• 蜘蛛捕食昆虫其它蜘蛛甚至包括在内的动物

    Spiders catch and consume insects, other spiders and even small animals including snakes and birds.


  • 长的植物提供了安全巢穴田云雀发现矮草丛中捕食昆虫容易。

    The long stuff provides secure nesting, while the pipits find it easier to find their insect prey in closer-cropped sward.


  • 非洲牛蛙Pyxicephalus捕食昆虫老鼠鸟类,据说甚至同类相食,使其它青蛙无法忍受。

    African bullfrogs, or Pyxicephalus adspersus in Latin, prey on insects, rodents, birds and are even known to become cannibalistic and overpower other frogs.


  • 褐雨燕:燕科各种捕食昆虫黑色小鸟,与蜂鸟有亲缘关系强劲翅膀快速飞行而著称。

    Any of various small, dark, insect-eating birds of the family Apodidae, related to the hummingbirds and noted for their long, strong wings and swift flight.


  • 经常好几个小时我们花园尽头脏兮兮破旧小棚屋里寻找蜘蛛网,看那里是不是潜伏着专门捕食昆虫八脚大虫

    I'd spend hours rooting through the dusty old shed at the bottom of our garden, hunting the cobwebs for lurking eight-legged predators.


  • 英国每日电讯报》报道,英国植物学发现包括西红柿土豆在内的多种蔬菜其实都是食肉”植物,它们捕食昆虫的技巧堪与捕蝇草比肩

    British botanists have discovered that many vegetables including tomato and potato are "carnivorous" predators who kill insects in order to self-fertilize, the Daily Telegraph reported.


  • 然而实际上这种动物的长中指是作为捕食昆虫的工具。 每当夜晚降临,它会潜伏它长长的中指迅速敲击树干,通过倾听声音判别含有幼虫的部分。

    In fact, the animal uses its middle finger to find and harvest insect larvae in trees.


  • 主要捕食有翼昆虫

    Flycatchers feed primarily on winged insects.


  • 生物学上假设包括生态变化,这些变化是昆虫开花植物之间的共同进化海洋中以海底生物捕食者的进化所带来的。

    Biological hypotheses include ecological changes brought about by the evolution of cooperation between insects and flowering plants or of bottom-feeding predators in the oceans.


  • 蝙蝠避开其他捕食找到猎物——通常是夜间飞行昆虫

    The bats are able to avoid other predators, and locate preytypically insects that fly around at night.


  • 蜘蛛它们蛛网上捕食一般捕到的都是昆虫

    Spiders catch their food, usually insects, in their web.


  • 植物学家首次发现这种植物食肉性捕食者,它们捕杀昆虫为了“给自己补充营养”。

    Botanists have discovered for the first time that the plants are carnivorous predators who kill insects in order to "self-fertilise" themselves.


  • 舌头非常明显它的整个身体这让捕食各种各样的微小昆虫从小蟋蟀飞蛾蜘蛛甚至蝗虫

    Remarkably, its tongue is longer than its entire body, allowing it to feed on a variety of tiny insects from small crickets to moths, spiders and even locusts.


  • 弗里克指出,蝙蝠平衡两种需求,一种是等待夜幕的降临,为了躲避那些白天捕食;另一种是捕捉昆虫需求它们往往傍晚丰富。

    The bats are balancing the need to wait until dark, when day-flying hawks stop hunting, and the need to catch the insects when they are most plentiful, right at dusk.


  • 鸟类迁移它们捕食昆虫或是作为食物的各类植物却仍留在原处,这就有可能会扰乱当地数千未曾改变的生态系统

    When birds move, the insects or plants they eat often do not, possibly upsetting ecosystems unchanged for thousands of years.


  • 研究小组发现尽管这些蛛网有在强度尺寸蜘蛛侠织的蛛网,但是这些达尔文蛛只是他们捕食蜉蝣和蜻蜓这样小型飞行昆虫

    Despite spinning webs of Spider-Man-like size and strength, the Darwin's bark spider USES them to feed mainly on small fry-insects such as mayflies and dragonflies, the team found.


  • 捕食猎物包括昆虫小型哺乳动物两栖动物以及可能生活沼泽森林白垩纪的小型恐龙。

    Among its prey would have been insects, small mammals, amphibians and possibly small dinosaurs that lived in the swamps and forests of the late Cretaceous.


  • 科学家观察到不同于那些通常爬行动物捕食对象昆虫一种特殊种类昆虫却以蛇类为食。

    But unlike insects that often fall prey to reptiles scientists have observed one particular species of bug eating snakes and a turtle.


  • 认为观察到这些昆虫捕食爬行动物的现象引发了之前所淡水生境捕食动态观点疑问

    He suggests that these observations of bugs predating reptiles call into question previously held opinions about predator-prey dynamics in freshwater habitats.


  • 并且生活混合植被中的昆虫捕食者可以减轻害虫危害

    Insect predators living in the mixed species plantations reduce pest damage.


  • 我们知道Lethocerinae(半翅负子昆虫的一类)的大型昆虫捕食包括蛙类在内的小型脊椎动物

    Large bugs in the Lethocerinae family have been known to prey upon small vertebrates including fish and frogs.


  • 结果表明咀嚼害虫、刺吸害虫、天敌以及中性昆虫昆虫群落优势功能团;

    The result indicates that the chewing pest, piercing-sucking pest, predatory natural enemy and neutral insect are the dominance guilds in the insect community.


  • 大多数蝙蝠昆虫飞行中捕食

    Most bats are insect eaters that catch their meals while flying.


  • 本文记录西昌农田害虫天敌寄生性昆虫96种,捕食昆虫81种。

    This paper records the natural enemies of pests in Xichang farmlands, including 96 parasitic insects and 81 predatory insects.


  • 大多数螽蟖为植食性种类,重要农林害虫,部分类群种类,是重要的昆虫天敌生物防治潜在资源

    Most of them are phytophagous insects and important pests in agriculture and forest; others are predatory insects and are insect enemy and potential resources for biocontrol.


  • 许多小型有害昆虫重要天敌农业生产中极具利用价值

    Phytoseiid mites is the important predatory natural enemy of many injurious mites and small injurious insects, which has the important utilization value in agricultural production.


  • 大部分蟑螂喜欢更为传统户外昆虫生活它们可以帮助回收腐烂植被,帮植物授粉,甚至一些情况下捕食害虫

    Most roaches prefer a more conventional insect life outdoors, where they help to recycle decaying vegetation, pollinate plants, and in some cases even prey on more harmful insects.


  • 杂草生境节肢动物群落害虫中性昆虫天敌和寄生性天敌亚群落稻田生境相应亚群落影响程度不同

    The effect of predator, parasitoid, insect pest and neutral insect groups in the arthropod community in the weed habitat on the corresponding groups in the paddy habitat were varied.


  • 杂草生境节肢动物群落害虫中性昆虫天敌和寄生性天敌亚群落稻田生境相应亚群落影响程度不同

    The effect of predator, parasitoid, insect pest and neutral insect groups in the arthropod community in the weed habitat on the corresponding groups in the paddy habitat were varied.


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