• 删除,不你,就是看看怎样那个心情

    I do not delete you, do not pull the black you, just to see how you for that person to write mood.


  • 很多拉黑俱乐部表示自己并不知情坚持得分并不影响自己日常运营。

    Many of the blacklisted clubs claimed to be unaware of their ratings and insisted that the score does not affect their day-to-day business operations.


  • 有时候腾讯就是那么给面子已经分手还要半路冲出个验证

    Sometimes tencent is so not to lose face, want to have split up, and he pulled out a black halfway verification code.


  • 任何发布在这里视频或者图片,如果克里斯汀娜不利的话,都被删除,发布者将拉黑

    'Any video or pictures posted here that is not appropriate for Kristina's age will be deleted and whoever posted it will be blocked.'


  • 国家旅游局称,被游客不文明行为包括争吵打闹扰乱治安雕像偷盗景点财物

    According to the China National Tourism Administration, the blacklisted travelers' bad behavior included quarrelling, fighting, disturbing the peace, climbing on statues and stealing scenic assets.


  • 周露做了1608个好友,也知道朋友看看谁把她删了,顺带可以清理一下内存

    Zhou Lu has done three years of micro business, she has 1608 friends, circle of friends who want to know her to pull the black, to see who she deleted, I can also clean up the memory.


  • 照片拍摄南非洲德肯斯山脉一个隐藏处,拍摄到了豺狼濒临灭绝秃鹫之间互动时刻的照片。

    Photographing from a hide in the Drakensberg mountain range in South-Africa, I captured this moment of interaction between a black-backed jackal and an endangered cape vulture.


  • 昂贵绿相间椅子上了下来观赏桌子那些名贵鲜花

    Kiah and Rilla sat down on the expensive green and black chairs and looked at the expensive flowers on the tables.


  • 1940年,克莱·尔,面临生命悲惨的事情

    In 1940, Clara Hale faced the most tragic thing in her life.


  • 西纳特可尝尝扁豆蒸粗麦粉蔬菜菠萝片配开心果香椰冰淇淋

    At Sinatra, try the black lentil salad, couscous with poached veggies, pineapple carpaccio with pistachios and coconut ice cream.


  • 龙争夺食物的是,肯斯堡的主要掠食者,像猎豹,野猫山猫

    Competing with dragons for food are Drakensberg's main predators, including leopards, black-backed jackals, caracals and servals.


  • 本周五查尔斯王子南非旅行期间参观了禁猎区,见证拯救濒危物种犀牛开拓性努力

    Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall, on tour in South Africa, visited a game reserve on Friday to witness its pioneering efforts to save endangered black rhinos.


  • 第一清早,天时候的马利亚来到坟墓那里,看见石头坟墓挪开了

    The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre.


  • 匹兹堡美国宾夕法尼亚州西南部城市此阿尔勒格尼莫农格河的交汇形成俄亥俄

    Pittsburgh: A city of southwest Pennsylvania at the point where the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers forms the Ohio River.


  • •阿莱姆和嘉•阿莱姆个是艺术家,一个是作家,她们的布展是一个题为拱门”的大型雕塑

    Shadia and Raja Alem, an artist and a writer, have installed a large-scale sculpture entitled "The Black Arch".


  • 里走马上任前,人们曾电视新闻看到伦敦中部首相府邸门外只老鼠蹿来蹿去。

    Larry's appointment comes after a rat was spotted in two television news bulletins scurrying around outside the black door of the prime minister's residence in central London.


  • 不管用了“ 5千万”种不同发形-假发,染的棕直发-改进脸型避免那些小报记者注意她“与生俱来”有些许暇疵的

    Nor could "50 million" different hairstyles-black wigs, blonde dyes, hair extensions-do much to improve the face that stared at her out of the tabloids. It was "just the way I was born".


  • 虽然雅各布森模型自己的实验结果仍有很大确定性,但·纳坦不会排除全球变暖第二大因素。”

    While the uncertainty in the results from Jacobson's model and his own experiments is large, Ramanathan said he "wouldn't rule out that black carbon is the second-largest global warmer."


  • 2002年5月,美国公民荷西·芝加哥机场拘捕。

    IN MAY 2002 jose Padilla, an American citizen, was arrested at Chicago's o 'hare airport.


  • 视频前景自己身边坐着的是一个身材消瘦,留着男性,CIA的反恐专家们立即就辨认出这个人。

    In the foreground was Balawi himself. Seated near him was a slim, dark-bearded man whose face was instantly recognized by the agency's counterterrorism experts.


  • 这个总部德国根奥制造商6月28日经营业务德国大陆集团大部分股份移至一家新的控股公司以便更容易获得境外投资者

    The Herzogenaurach, Germany-based manufacturer put its operating business and most of the Continental shares in a new holding company on June 28 to allow easier access for outside investors.


  • 他们HBGary忍者包括名16岁的女孩(Kayla)。

    They said the "ninja team" that hacked HBGary included a 16-year-old girl named Kayla.


  • 七日第一清早,天时候的马利亚来到坟墓那里,看见石头坟墓挪开了

    1early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance.


  • 11海瑞温斯顿Hope钻石发布会上,哈利·贝瑞展示了一系列珠宝其中包括一对17耳环枚10克钻戒,这与引人瞩目相得益彰

    The jewels, which included 17-carat earrings and a 10-carat ring, perfectly complemented her striking black column dress at a November Harry Winston event to unveil the Hope Diamond.


  • 与此同时军团准备接下来赛季加强他们阵容,米尼赞布罗塔的加盟仅仅是其中的一部分。

    Meanwhile, the Rossoneri are still planning to reinforce their team for the coming season and the captures of Mathieu Flamini and Gianluca Zambrotta will not be the only ones.


  • 可能平时不会领带参加高管会议绝对是鸡尾酒高级晚宴的好伴侣,系它,一种高大上的感觉油然而生。

    While you might not wear them to executive meetings on a regular basis, wearing black ties to a cocktail party or even an upscale dinner gives off a sophisticated vibe, said Zyla.


  • 美国蒙大纳州·特印第安人居留地的动物为了鹿麋鹿美洲动物通过

    Animals' Bridge lies on the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana, and was designed to be used by bears, deer, elk, mountain lions, and others.


  • 美国蒙大纳州·特印第安人居留地的动物为了鹿麋鹿美洲动物通过

    Animals' Bridge lies on the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana, and was designed to be used by bears, deer, elk, mountain lions, and others.


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