• 乐队将于1128日麦迪逊广场花园联手举行场演出

    The two bands join forces for a gig at Madison Square Garden on November 28.


  • 年5,超过600队伍参加了2017年南京市中小学机器人比赛。

    More than six hundred teams took part in the 2017 Nanjing primary and secondary school robot competition in May.


  • 年我组建了一乐队,不过没维持多久,我们六个就解散了。

    I started a band the year before last, though it didn't last we broke up after six months.


  • 部电影于2020年1上映。中国女排不仅是一具有竞争力的体育队伍,还展现了拼搏和永不放弃的精神。

    The film hit the screen in January, 2020. The Chinese women's volleyball team not only is a competitive sports team but also shows the spirit of struggling and never giving up.


  • 特别提到最近几十年无论是美国还是英国持有股票平均时间下降到了七个

    The average time for holding a stock in both the United States and Britain, he notes, has dropped from seven years to seven months in recent decades.


  • 英格兰不是世界杯夺标热门我们也记得2西班牙时,他们以0 - 2告负技术深度更高一筹球队。

    England are not yet potential World Cup winners, as we were reminded when they met Spain in February and lost 2-0 to a side of greater skill and sophistication.


  • 姚明接受CCTV体育解说员的采访时说:“知道自己将来会不会加入冠军球队。”

    In an interview with a CCTV sportscaster last month, Yao said: "I don't know if I would join some champion team in the future."


  • 1943年卡萨布兰卡会议中,罗斯福丘吉尔同意组件一联合轰炸力量。

    At the Casablanca conference in January 1943, Roosevelt and Churchill agreed upon a joint bombing offensive.


  • 次级市场危机爆发后,两放大杠杆基金今年前四亿累计损失了23%价值然后趋稳接着再度下跌

    The enhanced-leverage fund lost 23% of its value in the first four months of the year as the subprime market collapsed, then stabilised, then fell again.


  • 最后一次对阵西班牙友谊赛中,他们以0—2被击败英格兰(以及几乎其他所有的队伍)发现历经艰难都难以攻克的队伍。

    As England (and just about everybody else) discovered when they last met the Spaniards, in a 2-0 friendly defeat in February, this is a team that is fiendishly difficult to disrupt.


  • 公诉人控告邦兹之时,正是打破打破克·阿伦所创造755本垒打的记录之后

    Prosecutors indicted Bonds three months after he broke Hank Aaron's record of 755 career home runs.


  • 布谷鸟来,一直仲夏歌,然后离开

    The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at Midsummer, and then goes away.


  • 815日澳大利亚对冲基金BasisCapital经理说他损失最多的一基金可能达80%。

    On August 15th Basis Capital, an Australian hedge- fund manager, said losses at one of its funds may top 80%.


  • 1942年731日,一德国摩托化炮兵纵队正在通过浮桥横渡顿河。

    A German motorized artillery column crossing the Don river by means of a pontoon bridge on July 31, 1942.


  • 辉瑞制药血脂立普妥(阿活他汀),世界上销售最好的处方药,1130日失专利保护

    Lifetime sales of Pfizer's cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor (atorvastatin), the world's top-selling prescription medicine. It loses patent protection from 30 November.


  • 824日白宫宣布联邦调查局人员组成一新的审讯团队而不是中情局

    On August 24th the White house announced that it would create a new interrogation team housed with the FBI, not the CIA.


  • 1861年74号北方联军士兵看见她家门前挂着南方联盟国的旗帜

    According to her 1866 account, on July 4, 1861, a band of Union army soldiers saw the Confederate flag hung outside her home.


  • 今年10数千西撒哈拉聚集加大则克(离欧云有十分钟车程)并起了8000多个帐篷

    Since early October thousands of Sahrawis have gathered at Gadaym Izik, ten minutes' drive outside the city, where they have pitched some 8, 000 tents.


  • 今年10数千西撒哈拉聚集加大则克(离欧云有十分钟车程)并起了8000多个帐篷

    Since early October thousands of Sahrawis have gathered at Gadaym Izik, ten minutes' drive outside the city, where they have pitched some 8,000 tents.


  • 48日,1500万雪糕棒粘制而成的巨型"海盗船"荷兰起航,前往英国

    A Viking ship made from 15 million ice-cream sticks set sail for England from the Netherlands Tuesday.


  • 寻求最佳方式关闭关塔那摩监狱的专家组错过报告最后期限他们需要6个时间

    A panel looking at the best way to close guantanamo Bay missed a reporting deadline and said it needed another six months.


  • Wallace其实成堆事要六个写了200条博文拍摄了45录像发了7000条微博还要参加无数酿酒厂的推广活动

    Wrong, Wallace said; it was actually a ton of work. In six months, he wrote 200 blog posts, shot 45 videos, sent 7, 000 tweets and attended numerous events to promote the winery, he recalled.


  • 531日土耳其籍船只组成舰队靠近加沙海岸,他们尝试当地送去援助物资

    On May 31, a flotilla of Turkish ships approached the coast of the Gaza strip attempting to deliver aid supplies.


  • 531日土耳其籍船只组成舰队靠近加沙海岸,他们尝试当地送去援助物资

    On May 31, a flotilla of Turkish ships approached the coast of the Gaza strip attempting to deliver aid supplies.


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