• 一旦决定了哪些数据需要更好地保护,以免受自己数据中心中物理损害损失下一步就是决定如何处理这些数据。

    Once you've decided what data needs to be protected from physical loss or damage in your data center, the next step is deciding how to handle that data.


  • 特别是监管者处理局外人”——即那些金融危机中损失高于平均水平银行——问题至关重要的。

    In particular, it is vital that regulators deal with the "outliers", Banks that lose more than average in a crisis.


  • 处理影响所需资金生产力价值收入损失方面来计算,饥饿经济成本估计每年数千亿美元

    The economic cost of hunger in terms of both resources needed to deal with its effects and the value of productivity and income losses is estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars a year.


  • 2009到2010年间严冬使整个蒙古国损失上百万牲口。奥古(图)岳父雅,正在处理绵羊山羊的令人恶心的尸体

    With a sick heart, Ochkhuu (at left) and his father-in-law, Jaya, dispose of sheep and goat carcasses after the winter of 2009-2010, which killed millions of livestock across Mongolia.


  • 可以直升机救人也许能产生一些幸存者奇迹但是很难组织援助服务,尤其难以处理财产损失

    You can lift people out by helicopter, and that might produce a few survivor miracles, but the provision of aid, especially to address the loss of property, is not easy to organize.


  • 银行不得不将没有卖完债券全部买入虽然这些优质债券,银行的损失易于处理,但这还是进一步打乱银行的收支平衡。

    The Banks behind TOBs are having to buy up the unsold bonds, further straining their balance sheets-though losses should be manageable as the bonds are high-quality.


  • 为便于脱手,经过某种处理最终买方产品卖给第三损失惨重

    The product was eventually sold by the buyer to third parties at considerable loss, after having undergone a certain treatment to make it more saleable.


  • 这些损失一些大富豪头上,但是他们能力处理

    A good deal of these losses will have fallen on the very wealthy, who can cope.


  • 国际航空电讯协会(SITA) 2008行李报告称,2007年,航空业因为行李处理不当损失124亿美元。

    Although according to a 2008 baggage report by SITA, the aviation industry lost 12.4 billion in 2007 as a result of mishandled baggage.


  • 瑞安房地产周三晚间称,该公司此前已经披露过,它早今年春天就已对这些掉期合约作了平仓处理,并录得损失人民币1.15亿元。

    Shui On late Wednesday pointed to previous disclosures that described terminating the contracts in the spring, resulting in a loss of 115 million yuan.


  • DB 2ContentManager实现备份将带来业务连续性处理得当,还将最小化数据损失甚至完全不会有损失

    Implementing hot backup for DB2 Content Manager affords business continuity and minimizes data loss or no loss of data if handled properly.


  • 尽管如此,就算如今作弊不多,仅仅处理1990年代股票期权授予就够检察官们忙.以低于市价授予股票期权并不违法.问题对此说谎--关于股票期权回溯最佳说法.此举可能欺骗股东,同时改变了股票期权授予的会计税务适当处理方法.被供述的UNITEDHEALTH的股票期权回溯---老板WILLIAM MCGUIRE收取16亿股票期权--如果属实,其利润税务减免会损失几亿.

    The problem is lying about it—the best way to describe backdating options. The practice may defraud shareholders, as well as altering the appropriate accounting and tax treatment of the option grants.


  • 处理预期之外后果正确方法应债务人收税,即污染者承担损失

    The right response to an externality of this kind is to tax it-to make the polluter pay.


  • 规则支持者紧盯市价会计处理迫使银行进入贱卖承受更多损失恶性循环之中。

    Fans of the new rules argue that mark-to-market accounting forced Banks into a vicious spiral of forced sales and more losses.


  • 将要紧急事件的处理工作买单,还要应对因为此次事故蒙受健康财产损失的家庭所提出的赔偿诉讼势必因此破产

    It would certainly be bankrupt from paying for the emergency work and fighting lawsuits from those seeking compensation for health or financial difficulties caused by this crisis.


  • 降低由于coats子系统间订单处理方式差异导致收益损失可能性

    Decrease the potential for missed revenue caused by discrepancies in batch processing of orders across COATS subsystems.


  • 如果办理一切,万一出了问题我们损失没法处理

    If All Risks is not guaranteed, in ase there is any problem, the loss will be too heavy for us to handle.


  • 风险财务对策损失发生财务处理方式经济补偿手段。

    Measures of financial risk is the loss after handling the financial and economic means of compensation.


  • 这些损失费用包括出口受限市场损失、检疫处理费用、种植面积减少、残伤未熟果实跌落

    These losses would come in the form of export sanctions lost markets treatment costs reduced crop yields deformities and premature fruit drop.


  • 处理5所有参试品种产量产值损失

    All varieties tested lost yield and value in treatment 5.


  • 资金管理所有商业计划里重要部分就是资金管理,还有如何处理损失盈利

    Money management: The most important part of ANY business plan is money management and how you will overcome losses and wins.


  • 流器具分选精度压力损失处理能力优点

    Such cyclone gives advantages as: high separation precision, low pressure loss, and large throughput.


  • 可能需要某种方法减少损失处理参与其中的另一个人所感到失望

    This may require you to cut your losses in some way or somehow deal with disappointing another person who is involved in the situation.


  • 不论真实人数是多少其他损失可能这次事故中,以及事故发生后地处理不当

    Whatever the true Numbers, other casualties may be counted in the disaster and the nature of its clumsy handling afterwards.


  • 媒体应对问题处理得及时恰当不仅可以减少突发事件负面影响降低突发事件造成损失甚至可能危机机遇

    If we respond the media timely and probably, we can not only reduce negative influence of emergency lower loss due to emergency, but also, possibly, turn danger into chance.


  • 媒体应对问题处理得及时恰当不仅可以减少突发事件负面影响降低突发事件造成损失甚至可能危机机遇

    If we respond the media timely and probably, we can not only reduce negative influence of emergency lower loss due to emergency, but also, possibly, turn danger into chance.


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