• 告诉,她接到报告一个犯人中暑衰竭,她来检查一下。

    She tells him that she’s responding to a report that an inmate has heat exhaustion.


  • 现场测试若干单元几个我们接到报告设计测试时间歇性失效。

    A few months after Fielding several units, we received a report that the new design was failing intermittently in the field.


  • 机关单位接到报告应当立即作出处理及时保密行政管理部门报告

    The organ or entity shall, immediately after receiving the report, handle the situation and report to the secrecy administrative department.


  • 接到报告单位应当立即依照本法规定行使海洋环境监督管理权的部门通报

    The unit that has received such report shall immediately notify the department empowered by this Law to conduct marine environment supervision and control.


  • 海事管理机构接到报告应当及时上述信息通报港口所在地港口行政管理部门

    The maritime administrative institution shall, after receipt of the report, timely circularize the abovementioned information to the port administrative department at the locality of the port.


  • 伦敦动物园接到报告说,在伦敦以南英里处发现一支美洲狮时,这些报告没有受到重视

    When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.


  • 伦敦动物园接到报告说,在伦敦以南45英里处发现美洲狮时,这些报告没有受到重视

    When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.


  • 很多收容所可以出租诱捕笼或者这个地区可能会地方法规执法机构接到报告之后会来捉住这只动物

    Many shelters will rent out traps, or the area may have a by-law enforcement agency that catches stray animals when they are reported as such.


  • 我们接到报告电话:‘在我家阁楼上,我受不了了,已经脖子了,我坚持不住了。’我真是感到心痛。

    We are getting reports and calls that are breaking my heart from people saying, 'I have been in my attic, I cannot take it any more, the water is up to my neck, I don't think I can hold out'.


  • 周六晚间马来西亚海事执法机构接到报告船只失踪随后派遣救援船只直升机前往事发地点进行搜救

    The MMEA received a call about the boat's disappearance on Saturday night, and then sent out rescue ships and helicopters to the site for rescue.


  • 可能知道我们社区年轻人经常使用的,不幸的是我们接到越来越多的报告,称玻璃碎片对年幼孩子特别危险

    As you probably know, it's well used by younger people in our community, but unfortunately we're getting more and more reports of broken glass making it especially dangerous for younger children.


  • 这个公司没有接到任何有关其产品致病报告

    The company said it hasn't received any reports of illnesses.


  • 蒙牛集团上周五表示,尚未接到顾客因食用奶制品患病报告,该公司同时重申,蒙牛生产的绝大多数产品都是安全的。

    Mengniu said Friday that it has not received any reports of customers falling ill from its dairy products, and reiterated that most of its products are safe.


  • 此前FDA接到使用肝素而引起上百起不良反应19患者死亡报告

    The FDA has received reports of hundreds of reactions and 19 deaths of patients after taking heparin.


  • 审计单位应当接到审计报告书面意见送交审计组或者审计机关

    The auditees shall, within ten days from the date of receiving the audit reports, send their comments in writing to the audit teams or audit institutions.


  • 在1999年至2008年间接到32损害报告中,有30美国之外发生

    Of the 32 reports of liver damage received between 1999 and 2008, 30 occurred outside the US.


  • 接到这份不可思议报告,机场塔楼里的人满腹狐疑,马上调整雷达开始跟踪

    An incredulous tower received the incredulous report, made a radar fix and began tracking him.


  • 接到可疑疫病爆发报告时,危机管理中心能够48小时之内世界任何热点派遣专家

    When a suspected outbreak is reported, CMC can dispatch its experts to any hot-spot in the world in under 48 hours.


  • 警方接到份关于亚洲男子报告,该亚洲男子明显随身携带两个武器,在大学体育馆附近

    Police had received a report of an Asian male, apparently carrying two weapons, near the university's main gym.


  • 接到了很多有关灾情报告公共汽车压在倒塌楼房停车场明显损毁半坍塌甚至全倒。

    I've had reports of buses that are trapped under fallen buildings, car park buildings that have taken significant damage, collapsed or partially collapsed.


  • 不断接到你们投诉食堂工作人员报告因为你们睡过了头儿想吃薄饼

    I've been getting reports of you guys complaining to the dining hall staff 'cause you overslept but you still want your pancakes.


  • 是的。明各地接到一些夫妻遭到骚扰报告

    That is right. There have been reports from around the state of loveless couples suffering harassment.


  • 商务部发言人姚坚周二,[gm66nd]在中国注册公司迄今商务部尚未接到家公司有意退出报告

    On Tuesday, Ministry of Commerce spokesman Yao Jian said [gm99nd] has two companies registered, but so far the ministry hasn't received any reports regarding an exit of either company.


  • 英国医学健康用品协调机构1998年药物奥利司他批准上市以来,接到1295份疑似与其副作用有关报告

    Britain's Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency said it had received a total of 1, 295 suspected adverse drug reaction reports associated with orlistat since it was licensed in 1998.


  • 然而,据美国科技资讯网站CNET报道旧金山警察局没有接到苹果关于物件丢失报告

    However, technology website Cnet.co.uk reports that the San Francisco Police Department said Apple had not reported the item as lost.


  • 然而,据美国科技资讯网站CNET报道旧金山警察局没有接到苹果关于物件丢失报告

    However, technology website Cnet.co.uk reports that the San Francisco Police Department said Apple had not reported the item as lost.


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