• 提醒了摄影最后我们要去参观当地一个展览,对吗?

    That reminds me, in the final week of the photography course, is it right that there's a visit to a show in the local area?


  • 三个的制作过程中,摄影跨越广阔冰岛拍摄大地蓝天马蹄

    Throughout the three-weeks production, two photographers crossed the vast Iceland to shoot the land, blue sky and hooves.


  • 雇了一位摄影曾经当地一些时代拍过作品

    I hired a male photographer who had taken some great portfolio shots for some of the local pro dommes.


  • 光是这一张照片花去了所有时间此时,甲板其他摄影人员正在欣赏着的美景,拍摄了大量有趣照片

    I had spent all my time going after one picture while other photographers onboard enjoyed their explorations and collected a whole raft of fun images.


  • 哈佛大学写手摄影冒险校园所有角落捕获哈佛大学375庆典活动的情况。

    Harvard writers and photographers ventured to all corners of the campus and captured the University's 375th anniversary celebration.


  • 获得四川大山自由活动许可的著名野生动物摄影史蒂夫·布鲁中国卧龙国家级自然保护区时间在大熊猫中穿梭。

    Famed wildlife photographer Steve Bloom spent a week in China's Wolong National Nature Reserve, moving among the pandas, who get to roam free near the Sichuan mountains.


  • 英国电影制片人蒂姆·海瑟林顿美国摄影记者克里斯·洪德罗斯利比亚遇难凸显记录冲突本身所固有的危险

    The deaths in Libya a week ago of British filmmaker Tim Hetherington and American photographer Chris Hondros highlighted the peril inseparable from recording conflict.


  • 一个朋友不想百货公司的摄影工作,我同意

    A friend said, "Do you want to work for two weeks for a photographer in a department store?" and I said yes.


  • 当地新闻频道摄影去年十二月35万元购置了一套约90平米的公寓,据讲,现在这个公寓要56万元才能买到。

    Xi Zhou, a cameraman for a local news channel, paid $50, 000 for his 900-square-foot unit in December. He figures it's now worth $80, 000.


  • 南非摄影Hogg是自由职业者,他南非纳米比亚分别用时间完成了摄影工作。另一位摄影Hoel挪威人,任职于世界银行非洲地区局,博茨瓦纳毛里求斯摄影工作由他负责。

    Freelance photographer, spent a week each in South Africa and Namibia, while Hoel, a Norwegian photographer working for the World Bank's Africa region, went to Botswana and Mauritius.


  • 每个为了时间公园照相不惜牺牲课间休息时间作业为了可以无忧无虑进行摄影

    Every weekend, I have time to go to the park to take photos, at the expense of the break time to write my homework, just for Saturday and Sunday can be carefree for photography.


  • 1951年次为期一假期里里昂的一个艺术节起了照片,这时他终于下定决心,当一名从事摄影报道的自由职业者,从此过上四处奔波生活

    Not until he found himself taking pictures of a cultural festival in Lyon during a one-week vacation in 1951 did he at last decide to commit to the unstable life of a freelance photojournalist.


  • 贾斯丁刚刚解决了一起诉讼案件,案件有关摄影杰弗里•宾起诉比伯,说比伯2013年命令保镖在的迈阿密海滩殴打

    This comes two weeks after Justin resolved his other lawsuit involving photographer Jeffrey Binion who accused the star of ordering his bodyguard to him in Miami Beach in 2013.


  • 长达筛选会一般都是在展示之后举行的,以来自世界各地电视台们选购电视摄影最新的电视剧。

    Traditionally held directly after the upfronts, the week-long event offers buyers from television networks abroad the opportunity to shop around for the television studios' newest shows.


  • 举办滑铁卢大学中国”活动,放映中国影片举办中国风土人情摄影比赛,还邀请了现任中国加大使兰立俊先生到校演讲

    Sponsoring "China Week" at the University of Waterloo, which included a public speech given by Ambassador Lan, China Trip photo contests, and Chinese movie nights.


  • 期待共创建更多欢乐摄影时尚艺术第五。请大家期待更多年的庆祝活动消息

    We look forward to the next FIVE years of fun, photography, fashion and art. Stand by for some exciting news about fifth anniversary celebration!


  • 纽约市社会研究学院上了摄影课程后,她就背上相机出发了。

    Armed only with a six-week photographic course at New York's New School for Social Research, Ms Arnold set off.


  • 所用演员演员摄影工作至少18

    All actors and actresses are at least 18 years of age at the time of photography work.


  • 为期52摄影观察两个国家各自家庭日常生活状态。

    For a period of 52 weeks, photographers the two countries observed daily life in their respective homes.


  • 60岁的摄影YukitakaAizawa海啸发生已经了,他们没有任何人这里来。海啸来袭时,逃出来时所有镜头电脑设备都留在了家里。

    'it's been two weeks and they haven't sent anyone over here,' said Yukitaka Aizawa, 60, a photographer who left all of his lenses and computer gear behind when he fled the tsunami waves.


  • 摄影老板一位大约20几岁的年轻人说:“几乎每天我们都有裸体照片订单有时候客户不得不提前预定。”

    "We take orders for nude photos almost everyday and sometimes customers have to book a photo session a week beforehand," said the studio owner, a young man in his twenties.


  • 两个摄影将会展出来自广好评艺术家最新作品

    Two Photographers will present the newest works of the immensely popular artist Zhou Jun.


  • 两个摄影将会呈献李刚最新力作。

    Two Photographers will showcase the recent works of Li Gang and Zhou Jun.


  • 艺术钢琴独奏音乐会摄影钢琴曲哀歌乐谱出版首发式《黄天戈摄影作品集——西域掠影》出版首发式四个环节组成

    Art Week from the solo piano concert, exhibition, piano "Elegy" premiere and music publishing, "Huang Ge photography collection - Western sights," published premiere four links.


  • 艺术钢琴独奏音乐会摄影钢琴曲哀歌乐谱出版首发式《黄天戈摄影作品集——西域掠影》出版首发式四个环节组成

    Art Week from the solo piano concert, exhibition, piano "Elegy" premiere and music publishing, "Huang Ge photography collection - Western sights," published premiere four links.


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