位人文主义学者

    Now, in writing in these genres, Milton is, of course, confronted with a dilemma. He's a humanist scholar.


  • 海德格尔审美现代性思想批判意义在于代表了20世纪欧陆文主义哲学对于审美现代性问题探讨最高成就

    The significance of Heddegger's critical aesthetic modernity lies in that it represents the highest achievement in the study of aesthetic modernity by the 20th century European humanist philosophers.


  • 哈姆雷特一位复兴时期英雄学识智慧高贵品质局限性悲剧代表着16世纪与17世纪之交人文主义者的特征。

    Hamlet is a hero of the Renaissance. His learning, wisdom, noble nature, limitation and tragedy are all representative of the humanists at the turn of the 16th and the 17th centuries.


  • 写作《A&P心理状态》一学生明智地删掉了讨论萨米女性是否有大男子主义倾向的字。

    The student who wrote "The A&P as a State of Mind" wisely dropped a paragraph that questioned whether Sammy displays chauvinistic attitudes toward women.


  • 他们年轻愤怒理想主义方式他们不是清楚如何做到一点,这决不意味着他们的看法不值一

    In their youthful, angry, but idealistic way they are unclear how to do this, but this does not mean that their opinions don't count.


  • 今天客串系列中的篇,我们希望在这些作者中能产生一批极主义之路长期作者。

    Today’s post is the next in a series of guest posts from authors in our quest to find some regular authors for The Minimalist Path.


  • 1952年,应联合国教科组织之请,撰写了《种族历史》,该后来成为反种族主义经典

    In 1952, on the request of UNESCO, he wrote Race and History, which was to become a classic of antiracist literature.


  • 事实上,对于反馈让知道,技术崇拜者唯胜利至上,偏执崇拜主义者,拒绝一切质疑

    Instead, the response to my post tells me that techno-worship is a triumphalist and intolerant cult that doesn’t like to be asked questions.


  • 证据自从犹太复国主义导演史蒂斯皮尔伯格于1975年拍摄“大白鲨”后,没有什么散漫鲨鱼更影响旅游了。

    The evidence: Ever since noted Zionist director Steven Spielberg released Jaws in 1975, nothing has been able to put a damper on a tourist season faster than a shark on the loose.


  • :“这样的话,自知之明不是自我中心主义,对应聘者很有帮助的吗?”

    Kevin: "So, candidates will help themselves by being self-aware but not self-centered?"


  • 安德鲁•苏利一位有影响力主,写道,简直不能相信那些所谓的“新保守主义者——滴血的联盟居然可以那么快就忘记伊拉克教训

    One influential blogger, Andrew Sullivan, seems scarcely able to believe that what he calls a “neocon-bleeding heart alliancehas forgotten the Iraqi lesson so soon.


  • 这部作品意大利人本主义学家欢迎,他们中的许多人都有抄本,而且它的拉丁译本于1482年1492年在意大利出版,无疑马基雅维里读过此译本。

    Thiswork was popular among Italian humanists, many of whom ownedmanuscript copies of it, and Latin translations were published inItaly in 1482 and 1492 that Machiavelli no doubt read.


  • 那些把《罗密欧朱丽叶》一剧贬得一不值的人,包括无论是莎士比亚忠实拥护者也好,还是纯粹主义者,根本就是顽固不化的人也好,这下都可以《红磨坊》好好评论一番了。

    Those who disparaged the Romeo and Juliet experience, whether they were Shakespeare shunners, or purists, or simply sticks in the mud, might be prepared to quibble over Moulin Rouge.


  • 身为博学作曲家本龙一微妙的作曲风格中,主义充满着强烈的感情

    A refined and learned composer, Sakamoto's subtle style of composition is minimalist yet emotionally powerful.


  • 但是现在很多相信多元主义反而导致了“多元单一主义”的产生。这种说法是经济学家蒂亚非提出的,它的意思是许多群体毗邻而居,老死不相往来。

    But many now believe that multiculturalism has led instead to what Amartya Sen, an economist, calls "plural monoculturalism" -groups that live side by side but do not touch.


  • 那么AI未来会如何?乐观主义比如撰写《奇异点》一RaymondKurzweil预见到了一个人机和谐的人工智能乌托邦。

    And what of the larger future of AI? Optimists, such as Raymond Kurzweil in the Singularity is Near, foresee an AI utopia in which human and machine intelligence combine.


  • 乐观主义比如撰写《奇异点》一RaymondKurzweil预见到了一个人机和谐的人工智能乌托邦

    Optimists, such as Raymond Kurzweil in The Singularity is Near, foresee an AI utopia in which human and machine intelligence combine.


  • “量化宽松”政策可能可能不是财政保护主义政策(认为是),正像10月份巴里·易臣格瑞道格·尔雄辩的论述中说的,它似乎使传统的保护主义更加不可能发生。

    QE, which may or may not be monetary protectionism (I don't think it is), seems to make traditional protection even less likely, as Barry Eichengreen and Doug Irwin argued eloquently back in October.


  • 如果简单图片来联系作品后现代主义建筑就是母亲住宅的正立面,”建筑师作家施克兹曾于1992年如此描写到。

    "If there is one single picture associated with Robert Venturi's work and Postmodern architecture, it is the front of his mother's house," wrote architect and author Frederic Schwartz in 1992.


  • 万娜·住宅建筑师称为母亲住宅”,耗费了超过时间,同时也标志着现代主义风格的决裂

    The Vanna Venturi house, referred to by the architect as "my mother's house", took more than six years to design and marked the beginning of his break with the Modernist movement.


  • 学》一周作人的个性主义已初露端倪。

    And the article indicated that the view of literature was based on his view of the human nature.


  • 后现代主义解构思想影响大众渴望参与和享受大量要求形式产生的基本内在动因

    Influence of deconstructive thought and the requirement of the public to participate and enjoy the largest culture, were the basic and inner reasons for the emergence of this literary style.


  • 没有先验设定主题结构,语言中心主义和人本主义受到了消解和揶揄游戏贯穿

    In the text, there are no prearranged central structure and theme, phonocentrism and anthropocentrism are deconstructed and parodied, and the game of intertextuality recurs throughout.


  • 杰尔俄国第一个真正诗人,诗歌超越了此前俄国古典主义现实生活所取的排斥态度。

    His poems, which laid a foundation for the later Russian poetrys development, are outstandingly characterized by the song of man in actual life.


  • 杰尔俄国第一个真正诗人,诗歌超越了此前俄国古典主义现实生活所取的排斥态度。

    His poems, which laid a foundation for the later Russian poetrys development, are outstandingly characterized by the song of man in actual life.


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