• 还可以拍摄区域内违反交通规则的人的照片。

    It can also take pictures of the people who are against the traffic rules in the area.


  • 哈勃最近拍摄照片只是星系最大规模可见恒星诞生区域-船底座-之中一小部分

    This new Hubble photo is but a small portion of one of the largest seen star-birth regions in the galaxy, the Carina Nebula.


  • 大图拍摄广阔一些区域也是以最高分辨率显示张图片

    The large image shows a slightly broader area. It is also this highest-resolution version of the image.


  • 据悉,日本将派出无人驾驶遥控直升机飞越福岛第一核电站4个反应堆上空,拍摄工作人员无法进入辐射非安全区域受损状况。

    An unmanned drone helicopter is scheduled to fly over 4 reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi plant to video the extent of damage in areas where workers are unable to safely enter due to high radiation.


  • 视野深度很多微小水珠拍摄关键中心区域清晰外缘平滑模糊。

    Depth of field is a key aspect of many droplet shots, with a clear central area and a hazy smooth outer edge to the shot.


  • NASA架大型天文台——哈勃太空望远镜、斯皮策太空望远镜钱德拉X射线天文台近日联合拍摄了一张银河中心区域大型复合照片

    A giant composite image of the Milky Way's center has been taken by NASA's three Great Observatories - the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes and the Chandra X-ray Observatory.


  • 哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的图片展现了位于麦哲伦星云的星团NGC346星云片跨越200光年恒星形成区域

    Found among the Small Magellanic Cloud's clusters and nebulae NGC 346 is a star-forming region about 200 light-years across, pictured above by the Hubble Space Telescope.


  • 北卡罗来纳州夏洛特梅克伦堡县公共图书馆(Public Libraryof Charlotte and Mecklenburg County)一个多媒体区域小孩子可以拍摄影片录制音乐

    The Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, in North Carolina, has a multimedia space where kids shoot videos and record music.


  • 周二9:30分飞过区域美国地质调查卫星拍摄下的,位于曼哈顿下城世贸双塔中滚滚而出的浓烟

    Smoke billows from the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan in thisimage taken by a U.S. Geological Survey satellite that flew over theregion at about 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 2001.(AP


  • 镜头多次出现即使完照大多数离开了区域了,她还依然停留原地继续拍摄

    She appears in many photos of the scene. Even after the shooting when most people had fled the area, she remained in place and continued to film.


  • 图片过去十年间美国间谍卫星拍摄的,它们证实了,最近几年,大面积高纬度区域夏天失去冰层覆盖

    The photographs, taken by spy satellites over the past decade, confirm that in recent years vast areas in high latitudes have lost their ice cover in summer months.


  • 特别是过去十几年间用先进科技拍摄大脑活动快照已经证明单个功能发生特定的区域

    In the past decade especially, advanced technologies for capturing a snapshot of the brain in action have confirmed that discrete functions occur in specific locations.


  • 相机取景器观看拍摄对象考虑拍摄对象周围区域环境。

    When you look through the camera viewfinder, force yourself to study the area surrounding your subject.


  • STEREO拍摄视频记录了包括此次爆发一系列观察过程,显示幅照片拍摄后不久这个区域就发生了一小型日冕物质抛射(CME)。

    A video showing a sequence of STEREO observations, including this one, reveals that a small coronal mass ejection (CME) burst from this region a short time after this image was taken.


  • 分析也将另外两个因素考虑在内照片数量,另一个是特定区域拍摄的人数。

    The analysis takes into account how many photos and by how many authors there are in a given area.


  • 借助于先进的观测成像设备,“哈勃拍摄中部恒星非常靠近区域出现的图案波纹,而这些都地面上无法观测到的。

    Hubble's sharp view is able to resolve patterns and ripples in the nebula very close to the central star that is not visible from the ground.


  • 2008年106号飞越中的信使号”用窄镜头明亮呈放射状柯伊伯陨石坑,“水手10号”阳光斜射拍摄区域

    During the October 6, 2008 flyby of Mercury, MESSENGER's NAC captured a new view of the bright, radial ejecta rays of Kuiper crater that were previously imaged by Mariner 10 at a lower Sun Angle.


  • 拍摄肖像(垂直画面)要聚焦特定区域拍摄风景(水平画面)创造一个宽阔景象以包含更多元素——这样拍摄通常最好的选择。

    It's often best to shoot portrait (vertical) when focusing on a specific area and landscape (horizontal) to create a wide image incorporating more elements.


  • WISE最早期拍摄的照片,也是望远镜小组发布一张照片,照片所俘获的这片船底座(constellation Carina)区域大约包含了3000颗恒星

    This is WISE's baby photo, the very first image ever released by the telescope team. It captures a region of about 3,000 stars in the constellation Carina.


  • WISE最早期拍摄的照片,也是望远镜小组发布一张照片,照片所俘获的这片船底座(constellation Carina)区域大约包含了3000颗恒星

    This is WISE's baby photo, the very first image ever released by the telescope team. It captures a region of about 3, 000 stars in the constellation Carina.


  • 广角拍摄中,有时候阳光使局部区域过曝这也是需要的。

    In wide-angle photography, sometimes the sun will create areas that are burnt out, but still desirable.


  • 一个巨大日珥太阳西南区域爆发全景照片NASA太阳动力学观测卫星2010年11月17拍摄

    A huge solar filament snakes around the southwestern horizon of the sun in this full disk photo taken by NASA's solar Dynamics Observatory on Nov. 17, 2010.


  • 这里显示勒拿河三角洲,是美国地球资源卫星7号2000年拍摄彩色图片覆盖了拉普捷夫Laptev Sea)超过一万一千平方英里区域

    The Lena’s delta, shown here in a false-color image taken by the Landsat 7 satellite in 2000, covers more than 11,000 square miles on the Laptev Sea.


  • 两日来,搜索区域主要集中片海域,这些图片就是搜索海域附近拍摄到的。

    The imagery is in the vicinity of the search area defined and searched in the past two days.


  • 研究人员30的时间里考察区域甚至出动了无人机天上拍摄照片

    Researchers are spending 30 days living on a boat in the area, and have even taken a drone to capture images from the sky.


  • 我们经常问及一些关于将目光集中哪里这种细节问题,这样带有滤光片相机目标区域拍摄

    We are often asked for specifics on the exact spot to focus on, as then a camera with filters can have a target zone.


  • 这种做法违反了谷歌公司原则拍摄私人道路公众通常不被获准进入区域设施

    This kind of practice violated the principle of cereal song company, the area that does not film private road and public are not entered permissibly normally namely and establishment.


  • 定位拍摄头部去除可能出现的反光必须注意拍摄达到手册上列出面部区域面部居中准则

    Even so, care should be taken to meet the required facial area and face centering guidelines outlined in this brochure when positioning the subject's head to remove the potential glare.


  • 定位拍摄头部去除可能出现的反光必须注意拍摄达到手册上列出面部区域面部居中准则

    Even so, care should be taken to meet the required facial area and face centering guidelines outlined in this brochure when positioning the subject's head to remove the potential glare.


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