• 摘录荧屏上移拉塞特转向

    After the quote was removed from the screen, Russert turned to me.


  • 马里尼日尔边境450公里其余地区。塔曼·拉塞特市。

    Remaining area within 450 KMS of borders with Mali and Niger.


  • 这种感觉,约翰·拉塞院子非常也许我们在那里散散步

    I also feel the same way. John Lasseter's yard is so large. Maybe we'll walk there.


  • 这件可能延续一个十年期内——也就是托马斯-拉塞特4个孩子法律学院毕业,代替承担战斗责任的时候。

    This story has the potential to drag on well into the next decade -- when for $1.5 million, all of Thomas-Rasset's four kids could finish law school and take up the fight on her behalf. .


  • 要向安德鲁·斯坦顿吉米·莫里斯、约翰·、本·以及皮克斯所有富有创造力的工作人员致以真诚的敬意期待他们未来的作品。

    My most sincere compliments to Andrew Stanton, Jim Morris, John Lasseter, Ben Burtt, and all the creative forces at Pixar. Can't wait to see what the future brings...


  • 1995年,拉塞特执导一部长篇电脑动画电影——《玩具总动员》,此外还执导了《玩具总动员2》《虫虫总动员》以及汽车总动员》。

    Lasseter directed 1995's "Toy Story," the first feature-length computer-animated movie, and "Toy Story 2," along with "a Bug's Life" and "Cars."


  • 林·布尔指出7万至3.5万年前尼安德人中,沙普勒-奥克斯圣徒个体的大脑半球大于右半球。

    Among Neanderthalers of 70,000–35,000 years ago, Marcellin Boule noted that the La Chapelle-aux-Saints individual had a left hemisphere slightly bigger than the right.


  • 我们所扮演一些夫妻我们现在富有,还拥有蹦床以及犹他州姻亲,“塞特基安。”

    "Some of our fake marriages had a lot more money than we have now, and a trampoline, and in-laws in Utah," Setrakian said.


  • 沿着门厅往前控制室,里面台电脑显示器扎加、·基安他们研究团队这里观察他们的测试题目

    Down the hall was the control room, with several computer screens on which Gonzaga and Setrakian and their team of researchers observe their test subjects.


  • 作为该片执行制片人,蒂代表辛纳遗产授权斯科影片中使用父亲所有著名歌曲,因此她的意见有着巨大的影响力

    As the executive producer who has granted permission on behalf of the Sinatra estate for Scorsese to use all of her father's famous songs, it is Tina's opinion that could hold sway.


  • 他们居住塞特湾沿岸地区,也就是现今沃里克金斯区域居住片区域的大批土著部落最大的一支。

    They inhabited the area along Narragansett Bay from present-day Warwick to South Kingstown and were the largest of a number of native tribes living in the area.


  • 夫人计划本书来记述一家共度那段时光。 这本书计划于明年二月出版发行。

    Mrs Traxel plans to write a book about her time with the Chiracs, which is due for publication next February.


  • 帕诺亚格其他部落欧洲持续领土扩张进行抵抗1675年,殖民者们之前保持中立的纳塞特发起进攻

    The Wampanoag and other tribes made a stand against the Europeans' continuing territorial expansion, and in December 1675 the settlers launched an attack on the previously neutral Narragansetts.


  • 贡扎加和蔼费城人,把介绍同事海瑟·塞特基安,参与这项研究。

    Gonzaga, an affable Philadelphian, introduced me to one of his colleagues, Heather Setrakian, who was running the study.


  • 对于他自己来说威廉姆斯学会了阿尔冈琴代表罗德其他殖民地塞特和其他部落进行协调而建立了声望。

    For his part, Williams learned the Algonquian language and became renowned for his role as a peacemaker with the Narragansett and other tribes on behalf of Rhode Island and other colonies.


  • 基安是临床心理学硕士,也是这项目的协调人

    Setrakian, who had a master's in clinical psychology, was the project co? Rdinator.


  • 古希腊地理学家斯波曾公元前25年到过埃及。 他提到马格纳城所举行有可能是祭祀西斯盛大的公众庆典

    The geographer Strabo, who was in Egypt in 25 B.C., mentioned that Taposiris staged a great public festival, most likely in honor of the god Osiris.


  • 新型市场中的人才为何女性求胜的关键?”针对这一问题维利亚•休利丽珀•施德指出,新兴市场中的女企业家们其实面临着重重障碍

    In "Winning the War for Talent in emerging markets: Why women are the Solution", Sylvia Ann Hewlett and Ripa Rashid point out that businesswomen face steep obstacles in emerging markets.


  • 火山观测站报告指出,一些大约1549英尺的火山碎屑,奔流到了的海里。

    The Montserrat Volcano Observatory reported that some flows, about 15 meters (49 feet) thick, reached the sea at Trant’s Bay.


  • 任命巴西著名球员贝利作为世界杯官方名誉大使试图以此“冻结的权力。

    Ms Rousseff has appointed pele, Brazil's most famous footballer, as the government's honorary World Cup ambassador and is trying to freeze Mr Teixeira out.


  • 一个有爱心,”克·夫人《巴黎人》记者说,并形容一家住在一起的日子就神仙故事那样美好。

    "He's a man of heart," Mrs Traxel told le Parisien newspaper, describing her time with the Chirac family as "a fairy tale".


  • 下图维斯和摇摆电视机:“出租车司机”(马丁·斯科,1976)。

    Below: the tension of Travis Bickle, keeping his television perpetually balanced on the edge of smashing to the floor: "Taxi Driver" (Martin Scorsese, 1976).


  • 路易斯安那大学分校天文学家约翰·马泰丹尼尔·迈尔曾多次发表声明表示,基于周期彗星运行轨道的不规则性,他们发现了天体存在证据

    Astronomers John Matese and Daniel Whitmire of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette repeatedly claimed to have evidence of its existence based on irregularities among long-period comets.


  • 调查是什么原因导致这场灾难的过程中,调查人员将焦点放在名利比亚,即阿卜杜·巴塞特·阿里·格·阿明·哈里法·费希迈的身上。

    During the inquiry into what caused the disaster, investigators focused on two Libyan agents, Abdel Basset ali al-Megrahi and Lamin Khalifah Fhimah.


  • 其中名嫌疑人,阿卜杜·巴塞特·阿里·迈格·希被有罪。

    One of them, Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, was found guilty.


  • 考古证据显示印第安所在地区三万多年以前就成为殖民地得岛

    Archaeological evidence places Narragansett peoples in the region that later became the colony and state of Rhode Island more than 30, 000 years ago.


  • 考古证据显示印第安所在地区三万多年以前就成为殖民地得岛

    Archaeological evidence places Narragansett peoples in the region that later became the colony and state of Rhode Island more than 30, 000 years ago.


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