• 今的自动驾驶测试车需要时间来发送信息和接收指令

    Today's self-driving test cars take time to send the information and the receiving instructions.


  • 是因为实际源代码变量绑定可以更改,这是建立环境或者构建预处理程序指令时间定义基础上的。

    This is because the actual source code and the variable binding can change, based on the environment or the build time definitions of macros and preprocessor commands.


  • 然而对于我们人类信息是要紧特别是如果考虑我们生产力——单位时间我们处理这些零一指令的数量。

    However, for us humans, this information matters, particularly if our productivity — how many of these ones and zeros we can produce per unit time — is taken into account.


  • 因而这会节省处理呈现时间因为浏览器需要逐个字节地读入字体指令或者对其属性

    So you've saved processing and rendering time immediately, as the browser isn't reading bytes and bytes of font instructions or alignment attributes.


  • 同时,人们尽量服务器设在离股票交易所地方,尽量减少指令通过线路所花费时间

    Servers are sited as close as possible to stock exchanges to minimise the time taken for orders to travel down the wires.


  • 时间伯顿承认,伊恩索是买回来的,而且受过严格的训练狗 - 不过训练指令威尔士的。 伯顿擅长这种语言泰勒完全懂。

    It was some time later that Burton admitted that he had actually purchased the dog fully trained, but only to commands spoken in Welsh--a language that he spoke fluently, and Taylor spoke not at all.


  • 从消除信号阻塞进程执行一个指令之间,必然时钟周期间隙任何时间窗口发生信号都会丢掉。

    There has to be some gap of clock cycles between the unblocking of signals and the next instruction carried by the process, and any occurrence of a signal in this window of time is lost.


  • 税务海关都将得到指令小企业更多缴税时间

    Revenue and Customs will be instructed to give small firms more time to pay tax bills.


  • 一个患有多动症小孩可能会困难跟着教学指令,比如说需要长的时间完成家庭作业些杂物或者其他的一些事情

    A child that suffers from ADHD may have trouble following instructions includingthose for finishing school work, performing chores or anything else that requires focus for any length of time.


  • 通过减少循环计算机需要执行指令节省了执行时间

    This saves time by reducing the number of overhead instructions that the computer has to execute in a loop.


  • 这种方式拉近地理距离,让传送买卖指令时间缩短了数毫秒

    Reducing geographical distance in this way cuts milliseconds off the time it takes for buy or sell messages to be sent into or back from an exchange.


  • CPI意味着指令花费执行时间少。

    The lower value of CPI means one instruction takes less time to execute. The cycles can be broken down into several parts in terms of how much time is spent in different pipeline stage.


  • 客户CPU执行hlt指令自愿产生CPU时间其他客户

    When a guest CPU executes the HLT instruction, it voluntarily yields CPU time to other guests.


  • 同样POWER 5指令流水线停留时间可以划分三个部分

    Again, taking POWER5 as an example, the time an instruction stays in the pipeline can be divided into three parts.


  • 收集采样越多处理器执行指令时间就越多。

    The more samples collected, the more time the processor has spent executing those instructions. Note the number of samples collected in main and func1.


  • JIT通过代码编译成机器码,这样可以减少翻译Python指令时间,以此提高代码的执行速度。 “在CPython里,” Winter 解释道,“一部分的开销很大;在这方面只做了较小的调整就使CPython 2.7有了近15%速度提升。”

    Using a JIT will speed up execution by compiling to machine code, thus eliminating the overhead of fetching, decoding, and dispatching Python opcodes.


  • 我们假定程序指令执行所花费时间可以忽略的,实际上它还是会引入一些偏差。

    We assume that the time spent executing the instructions in the program is negligible, but there is a slight bias introduced by that time.


  • 实际上CPI运行指令需要多少时间度量

    Essentially, CPI is a measure of how much time an instruction takes to run.


  • 例程收集到采样数量处理器执行指令时所花时间正比

    The number of samples collected in the routine is proportional to the the time spent by the processor in executing instructions.


  • 如果现有制造时间无法满足新的生产要求,生产部门会发布新的工作指令满足新的生产指令生产要求。

    If the existing manufacturing schedule cannot fulfill the new production requirements, the production department issues new work orders to meet the new production order's production requirements.


  • 如果现行制造时间无法满足新的生产要求,生产部门会发布新的工作指令满足新的生产指令生产要求。

    If the existing manufacturing schedule cannot fulfill the new production requirements, the production department issues new work orders to meet the fresh production order's production requirements.


  • 然后他们特定资源发布工作指令,以此来部署他们制造时间

    They then deploy their manufacturing schedules by issuing work orders to dedicated resources.


  • 生产部门检查需要生产产品制造时间将生产指令要求现有的制造时间表进行匹配

    The production department checks the manufacturing schedule of items that need to be produced and matches the requirements of the production order with the existing manufacturing schedule.


  • 时间间隔的默认单个指令周期(10毫秒)。

    The default value for this interval is a single clock tick (10 milliseconds).


  • 一旦习惯于许多外部指令你可以完全掌控自己时间的时候,推动自己做某事将困难的。

    If you're used to having a lot of external direction, it can be really tough to motivate yourself when you're totally in charge of your own time.


  • 根据指令动作限时,如一分钟,往往是诱惑加长游戏时间最终游戏双方无所谓输赢,既是赢家也是输家

    Time limits like one minute on said action means that itis a prolonged game of seduction, which by the end will have you both clamoringto be both the winner and the loser.


  • 周一上午拉合尔法官指令戴维斯被监禁14警局看守人转移到鉴于等候庭审,庭审时间2月25日

    On Monday morning, a Lahore judge ordered that Davis be held for another 14 days and that he be transferred from a police lock-up to a jail to await his next court hearing, scheduled for Feb. 25.


  • 漫游车重新工作他们会收到工作指令,包括前进方向工作时间

    When the rovers wake up, they receive a day's worth of commands telling them what direction to drive in and for how long.


  • 编译器生成指令就是将要执行机器码,一般情况下,可以合理地理解它们时间特征

    The instructions generated by the compiler are the actual machine instructions that are going to be executed, and their timing characteristics are reasonably well understood in the common cases.


  • 编译器生成指令就是将要执行机器码,一般情况下,可以合理地理解它们时间特征

    The instructions generated by the compiler are the actual machine instructions that are going to be executed, and their timing characteristics are reasonably well understood in the common cases.


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