• 我会发薪日的。

    I expect I'll struggle through until payday.


  • 西门彼得,彼得:“啊,吗?”

    Then cometh he to Simon Peter: and Peter saith unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet?


  • 脚跟再一罗西南特肋骨盾牌征途

    My heel once again get to rossi nantes ribs, I'm holding the shield, heavy on the journey.


  • 警察走向闹事人群时,他们一阵投来石块瓶子的袭击。

    The police were met by a hail of stones and bottles as they moved in on the rioters.


  • 话说回来,干吗一个沙发上?你有钱。至少可以离婚成为定局

    Why do you wanna sleep on a couch anyway? You got money. At least until the divorce is finalized.


  • 如果很多会议结束,曾经那样,你会发现它们几乎是没什么用的。

    If you’ve sat through a lot of meetings, like I have, you know they’re almost always useless.


  • 终于高中最后一年毕业典礼三个星期比尔马克了一次话。

    Finally the long awaited senior year came, and three weeks before graduation, Bill asked Mark if they could talk.


  • 现在虽然实际上一拳也没有,可是他的气力也在跟对方一样迅速地衰弱下去。

    Though now he was receiving practically no punishment, he was weakening as rapidly as the other.


  • 下去,枕头如此柔软如此温暖如此舒适如此祥和正如怀抱

    She lay down, her head touched the pillow, which was so soft, warm, comfortable, peaceful, safely... just like his arms.


  • 清醒状态转入睡眠状态(我们的脑袋枕头上之后),会出现所谓的睡前幻觉

    So-called hypnagogic hallucinations occurduring the transition from wakefulness to sleep (just after our headhits the pillow).


  • 口齿清楚说话时候不要嗡嗡的哼,要大声地说出来,也不要人都吓跑了。

    Speak clearly. No mumbling! When it's your turn to speak, talk loudly and clearly, but don't shout. You don't want to scare them off.


  • 如果如何个月发工资发愁身临此境),那么减少不必要开支绝对可以你。

    You can invent your own version, and if you're more worried about how to survive until the next paycheck (I've been there), then cutting back on the unnecessary will help you get there.


  • 尽管有本周这件划时代的事件,批判者还是抨击理查德爵士太空船只是挨到太空并未进入轨道

    Despite this week's milestone, critics will continue to snipe that Sir Richard's spaceship goes only to the edge of space and not into orbit.


  • 拳打了,没能真正奏效。可是汤姆·挨到拳头,立刻就产生了过去非常熟悉那种昏迷感觉,眼前一片漆黑

    It was too high up to be vitally effective; but when first it landed, King knew the old, familiar descent of the black veil of unconsciousness across his mind.


  • 下战书500看着抢修电力同道慢悠悠速度感觉今天没戏了只得家人随州自行回家明天继承办理

    Wait until they looked down the gauntlet 500 repair electric fellow who leisurely pace, feeling Today is the Moxi has had to call his family from Suizhou own home tomorrow, and then apply inheritance.


  • 简直什么也看不见啊。小米勒。他紧紧地答的尾巴好像有一片浓密的云吞没月亮。也许我们早晨再走。

    I can hardly see a thing, said Milo, taking hold of Tocks tail as a sticky mist engulfed the moon. Perhaps we should wait until morning.


  • 可是那些戒指似乎磁铁,”迪格雷想,“只要挨到去摸黄戒指,她和便都会各个世界之间树林中去。”

    "But the rings seem to work like magnets," thought Digory. "If I can only touch her and then slip on my yellow, we shall both go into the Wood between the Worlds."


  • 我们电力在长时间通话下面直落,表示如果的话量很大,NexusOne并非整天不用充电的手机,而可以第二

    That said, we did see a dip when taking long calls, which indicates that this might not be a charge-free device day to day if you've got some serious gossip to dish.


  • ,原来如此,”母亲嚷道,“郎格太太可要开跳舞前一天才能赶回来;那么,她可来不及介绍给你们啦,自己认识。”

    "Aye, so it is," cried her mother, "and Mrs. Long does not come back till the day before; so it will be impossible for her to introduce him, for she will not know him herself."


  • ,原来如此,”母亲嚷道,“郎格太太可要开跳舞前一天才能赶回来;那么,她可来不及介绍给你们啦,自己认识。”

    "Aye, so it is," cried her mother, "and Mrs. Long does not come back till the day before; so it will be impossible for her to introduce him, for she will not know him herself."


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