• 本文就变频调速煤矿提升运输系统应用进行探讨。

    The application of frequency converter in the transport of mine hoisting system are discussed.


  • 降大碱卤提升运输过程中易管、障壁主要原因

    The temperature plummeting in the well was the main reason for the pipeline clogging and scaling during alkali halide hoisting transportation.


  • 斜巷提升运输事故在矿井各类事故中占有很大比例,事故造成损失较大

    The accident that occurs during the inclined shaft hoisting conveyance occupies very large proportion in all kinds of accidents in mine, and the losses caused by the accidents are relatively great.


  • 适用建筑施工中物料垂直运输仓库、高塔以及公路工程高大桥墩施工等固定场所的提升运输

    It suits to the vertical transportation and the ascending transporting of the warehouse, tower and bridge pier construction of railway and highway.


  • 为了提升航空运输美国国家宇航局希望2020年前,飞机现有“777”号减少40%燃油2030年,减少70%。

    Tasked with improving the nation's air transportation, NASA wants airplanes to burn 40 percent less fuel than a 777 by 2020 and 70 percent less by 2030.


  • 高价柴油卡车运输价格提升上去,铁路运价也随之提高。

    When higher diesel costs put up trucking rates, the railways follow suit.


  • 铁路初始运力每年700万(单向),但随着运输增长,运力将得到提升

    It will have an initial capacity of 7 million tons per year (per direction) and will be expanded as traffic builds up.


  • 大不列颠铁路运输四通八达,单价格昂贵价格提升快于大陆大多数国家。大陆铁路不能直达英国。

    Rail transport is readily available all over Great Britain but expensive: prices outpace most of those in the continental countries and Eurail is not valid.


  • 此外上海与航都集团各分公司紧密配合,CIF货物运输业务大量提升

    In addition, Air-City Shanghai Branch are closely with the group's subsidiaries, CIF cargo transportation business a lot of improvement.


  • 山区河流集装箱码头前沿高程后方集装箱堆场高程不可能一致,集装箱码头陆域运输不但要完成集装箱水平输送而且要完成集装箱在场内的垂直提升

    Elevation of wharf apron is different from that of back container yard in mountainous rivers, so, land transportation consists of both level conveyance and lift of containers.


  • 港口国民经济中的地位进一步提升,港口功能不断拓展,已传统运输节点转为国际贸易中心

    The port is becoming more important in the national economy. The function of the port develops increasingly, which changes from the transportation node to the international trade centre.


  • 2005年该矿提升运输系统进行了技术改造。

    The hoisting and transport systems of its main shaft are reformed in 2005.


  • 最后,结合理论分析结论提出我国大型国际运输企业提升物流服务层次的建议。

    Suggestions on domestic large international transportation companies' promoting their logistics service level are provided in the end of this dissertation.


  • 因此,进行物流运输优化决策问题研究能够提升物流运输管理科学水平

    Therefore, to study optimization decision problems of logistics transportation, can help to enhance the science level of transportation and logistics management.


  • 同时,330巷道担负着该矿井下整个西北采区运输重担提升量大

    Meanwhile, the 330 underground mine roadway shoulder the entire burden of the Northwest District in transportation, enhance the capacity.


  • 矿井提升设备矿井生产主要设备之一,是复杂机械电气机组,是煤炭生产运输的主要工具

    The mine hoist equipment is one of the main mine pit production equipment. It is a set of complex mechanical electrical units and the main tool of coal production and transportation.


  • 离子运输分离过程中提升离子能量水平防止了离子中性分子进行团

    During the ion transportation and separation process, the elevated energy level of ions prevents them from clustering with neutral molecule inside the spectrometer.


  • 人民币持续升值预期明确、2008年奥运会以及2010年世博会相对积极因素推动下,行业景气度不断提升,特别是2008年奥运会在中国举行极大地拉动民用航空运输需求。

    Fueled by positive factors including RMB appreciation, 2008 Beijing Olympics and the 2010 World Expo Shanghai, there will be an eruptive growth for civil aviation transportation in China.


  • 最后列举提升航空运输企业核心竞争力战略措施我国航空运输企业增强核心竞争力提出了建议

    At last this paper promotes each kind of strategic measure of core competencies in order to give some advises to Chinese airlines carriers about how to improve their own core competencies.


  • 制造提供井工矿运输新生代提升设备

    Manufacturer and supplier of a new generation of hoisting machines and equipment for vertical transport in underground mines.


  • 难道你们不觉的奇怪么,世纪你们路面运输工具改善并不明显然而其他科技领域提升的相当迅速。

    Do you not think it strange that over the last century your means of road transportation have hardly changed; yet in other areas technologies have advanced quite considerably.


  • 货物二楼运输方式通常人工升降平台提升输送带叉车

    Goods to the second floor or third floor of the mode of transport usually include: labor, elevating platform, upgrading machines, conveyors, forklifts and so on.


  • 货物二楼或三楼运输方式通常人工升降平台、提升输送带叉车

    The general ways of transportation from 2nd floor to 3rd floor are:manual, elevating table, hoisting machine, conveying belt, and forklift truck, etc.


  • 常与减速配套运输冶金提升机,矿山,电力设备上。

    This type mating creeper gear used in machinery of packing, traffic, metallurgy, mine and so on.


  • 物料提升高层建筑施工必不可少的垂直物料垂直运输设备

    The material hoist is a new-type transport equipment of high-rise building for vertical materials.


  • 提升ABB公司最先进的ACS600驱动系统提供5000千瓦同步电动机驱动控制转矩速度提高矿石运输效率

    The hoist will be driven by a 5,000 kilowatt (kW) synchronous motor powered by ABB's state-of-the-art ACS 6000 drive system to control torque and speed for energy efficient ore haulage.


  • 系列绞车用于煤矿井下瓦斯煤尘爆炸性混合物场所提升运输用。

    This hoisting gear is used for hoisting or transporting at the place of coal shaft with explosive mixture of gas or coal dust.


  • 系列绞车用于煤矿井下瓦斯煤尘爆炸性混合物场所提升运输用。

    This hoisting gear is used for hoisting or transporting at the place of coal shaft with explosive mixture of gas or coal dust.


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