• 错觉影响计划阶段但是影响在线控制阶段

    Visual illusions affected the planning of action but did not affect the on-line control of action.


  • 计划控制阶段可以分为用于计划的活动和用于控制的活动。

    The planning and control phase can be divided into activities for planning and activities for control.


  • 最后质量控制阶段技师透过镜头墙上投射相同式样光线。

    In one of the final stages of quality control, a technician projects a uniform pattern through the lens onto the wall.


  • 编制工程进度计划计划以控制阶段工期如期完成

    Work out monthly progress plan and weekly progress plan to ensue the construction schedule in different construction stages to be completed on time.


  • 目前很多业务外包企业成本控制处在传统成本控制阶段

    At present, the cost control of many outsourcing companies is still in the traditional cost-control phase.


  • 控制阶段主要大型体育赛事项目成本风险进行分析

    In the control stage, the analysis is mainly carried on to the cost and the risk of large-scale sports event.


  • 房地产前期成本控制大致包括土地成本控制阶段投资决策阶段以及规划设计阶段

    The cost control of real estate in earlier stage broadly includes the stage of controlling land cost, the stage of investment and decision-making and the stage of plan and design.


  • 早期生产控制阶段-产品发生改变产品或生产过程起步加速阶段中的生产运行

    Early Production Containment Period - Production runs during the start-up and acceleration of a new or changed product or manufacturing process.


  • 在编制计划可以很方便调整、优化施工进度计划,在施工控制阶段可以直接指挥生产控制施工进度。

    It may be used to adjust and optimize construction schedule planning, also manage production and control construction schedule in construction controlling stage.


  • RUP步骤定义评价任务显示了许多TMap计划控制阶段计划活动相似处。”这些相似处在1中很明显。

    Table 1: the RUP step, Define Evaluation Mission, "shows many similarities to the planning activities from TMap's planning and Control phase."


  • 本质上看,六西格玛设计针对设计阶段时就找出产品服务流程上的缺陷而不是生产阶段质量控制阶段

    It fundamentally aims at ferreting out the flaws of the product or service or process during the design stage - not at the production stage or quality control stage.


  • 三个阶段分别是基于SLA模板SLS模板的SLA草稿构造阶段基于策略的SLA协商阶段和SLA接纳控制阶段

    The whole procedure consists of three phases: SLA-offer construction relying on SLA template and SLS template, policy-based SLA negotiation and SLA admission control.


  • 在线交通控制阶段采用交通规则进行在线交通规划,采取速度调节冲突解决模式解决各种冲突,实现了路径规划调度优化。

    On the on-line stage, the real-time traffic control rules are presented to look for the suitable routes of AGVs, and the conflicts and deadlocks are avoided through velocity regulation.


  • 控制阶段根据排序的结果工件分配加工资源根据调度的时间发送控制命令控制命令通过各层的传送最后完成对底层设备控制

    The operational process is that: simulating when receiving process plan from up-floor, manufacturing sequencing, allocating resource for works, sending control command, and controlling equipments.


  • 本文分析比较了当前我们住宅建设前期造价控制阶段存在问题,针对这些问题提出了相应的解决方法更好、有效地控制工程造价提出了意见建议。

    This article analyses and compares the problems existing in the cost control of the early stage, and it discusses a solution to control the project cost effectively.


  • 一旦地球经历形成最后阶段气体就会鼓泡地表地球的重力场控制形成大气

    Once Earth had gone through the final stages of its formation, gases bubbled to the surface and were held by Earth's gravitational field to form the atmosphere.


  • 信息确定分类以至控制利用存档信息管理每个阶段需要做出判断

    Judgment calls are required at every stage of information management, from identification through categorization to control, utilization, and archiving.


  • 工程阶段期间我们试图避免通过改变控制程序加重用户的负担。

    During the Engineering stage we try to avoid burdening the users with change control procedures.


  • 动机还是自——在本土生产就能控制每个生产阶段能让密切关注变幻无常的时装市场迅速趋势作出反应

    His motive, once again, is self-interest: it gives him control over every stage of production, and enables him to monitor the fickle fashion market and respond quickly to new trends.


  • 由于稳定这个构架,这个阶段中的附加项目就会控制项目启动检查。

    As the architecture stabilizes, additional projects in the stage are initiated and overseen by the control project.


  • 控制项目对于一个阶段协调项目有用的机制

    A control project is a useful mechanism for coordinating the projects contributing to a stage.


  • 另一项常见工作计算游戏过程中所有出现过的咒语数目或者调整玩家游戏不同阶段控制界面。

    Another task may be to count the number of swear words throughout game play or plug in and unplug the controllers at different stages throughout the game play.


  • 建立决策权管理框架基础上,框架SOA生命周期四个阶段建立权限角色控制等链条

    It is based on a decision rights and management framework that includes the establishment of chains of authority, roles, controls, and so forth, for the four phases of the SOA life cycle.


  • 注意对于这个控制项目阶段有时候是如何管理的相应阶段一些结束的。

    Notice how the phases for the control project sometimes end a little later than the corresponding phases of the projects it manages.


  • 父母可以利用程序控制孩子使用电脑,但是这个年龄阶段青少年技术互联网非常精通

    Parents can make use of programs that control access to the Internet, but adolescents in this age group are quite savvy about technology and the Internet.


  • 人们都知道药物心境稳定剂控制疾病躁狂阶段证明有效相对治疗抑郁阶段问题多多。

    Drugs known as mood stabilizers have proved effective at controlling the manic phase of the illness, but treating the depressive phase is more problematic.


  • 后续支持级别模型:将对定义阶段开发支持控制模型的任何更新进行系统化

    Ongoing support levels model: Codifies any updates to the support and governance model developed in the Define phase.


  • 第二阶段集中控制四个关键技术建立空间实验室

    The second phase focuses on mastering four key technologies for assembling a space station.


  • 内核映像加载内存中,并且阶段2引导加载程序释放控制之后,内核阶段就开始了

    With the kernel image in memory and control given from the stage 2 boot loader, the kernel stage begins.


  • SOA不同阶段()控制每个流程实例(工作条目),需要各种资源完成

    The SOA controls each process instance (work item) for a different period (seconds, days, weeks, or years) and has varying resource requirements to complete.


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