• 对于实证结果进行分析可以发现货币数量理论我国通货膨胀具有很强解释力

    For the empirical analysis of the results can be found in the quantity theory of inflation in China has a strong explanatory power;


  • 尽管理论支持热插拔内核IDE驱动器分区数量理论最多15,但也许创建最后几个,也可能无法创建最后几个。

    Although the theoretical maximum number of partitions on an IDE drive is now limited to 15 for kernels with hotplug, you may or may not be able to create the last few.


  • 提出理论未利用资源数量增加时,植物群落容易受到入侵

    The suggested theory is that a plant community becomes more susceptible to invasion whenever there is an increase in the amount of unused resources.


  • 最大线程限制并发用户的最大理论数量

    The maximum thread pool limit is your theoretical maximum number of concurrent users.


  • 学习曲线理论随着生产产品数量翻倍成本可估比率下降

    Learning curve theory states that as the quantity of items produced doubles, costs decrease at a predictable rate.


  • 试图检验这样理论由于之间斗争惨烈,听到大量入侵狮子吼叫声之后,狮群除非自身数量占优势,通常都会选择撤退

    She wanted to test the theory that, since fights between lions are very costly, when lions heard large Numbers of intruders' roars they would withdraw unless they were in superior Numbers.


  • 天文学家利用超大星系数量规模宇宙形成方式进行理论解释。

    The number and size of super-massive galaxy clusters also will be used to refine theoretical understanding of how the universe formed.


  • 第1部分中的理论部分显示远程调用不同阶段得出减少远程调用数量提高性能主要方法

    The theory section in Part 1 showed the different steps of a remote call with the conclusion that reducing the number of remote calls is a main way to improve performance.


  • 理论在于,数据商业价值依据,制定存储分配发布策略,从而能够减少昂贵高端存储设备的数量,这样也就缩减成本

    By devising a strategy for storage allocation and distribution based on the business value of data, the theory went, we could reduce quantities of expensive high-end storage and thereby shrink costs.


  • 它们化石记录出现并且很快就数量种类增加这与缓慢而又持续改变理论产生矛盾

    They appear in the fossil record and immediately grow abundant and varied, creating a problem for his theory of slow but continuous change.


  • 弗洛伊德继续工作开发理论写出数量惊人作品

    Freud continued working, developing his theories, and writing — producing a stunning volume of work.


  • 财富最大化理论预言个人挑选当地便宜商品服务,因为用来交换所必须放弃数量最少的。

    Wealth maximization predicts that a person will choose to obtain the good or service in the place where it is cheapest, where the amount given up is the least.


  • 如果这种理论正确的话瘟疫新来(龙虾)毫无影响,散布本地的龙虾,以及减少他们数量

    If the theoreticians are correct, a plague will be exactly what gets rid of the newcomer, but it could also spread to the natives, reducing their Numbers as well.


  • 上世纪60年代物理学家从理论推导出一个数学公式,可用于描述任意数量任意形状物体的卡西米尔效应

    In the 1960s, physicists developed a mathematical formula that, in principle, describes the effects of Casimir forces on any number of tiny objects, with any shape.


  • 这种x物质必须是以能量形式存在,数量可以根据引发效应理论计算出来。

    That something must be a form of energy, and the amount needed to have the observed effect can be calculated.


  • 耗资两千九百万加元侧楼将圆周理论物理研究院可容纳研究员数量扩大至200多名,之前了一倍,使其成为了全球规模最大理论物理研究院。

    The new wing, which has absorbed C$29m, doubles PI’s capacity, to over 200 researchers, making it the world’s biggest institute for the study of theoretical physics.


  • 如果关注食物链顶端和底端的方法同时应用全球性数据上,那么,科学家们得出结论是,过去10年的工业更偏向捕食低食物链鱼类,而对高食物链等级的鱼类而言,它们食物总量减少将近一半,倘若按照食物链理论的逻辑,现存高食物链等级的鱼类总数是增加了而不是减少了,因此,不能够简单认为,工业“捕渔”导致鱼类总体的数量减少。

    Applying both methods to worldwide data, the scientists say industrial fishing over the past decades has not simply worked its way downwards from the top of the food chain -- it has gone upwards, too.


  • 一些专家现在认为也许平均寿命根本没有理论限制他们指出过去几十年中岁老人的数量大大增加

    Some experts now think there may be no theoretical limit at all, pointing to the huge rise in the number of centenarians in the past few decades.


  • 粒子物理学理论预言能量强度观测到的大约120个数量广义相对论不能解释这个巨大差异

    The theories of particle physics predict the strength of dark energy to be about 120 orders of magnitude larger than what is observed, and general relativity cannot explain this enormous discrepancy.


  • 理论终止安哥拉暴发所需措施不仅数量而且性质上直截了当

    In theory, the measures needed to end the Angolan outbreak are few in number and straightforward in nature.


  • 理论讲,人们可以随心所欲地创造任何数量违约互换

    There is, in theory, no limit on the amount of default swaps that can be created.


  • 理论一个非常简单构造就是数组集合划分有限数量存储体中

    In theory the hash table is a rather simple construct, just collection of arrays or linked lists divided into a finite number of buckets.


  • 现在,来自伦敦海马计划团队动物学社会保护管发出警告,由于因溢油而失去太多栖息环境,海马数量会陡减。

    Now conservationists from the Zoological Society of London's Project Seahorse team are warning populations could fall precipitously because so much of their habitat could have been lost to the spill.


  • 一个拥有8GBRAM系统上,理论最大并发连接数量是4,000个用户

    On a system that has 8 GB of RAM, that puts the theoretical maximum number of concurrent connections at about 4,000 users.


  • 刑罚改革者激愤”并未得到选举学理论的支持,他们注意到涉及数量微乎其微。

    The agitation of penal reformers is not Shared by psephologists, who note the tiddly Numbers involved.


  • 理论上讲超级集群可以包含WebSphereApplicationServer实例数量没有限制但是超级集群技巧应该作为实现可伸缩性的万能解决方案。

    There is no theoretical limit on the number WebSphere Application Server instances a super cluster can contain, but the super clustering technique should not be considered a panacea for scalability.


  • 尽管理论没有限制超级集群可以容纳WebSphereApplicationServer实例数量,但是应该将超级集群视为实现可伸缩性万能解决方案

    Though there is no theoretical limit on the number WebSphere Application Server instances a super cluster can contain, super clustering should not be considered as a panacea for scalability.


  • 理论上说可以使用上述任何方法支持任意数量Web服务版本

    In theory, any number of versions of a Web service may be supported using any of the methods outlined above.


  • 理论上说可以使用上述任何方法支持任意数量Web服务版本

    In theory, any number of versions of a Web service may be supported using any of the methods outlined above.


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