• 只是放在屏幕拿笔写字舒适自然

    It's just the hand resting on the screen for more natural writing with the pen.


  • 看看即使时间有多少进步

    Go grab a pen and some paper now, and notice how you improve within even a short period of time.


  • 松饼嘴里拿笔指着说:“

    Sarah crammed another lump of muffin into her mouth and pointed the pen at me. “I will stop right now.


  • 迟疑了几分钟之后似乎记起了什么也赶紧拿笔准备

    After a moment's hesitation he seemed to remember something and I got ready to write.


  • 关于复习全书觉得做法值得商榷,我一上来了起来。

    About reviewing whole book, I feel my practice also is worth deliberate, I come up to took a pen be done.


  • 有啊。很漂亮,真的。老百姓拿笔着,等得都啊,等你呢。

    Uncle Zhao They're all in white and yellow. Lots of folks are waiting for you with signature pens in hands, tears spilling all over.


  • 此外最近研究表明,平时一些喜欢拿笔或者邮票行为导致未来更大犯罪

    Furthermore, a recent study has shown that taking small things, such as a pen or a pack of Post-it Notes, could possibly lead to bigger crimes in the future.


  • 获得大量信息关于主题阅读记,其他人交谈问他们问题收集信息。

    Get as much information as you can about the subject, read, take notes, talk to others, ask questions, collect information.


  • 虽然看起来小事,但仍然偷窃而且如果麻烦大了。

    Although it may seem small to take pens and pencils, it is still stealing and you could get in real trouble if you are caught.


  • 目前我们还不能屏幕上涂画,即便可以,现在的触摸屏技术不如那样精准简单

    There no way to just pick up a pen and draw on the screen. Well… in some cases there is, but I’ve not seen touch screen technology yet that’s as accurate or simple as a pen on paper.


  • 左手托腮,右手像是脑浆一层地过滤一样,我多么希望答案跃然纸上啊!

    I left Tuosai, looked at his right hand a pen head, as if my brains filter layer by layer, like, I wish the answer fleshed ah!


  • 数字油画我们自己绘制,又可以绘制过程中收获逐渐成功喜悦带来美好的艺术享受

    Number painting provides a good chance of practice, which brings fantastic accomplishment and enjoyment, meanwhile the sketch of a gradual completion could bring great pride and fulfillment.


  • 不是买卖赚来的,呢,也乐得不用地方纳税了,“陌生人叹了口气说,一面墨来。”

    "It's no bargain you're getting and I am glad not to have to pay more taxes on the place, " sighed the possessor of an "ace full, " as he called for pen and ink.


  • 一名口译员接受《北京日报》采访时表示,像乔菲那样闭上眼睛、手里拿笔进行同声传译可能的。

    An interpreter told Beijing Daily that it's unlikely Qiao is able to do simultaneous interpreting with her eyes closed and no pen in her hand.


  • 想起从前上学的日子,90分钟写作考试把手都握得了,不知道这些习惯孩子到时是怎样熬过去的。

    I think back to my own school days, of aching fingers and 90-minute essay exams, and wonder how on earth these children manage when they are not used to holding a pen.


  • 不论锄头或者推车的或者管帐的、挖水沟的或者位编辑、摇拍卖的或者些好笑的,你都得去任务。

    Whether you handle a pick or a pen, a wheel-barrow or a set of books, digging ditches or editing a paper, ringing an auction bell or writing funny things, you must work.


  • 女孩很多层次表现都高于男孩78%女孩出让人读得懂书信与之相比,只有62%的男孩可以做到。

    Girls outperform boys at most levels with 78% of girls able to hold a pencil and write recognisable letters, compared with 62% of boys.


  • 女孩很多层次表现都高于男孩78%女孩出让人读得懂书信与之相比,只有62%的男孩可以做到。

    Girls outperform boys at most levels with 78% of girls able to hold a pencil and write recognisable letters, compared with 62% of boys.


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