• 因此类型提示使得代码更安全

    Type hinting, therefore, makes for safer code.


  • 由于提示位于循环之前因此这代码将使提示对于循环每次迭代都保持活动状态,不过使用一个周期

    Because the hint is before the loop body, this code leaves your hint active for every iteration of the loop, but it only has to use one cycle.


  • 或许仅仅阅读本文即可满足的需求,如果下载代码自己计算机上运行(或许还想略加修改),则以下提示可能会有所帮助

    Perhaps you have been content just to read along, but if you wanted to download the code and get this running on your machine, and perhaps tinker with it, the following tips may help.


  • 如果开发自己的工具提示部件,那么可以这个实现文件测试页面复制到硬盘上,然后可以修改参数样式代码参见下载)。

    If so, you might want to copy the source files for the implementation and test harness onto your disk drive so you can alter the parameters, styles, or code ( see Download).


  • 对于那些继续的人,可以提示中分别输入代码清单中的每行代码

    For those who want to follow along, you may type each line of code in the code listings individually at the prompt.


  • 一章涉及到一些快捷编写浏览代码提示技巧

    This chapter covers some of the tips and tricks you can use to write and navigate through your code much more quickly than before.


  • 而负责将代码入到CM系统(因此触发一个ci构建)的开发人员则需要收到提示构建状态电子邮件。

    Additionally, the developer or developers who checked any code into a CM system (and thus triggered a CI build) always receive an E-mail indicating the build's status.


  • TDD要求反过来编写测试提示如何编写可以让测试通过代码

    TDD requires that you do the opposite: write the test first and allow it to inform how you write the code that makes the test pass.


  • 如果运行BasicAuthentication,就意味着提示用户输入用户密码HTML代码提交两个预定义表单字段输入凭证

    If running Basic Authentication, that means a user is prompted to enter username and password, the HTML code will submit the credentials entered in two predefined FORM fields.


  • HMC命令输入installios调用安装向导可以在该向导中通过回答提示来安装VIOServer代码

    Enter installios on the HMC's command line to invoke the installios wizard where you can install the VIO Server code by answering the prompts.


  • SourceMate 1.1中,我们所有这些元数据标签及其属性提供了代码提示功能。

    With SourceMate 1.1, we provide code hinting for all these metadata tags, their attributes, and values.


  • 用户只需将该配置文件导入SourceMate中就可以获得这些框架元数据代码提示验证功能。

    Once a user just imports that file into SourceMate, they get metadata code hinting (and validation) on those framework tags as well.


  • SourceMate特性就是标准Flex元数据标签([embed][Bindable])提供代码提示(内容辅助等)。

    One of SourceMate's many features is providing code hints (i.e. content assist) for standard Flex metadata tags like [Embed] or [Bindable].


  • 元数据代码提示不仅仅只能用于Potomac框架

    The metadata code hinting isn't just limited to our Potomac framework.


  • 利用遗留代码有效地工作》一书中,MichaelFeathers负责整理改进既有软件系统开发人员提供一系列提示技巧技术

    In Working Effectively with Legacy Code, Michael Feathers offers a collection of tips, tricks, and techniques for maintenance developers tasked with repairing and enhancing existing software systems.


  • 注意提示一些部分应用于引入定制代码使用任何外部

    Note that some of this tip applies to including any external library for use in custom code. Recommendations


  • 代码简单表单提示用户输入Twitter搜索关键词

    This code has a simple form that prompts the user to enter a keyword to search on Twitter.


  • 内联注释通常环绕代码周围,用于开发者其他开发者给出提示

    In-line comments, generally scattered around the code to indicate a note from developer to developer.


  • 设想每当部分代码期望架构有所违背时,就得到提示——比如一个Ant构建脚本失败——清单1

    Imagine you received a notification every time some portion of code violated an intended architecturesuch as through an Ant build script failureas demonstrated in Listing 1.


  • SQLServer最佳实践分析器专门开发人员提示实践方面的问题的一个代码分析器

    The SQL Server Best practices Analyzer is a code analysis tool specifically written to warn developers about questionable practices.


  • Safari同样根据脚本引擎持续执行脚本的时间判断我对Webkit代码进行反复研究,发现默认超时时间5,一旦达到这个上限,就会给出下面的对话框提示

    Safari also USES script engine execution time to determine when a script has become long-running. After some digging around in the WebKit source code, it looks like the default timeout is 5 seconds.


  • 因为ClearCase允许发生改变版本,因此检入代码时会提示Checkinevenifidentical(12)。

    While checking in code, be aware of the option check in even if identical (Figure 12) because ClearCase allows you to check in versions even when no changes are made.


  • 首先验证代码的工具提示Togglefullscreenview(位于GIMP的view菜单上)。

    First you verify that the tooltip for it is Toggle fullscreen view (on GIMP's view menu).


  • 提示需要使用多个模式匹配代码(本文代码下载包含了一个解决方案但是建议查看之前首先自己进行尝试)。

    Hint: multiple pattern-matching blocks may be necessary. (This article's code download includes one solution - but I hope you'll try it yourself before peeking.)


  • 下一提示中显示每个回复文档主题,以便用户选择任何组合

    This next code snippet displays the subject of each response document in a prompt box for the user to select any combination.


  • 通过尝试使用测试脚本或者代码归档查找可以查看如何关键字检索单独提示或者多个提示

    You can see how to retrieve individual notes, or notes by keyword, by trying out the test script or looking in the code archive.


  • 清单1显示了这个工具提示代码

    Listing 1 shows the code for this tooltip.


  • GWT开发文档提示必须慎重使用JSNI,因为不能保证浏览器可移植性而且编译代码优化有限制的。

    The GWT development documentation warns that JSNI must be used with discretion because browser portability isn't guaranteed, and the compiled code optimization is restrictive.


  • 阅读代码查看所有可能用户提示及其显示内容通常没有简单地运行程序些什么来的直观。

    Reading the source code to see every possible prompt to the user and the scenarios it displays is usually less functional than simply running the program to see what it does.


  • 阅读代码查看所有可能用户提示及其显示内容通常没有简单地运行程序些什么来的直观。

    Reading the source code to see every possible prompt to the user and the scenarios it displays is usually less functional than simply running the program to see what it does.


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