• 拉格尔先生正向本国海地之间驻守不严的边界部署更多士兵

    Mr Balaguer is deploying more soldiers along his country's porous border with Haiti.


  • 拉格尔博士生导师·哈默·拉格的这项研究去年发表当前旅游业问题》上。

    Gallagher and his doctoral advisor Neil Hammerschlag published the study last year in Current Issues in Tourism.


  • 泰国北部清迈动物园兽医坎尼卡·尼姆特拉格尔说:“雄性大熊猫创创目前的体重已达到150公斤的‘小媳妇’林惠只有115公斤。”

    Chuang Chuang weighs 150 kilos (330 pounds), while his partner Lin Hui is a lithe 115 kilos (253 pounds), said Kannika Nimtragol, a veterinarian at the Chiang Mai zoo in northern Thailand.


  • 欧洲工艺行会1560年1760年间的训练必要的,对于这一观点历史学家拉赫·奥格维提出了质疑

    Historian Sheilagh Ogilvie challenges the view that training by European craft guilds from 1560 to 1760 was necessary.


  • 这儿早春的草木露出了绿芽;在这儿,加伊告别了拉普兰女人

    Here the first vegetation peeped forth; here Kay and Gerda took leave of the Lapland woman.


  • 就像前辈佐拉·尼·赫斯顿格温德林·布鲁克斯一样把小说的重点放在普通黑人女性黑人社区背景下寻找身份

    Like her immediate predecessors, Zora Neale Hurston and Gwendolyn Brooks, she focused her novel on an ordinary Black woman's search for identity within the context of a Black community.


  • 已经淘汰的拉格斯代无法听到观众掌声

    Ragsdale, having been knocked cold, was unable to hear the crowd's applause.


  • 到那时我们承受痛苦还是采取饮鸩止渴办法提升欧洲央行美联储资产负债表,”拉格·问道

    "Then do we take the pain, or do we go with the nuclear option of increasing the balance sheets of the ECB and the Fed," Laggner asks.


  • 儿子拉胡最近这次胜利中扮演了重要角色广泛认为正在崛起并最终取代辛格

    Her son, Rahul - who played an important role in her most recent victory - is widely seen as being groomed to replace Singh.


  • 施特丹补充印度巴基斯坦上次在格发生冲突中国曾经24试图控制斗拉特别奥基地,印度这个问题认识较

    Adding that China made 24 attempts to take hold of the Dalulatbeg air base during the last India-Pakistan conflict in Kargil, Stobdan says India has awakened late to the problem.


  • 不过罗利市北卡罗莱纳州大学工程学教授拉里·西弗伯格认为如果圣诞老人已经学会时空冲浪的话,或许还是得担心这一点。

    Or perhaps he does, if he has learned to surf the waves of space-time, believes Larry Silverberg, an engineering professor at North Carolina State University in Raleigh.


  • 研究犹太人对于的解析则阿莫利、阿姆·拉姆以及洛温格的著作,近期则可参考心理分析说。

    The interpretation of dreams among the Jews has been studied by Amoli, Amram, and Lowinger, and recently, with reference to the psycho - analytic standpoint, by Lauer.


  • 格雷琴威肯会面,准备出售拉”。威肯告诉他们,“锡拉”零件不见了,不是完整的。

    Gretchen and Agent Self meet with Vikan to sell Scylla. Vikan informs them that a piece of Scylla is missing.


  • 鉴于艾伦.拉姆塞杰克.潜力,温格考虑萨米.纳斯里离开阿森纳

    The potential of Aaron Ramsey and Jack Wilshere gave Arsène Wenger the confidence to let Samir Nasri leave Arsenal.


  • 命令格雷琴快点帮卖出拉”,他必须今晚上飞机出国

    Self orders Gretchen to sell Scylla and have him on a plane by the end of the day.


  • 《拉文格罗》(或者吉卜赛男人》)一书中个无可救药患有失眠症,他发现华斯的一诗集惟一有效的催眠剂,只不过是伯罗的恶作剧而已。

    In Lavengro (or is it Romany Rye?) there is an impossible character, a victim of insomnia, who finds that a volume of Wordsworth's poems is the only sure soporific; but that was Borrow s malice.


  • 分析师杰伊·科普、尼·麦克劳德纳伦德拉·辛格创造富豪统治这个术语

    The analysts, Ajay Kapur, Niall Macleod, and Narendra Singh, had coined a term for this state of affairs: plutonomy.


  • 行动援助”机构·威拉·格罗减免穷国债务行动结束后,援助不足显现出来。说,捐助国常常过分夸大援助额度。

    Elvira Groll of Action aid says the shortfall was revealed after the end of debt relief which she says donor countries used to highly inflate aid figures.


  • 匹兹堡美国宾夕法尼亚州西南部城市此阿勒格尼莫农格黑拉河的交汇形成俄亥俄

    Pittsburgh: A city of southwest Pennsylvania at the point where the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers forms the Ohio River.


  • 美国 建筑业亿万富翁希拉·约翰逊参与设计自己办公桌。 办公桌安放在位于米博格附近341英亩大农场的办公室内。

    Sheila Johnson, chief executive of Salamander Hospitality, helped design the desk at her 341-acre farm near Middleburg, where her company is building a resort and spa.


  • 1986年2002年,舒特拉格两人从斯维方舟到阿帮峦溪流一带带回了一桶桶现在他们每年要返回那里监测结果如何。

    From 1986 to 2002, Shute and Rakes toted bucketfuls of fish from theKnoxville ark to Abrams Creek; now they return each year to monitor theresults.


  • 与其说科夫科学城帕罗·奥图相似,还不如说它和苏联拉格体制下封闭研究中心更像。

    Mr Surkov's science town has less in common with Palo Alto than with the closed Soviet research towns that mostly grew out of the gulag system.


  • 拉格啤酒传统啤酒之间区别在于使用不同酵母

    The difference between lagers and more traditional ales lies in the yeast.


  • 北约(北大西洋公约组织)举行斯特拉斯堡峰会上丹麦首相安诺斯·福格·拉斯穆森一任北约秘书长。

    AT the NATO summit in Strasbourg and Kehl, Denmark's prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, was chosen as the alliance's next secretary-general.


  • 卡斯·奇拥有决定迈格·拉希是否移交释放最终决定权。他上周探视了被监禁格拉斯哥附近的格林·诺克监狱的迈格·拉希。

    MacAskill, who has the final say over whether Megrahi should be transferred or released, visited the Libyan last week in Greenock prison, near Glasgow.


  • 具有讽刺意味的是巴萨现在的主教练瓜迪奥拉位列曼联队中的教练人选之一,一起还有英格兰国家队的教练法比奥·卡佩罗、胡斯希丁克、马丁·奥尼阿瑟纳·温格

    Ironically Barca boss Pep Guardiola is one of those who will be on United's radar along with the likes of England boss Fabio Capello, Guus Hiddink, Martin o 'neill and Arsene Wenger.


  • 麦卡锡三种选择释放(依照苏格兰1993年通过法律),引渡或者麦格·拉希格里·诺克监狱度过自己余生

    Mr MacAskill, had three options: release (as sanctioned by a Scottish law of 1993); transfer; or keep Mr Megrahi in Greenock prison for his few remaining days.


  • 这时出现了家伙(可不是瞎编的哦),他们名字分别沃拉·迪伊格,都是加斯的俄罗斯杜苏雷马戏团的成员。

    Two guys appeared, and (I'm not making this up) their names were Vladimir and Igor, and they were Russian Cirque du Soleil performers from Vegas.


  • 这时出现了家伙(可不是瞎编的哦),他们名字分别沃拉·迪伊格,都是加斯的俄罗斯杜苏雷马戏团的成员。

    Two guys appeared, and (I'm not making this up) their names were Vladimir and Igor, and they were Russian Cirque du Soleil performers from Vegas.


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