• 第二比较中外粮食国内支持政策演变过程

    Secondly, the paper compares the transition process of grain domestic support policies between home and foreign country.


  • 财政支持政策实施路径包括完善税收政策环境税收优惠管理

    The financial support policy implementation way includes: consummate tax policy environment and tax revenue preferential benefit management;


  • 由于农业弱质多功能性各国普遍农业实施农业国内支持政策

    Agricultural domestic support policies, owing to agricultural frangibility and multifunction, were introduced to most countries.


  • 不成比例老年贫困人口旨在促进经济增长社会支持政策产生巨大影响

    Disproportionate old-age poverty would have a huge impact on the social backing for policies designed to foster growth.


  • 实证结果显示粮食绿箱”支持政策市场价格支持政策增加粮食产量作用

    The result demonstrates that the grain Blue Box and Market Price Support policies all have the function to increase the grain yield.


  • 新一轮农业谈判多哈回合谈判框架协议,对农业国内支持政策箱”措施进行重新定义。

    In the new round of agriculture negotiates, the frame agreements of Doha round negotiates redefine the blue box measure of domestic support policy to agriculture.


  • 我国加入WTO财政农业支持政策应当逐步按照WTO农业条款的要求进行调整

    After our country's entry into the WTO the support policy of public financial to agriculture ought to be adjusted step by step according to the regulations of agriculture of WTO.


  • 运用OECD政策矩阵评估模型计算了市场价格支持和直接支付两支持政策我国农业政策效应

    By using policy matrix evaluation models developed by the OECD, this paper evaluates the effects of different China agricultural support policies.


  • 执行公司各项销售支持政策按时保质保量完成销售支持工作销售工作顺利进行提供行政支持

    Execute sales supporting policies of the Company, complete sales supporting work with quality and quantity on time and provide administrative assistance for the smooth carry-out of sales work.


  • 总的来说,我国现行财税支持政策内容比较狭隘大多还是局限资金补贴上不是多维的财税支持系统。

    Generally speaking, the content of current fiscal policy support is relatively narrow which mostly pay more attention to fund subsidy, not a multidimensional fiscal support system.


  • 我国粮食国内支持政策实施多年最初的粮食流通环节的问接支持、市场价格支持直至目前对粮食进行直接支持

    Our country has carried out the grain domestic support policy for many years, which is from indirect support of circulation link of grain, market price support to direct income support.


  • 欧洲共同农业支持政策对于欧洲国家经济增长社会福利改善发挥重要作用而且这种作用随着其共同农业支持政策的完善而不断自我强化。

    The European common agricultural supporting policy has played a more and more important role in promoting the development of economy and the improvement of social welfare.


  • 所以,我国国际环境地位的变化,迫切需要我国调整原有的外贸政策手段和促进体系,建立一套符合WTO规则和国际通行做法的外贸支持政策体系。

    As a result, we must adjust the foreign trade policies and formularize the trade promotion system that is in accordance with WTO regulations and international trade practice.


  • 从1965年忠实地追随支持政府政策每一次重大转变

    He has since 1965 faithfully followed and supported every twist and turn of government policy.


  • 政府大多数人支持敢推行激进政策

    With such a majority, the administration was emboldened to introduce radical new policies.


  • 一项支持经济政策动议322296票获得通过。

    A motion backing its economic policy was carried by 322 votes to 296.


  • 根据韦伯说法,驻军政府目的一项旨在限制美国殖民地上层阶级权力皇家政策提供军事支持

    According to Webb, the purpose of garrison government was to provide military support for a royal policy designed to limit the power of the upper classes in the American colonies.


  • 政策层面上我们真正需要决定资金来源帮助支持高质量地方绿地建设。

    What we really need at a policy level is to decide where the money will come from to help support good-quality local green spaces.


  • 政策层面上我们真正需要决定资金来源帮助支持质量地方绿地建设。

    What we really need at a policy level is to decide where the money will come from to help support good quality local green spaces.


  • 此之前唯一分析因果关系研究传统观点表示支持,其基于墨西哥一个设立条件性现金转移支付(CCT)政策地区

    The only previous study analyzing causality, based on an area in Mexico that had instituted CCTs, supported the traditional view.


  • 2013年以来,全球科学机构开始支持那些帮助更多公众得以进行研究政策

    Since 2013, global scientific bodies have begun to back policies that support increased public access to research.


  • 政府政策热烈支持之一

    He's been one of the most ardent supporters of the administration's policy.


  • 管理部门有没有职位特别支持采纳不同政策

    Was there anyone particularly high in the administration who was an advocate of a different policy?


  • 竞选成功显然他们政策支持

    The election victory is a clear endorsement of their policies.


  • 在这方面,美国远远落后于所有富裕国家许多发展中国家。这些国家的工作政策有利于家庭生活包括育婴、带薪病假母乳喂养支持

    The U.S. trails far behind every wealthy nation and many developing ones that have family-friendly work policies including paid parental leave, paid sick days and breast-feeding support.


  • 何认为河流时间应与原子时间对应的人都会遇到严重的失衡,他们也可能会通过消耗更少的燃料或支持更环保的政策来抵消这种不平衡。

    Anyone who considers river time in relation to atomic time will encounter a major imbalance and may be motivated to counteract it by consuming less fuel or supporting greener policies.


  • 何认为河流时间应与原子时间对应的人都会遇到严重的失衡,他们也可能会通过消耗更少的燃料或支持更环保的政策来抵消这种不平衡。

    Anyone who considers river time in relation to atomic time will encounter a major imbalance and may be motivated to counteract it by consuming less fuel or supporting greener policies.


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