• 一个相当干练果断政治家

    She is a remarkably adroit and determined politician.


  • 喜欢表现出副激进政治家的样子。

    He likes to present himself as a radical politician.


  • 仍是阿肯色州广受喜爱的政治家

    He remained the most popular politician in Arkansas.


  • 代表一类政治家

    He represents a new breed of politician.


  • 他们已经逮捕一些主要反对党政治家

    They have arrested a number of leading opposition politicians.


  • 汉密尔顿是个伟大的政治家政治思想家

    Hamilton is a great statesman and political thinker.


  • 政治家已经降低自由一词意义

    Politicians have debased the meaning of the word "freedom."


  • 太多政治家忽视宏观经济学重要性

    Too many politicians forget the importance of macroeconomics.


  • 热情赞扬位领导人政治家风范。

    He praised the two leaders warmly for their statesmanship.


  • 谈判成功将会增强作为国际政治家的声望

    Success in the talks will reinforce his reputation as an international statesman.


  • 政治家偏见。

    She looked on politicians with a jaundiced eye.


  • 政治家私生活他们公众角色没有相关性

    Politicians' private lives have no relevance to their public roles.


  • 作为政治家杰斐逊曾屡次痛斥新闻媒体。

    As a politician Jefferson frequently lashed out at the press.


  • 今天政治家而言条约成为大包袱

    For today's politicians, the treaty is becoming a millstone.


  • 政治家常常被迫互不相容的利益之间开辟航道。

    Politicians are often obliged to steer a course between incompatible interests.


  • 几个调查结果才开始逐渐传到政治家们那里

    It took months before the findings began to filter through to the politicians.


  • 政治家仅仅是从不靠谱的计划跳到另一个

    The politicians simply flitted from one madcap scheme to another.


  • 用户不过政治家税款”的委婉说法

    'User fees' is just a politician's euphemism for taxes.


  • 他们政治家重要的美德就是正直得体诚实

    They said the greatest virtues in a politician were integrity, correctness, and honesty.


  • 采访政治家可能并不是多么的事,的确很重要

    Interviewing politicians may not be rocket science, but it does matter.


  • 有些政治家欧洲大陆建立更加自由贸易关系

    Some politicians want more liberal trade relations with Europe.


  • 西奥多·罗斯福一位身体强壮精力充沛政治家

    Theodore Roosevelt was a strong and vigorous politician.


  • 作为一位睿智、具备政治家才干的州长广受尊崇

    He was widely respected as a wise and statesmanlike governor.


  • 处理那场危机,因表现出政治家才干而受到称赞。

    He was commended for his statesmanlike handling of the crisis.


  • 总统号召教育家政治家帮助重新建构美国教育

    The president called on educators and politicians to help him restructure American education.


  • 他们注重实效的政治家无情专注追逐政治权力

    They were effective politicians, ruthless and single-minded in their pursuit of political power.


  • 这个政治家新闻节目中出现了太多次,没有人不认识

    The politician's face had appeared on too many news programmes for him to go unrecognized.


  • 公务员办事拖拉时,可能期望政治家能够事情顺利解决。

    You might expect politicians to smooth things out when civil servants are being dilatory.


  • 詹金斯先生支持稳定观点引起欧洲两位最有权力的政治家的共鸣。

    Mr. Jenkins's arguments for stability struck a chord with Europe's two most powerful politicians.


  • 一个政治家越来越不信任时代曼德拉先生高尚正直榜样

    In an era of growing cynicism about politicians, Mr. Mandela is a model of dignity and integrity.


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