• 这种情况建议远程序列化字符串排除XML声明

    In such cases, our recommendation is to exclude the XML declaration from the remote serialized string.


  • 可能需要另外检查明确患有白内障排除一些可能引起视力问题其它情况

    You may need other tests to make sure you have a cataract or to rule out other conditions that may be causing vision problems.


  • 但是如果我们那些学者一样排除贿赂情况,我们该如何解释这样现象呢?

    But how do we explain this phenomenon, if we rule out corruption, as the study's authors do?


  • 但是有时候需要一些不同的事情或者排除故障,本文涵盖了其中一些情况

    Sometimes, though, you need to do something different or troubleshoot problems. This article covers some of these situations.


  • 篇文章目的不是提供详细的策略方法而是排除一些极端情况

    This article is not intended to offer detailed stream strategy approaches, but let’s rule out some of the extremes.


  • 目标其他产品生成排除阻碍因素情况下为一个产品满足所有基本标准所有角色尽可能重要标准。

    The goal is for a product to meet all essential criteria and as many important criteria as possible for all personas without creating any excluding or impeding elements for others.


  • 某些情况这些问题排除目录方法或者使考虑系统无关。

    In some cases, these issues will rule out the directory approach or render it irrelevant to the system being considered.


  • 系统调试可以节省时间排除一些可能的情况,就能越快速找到问题真正原因

    Systematic Debugging Saves Time: the faster you rule out things, the faster you find the real cause of an issue.


  • 研究者分析特别仔细他们尝试排除认知力下降发生在社会孤立之前或者导致社会孤立可能性不是相反情况

    The researchers were especially careful in their analysis to try to rule out the possibility that cognitive decline precedes, or causes, social isolation, and not the reverse.


  • 不幸的是,许多交互模式而言不够因为排除异步性、有状态的交互和对等通信这样的情况

    Unfortunately, this isn't good enough for many interaction schemes, as it precludes things like asynchrony, stateful interaction, and peer-to-peer communication.


  • 疫苗药物在手,福田还是很乐观的。就算天花爆发也应该能够被相对迅速地抑制。他承认不排除有拉响全球警报情况出现。

    With the new vaccines and drugs, Fukuda was optimistic any smallpox outbreak would be stamped out relatively quickly though acknowledged any new cases might spark global alarm.


  • 规定就是种“全真伪”命题定下一种规则并且允许任何根据故意排除所有情况而出现例外。

    A rule is an "all or nothing" proposition; it lays down the law and admits of no exceptions that might be claimed on the basis of all the considerations it purposely excludes.


  • 荒唐是阿富汗北部德国驻军:他们从不夜间巡逻,也拒绝没有救护车跟随的情况下去任何地方,这也排除步行巡逻的可能。

    The Germans in the north, to cite the most ridiculous example, will not patrol at night and resist going anywhere without an ambulance, which precludes foot patrols.


  • 通告表示航空公司白天多雨情况降落排除安全允许范围之外。

    Daytime landings in rainy conditions were also ruled out for the airline, the notice said.


  • 转而森林园艺以及其他形式永续农业来谋求出路比较困难,尤其是生产粮食方面然而这种紧急情况蔓延的态势已经到了如此地步排除任何救治之道都我们承受不起。

    A switch to forest gardening and other forms of permaculture is trickier, especially for producing grain; but such is the scale of the creeping emergency that we can't afford to rule anything out.


  • 很多情况排除严重的内分泌失调这些感受的最根本物质痴迷心,而且经过锻炼痴迷心是可以用在好处的。

    In most of these cases, barring severe chemical imbalances, the raw material here is obsession, and with practice obsession is harnessable for good.


  • 即使排除“考虑到对于优秀队伍可能出现更高期望”的这一现象,这个情况依然存在。

    And even after the high expectations surrounding the more talented teams were taken into account, the correlation persisted.


  • 现在有些科学家就争论老年痴呆症(阿尔兹·海默)是否也存在类似情况,是不是通过修复细胞排除废物能力废物造成伤害之前阻止老年痴呆症的发生。

    Now some are arguing that a similar process takes place in Alzheimer's disease and that by repairing the cells' ability to discard waste the disease can be stopped before it can cause damage.


  • 由于国家级以下急性弛缓麻痹监测质量存有差距,因此尚不能排除存在未经发现的野生脊灰病毒传播情况

    Due to gaps in the quality of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance at subnational levels, additional undetected WPV circulation cannot be ruled out.


  • 一般情况这样服务器崩溃最终会导致大量故障排除大量关键数据丢失

    Usually such server crashes ends with lots of troubleshooting and loss of critical data.


  • 默认情况下,Streamlined排除特殊Rails字段例如键、时间戳,包含其余字段。

    By default, Streamlined excludes special Rails fields such as foreign keys, primary keys, and timestamps, and includes the rest.


  • 排除悲剧情况,童龀之期的孩子们都生活美好的世界里,备受庇护——算是离异的父母也因为享受探视而倍感幸福。

    Barring tragedies, children in these years inhabit a sheltered, more benign worldand fortunate parents enjoy visiting rights.


  • 预期财年后期情况会更糟因为加州已经从财政预算削减了对法院系统的3亿5千万美元拨款,而且不排除进一步削减的可能。

    But she expects worse later in this fiscal year because California’s current budget, which has already cut court funding by $350m, contains a trigger for even more reductions.


  • 在线医疗建议首要问题按照严重程度来排列症状也不列出那种附带症状能将那种特殊情况排除在外。

    The one major problem with online medical advice is that they do not list symptoms in order of importance and nor do they list which additional symptoms would exclude that particular condition.


  • 虽然有一很长的名单里面这种曼联效力多的球星们,但是我们在这里只能选出5个,还有很多无论什么情况都忠于球队愿意为球队付出生命的球员,我们不得不他们排除在外。

    While there might be a long list of serving Reds who could make this list, we preview just five names who, despite all odds, remained faithful to the club.


  • 虽然有一很长的名单里面这种曼联效力多的球星们,但是我们在这里只能选出5个,还有很多无论什么情况都忠于球队愿意为球队付出生命的球员,我们不得不他们排除在外。

    While there might be a long list of serving Reds who could make this list, we preview just five names who, despite all odds, remained faithful to the club.


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